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How to cancel the vote in the poll "VC". A few simple ways

"How to cancel the vote in the VC poll?" - this question is usually of interest to those users who mistakenly indicated the wrong answer or simply decided not to vote. After reading this article, you will become acquainted with several ways to solve this problem, but first it is recommended to find out why surveys are needed at all.

Why is your opinion important?

Almost every person took part in any surveys - on the streets of the city or on the Internet. Often, they are carried out when, for example, the company wants to know the preferences of potential customers, because before you put in a mass production of a product, you need to conduct marketing research.

If you are blogging or owning a site, sometimes you need to conduct various surveys to keep the audience. With their help you can find out what interests the visitors of your resource, what information they would like to receive.

How to cancel the vote in the poll "VK", using special sites

So, if you want to vote in a poll or if you change your mind about taking part in it, and do not want your voice to be taken into account, then one of the sites that will be discussed later will help to correct the situation.

Immediately it is worth saying that you will need to get a special survey code. To do this, open the voting in which you participate and click on the "Get code" link. A window will appear, from which you can copy it.

Now go to and scroll down the web page. You will see the area where you need to insert the code and click "Re-vote". After the done actions your voice will not be taken into account, more precisely, it will simply be canceled.

In addition to the above site, there is another resource called "JS Bin". After opening it, insert the poll code in the appropriate field and click the button on the right "Run with JS". The final stage is the cancellation of the voice or a new variant of the answer.

Now you know how to re-vote in the "VKontakte" poll, so if you make a mistake, you can correct the situation.

Use of social network application "VKontakte"

You learned about special sites that allow you to re-participate in the survey. However, not only they can help you solve a problem. In fact, if you do not know how to cancel the voice in the "VK" poll, remember that you can do it using an application that can be found on the server of the social network "VKontakte".

Open your page and refer to the "Applications" section by selecting it in the menu on the left. In the search box, write the word "Re-vote", and then click the "Launch Application" button. Further actions will be understood even by an inexperienced user, so there is no point in focusing on them.


So, now that you know how to cancel the voice in the "VK" poll. You have the opportunity to re-vote in case you accidentally specify an option that does not match your opinion.

As for special websites, remember that there are scams in the network, so use only proven resources and never specify your login and password from the "VKontakte" account or e-mail.

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