Health, Diseases and Conditions
It pulls the lower back and the lower abdomen: causes, treatment. Drawing aching pain in the abdomen
For all his life a person has to face more than one time with varying intensity of pain. As for the pains in the lower segment of the abdomen and the lower back, it often affects women of reproductive age. Despite this, such a disease can visit a man. It is necessary to understand as much as possible why a person pulls the lower back and the lower abdomen.
It is almost impossible to determine the cause of pathology independently. That is why, if the loin hurts badly, pulls the lower abdomen, and there are additional complaints, it is necessary to contact the medical institution as soon as possible. There you will be examined, a series of tests and a correct diagnosis. Depending on the reason why the loin hurts, the lower abdomen pulls, the treatment will be prescribed and recommendations given.
Causes of unpleasant sensations
Consider the most common diseases, the symptom of which can be discomfort in the lower abdomen and back.
Premenstrual syndrome
One of the main reasons why there is pain in women in the lower abdomen (lower back) is the condition before the menstrual period. The female cycle directly depends on the level of hormones produced. When at the end of one cycle the amount of substance begins to change, there may be tension in the mammary glands and frequent changes in mood. In addition, the uterine muscle strains. Thus, it is preparing for a reduction, during which peeling and ejection of the endometrium occurs.
In most cases, this reason, which pulls the lower back, the lower abdomen and the mood changes, does not require any treatment. Quite often representatives of the fair sex with their own forces cope with premenstrual syndrome. If such a state strongly interferes with a woman and does not allow her to lead a habitual way of life, then it is possible to use antispasmodics, for example: tablets "No-Shpa", suppositories "Papaverin", preparation "Solpadein" and others.
Sometimes a doctor can prescribe hormonal medication that eliminates premenstrual syndrome and normalizes the female cycle. Such means include: tablets "Dyufaston", contraceptives "Zhanin", pills "Novinet" and other drugs.
Inflammatory process or infection of the genitourinary system
If a woman experiences painful, aching abdominal pain for a long time, an inflammatory process may develop. Quite often such a picture can give diseases that can be obtained through sexual contact: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others.
Also, if the week pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, at the same time you experience pain when urinating and an admixture of blood in the urine, then, most likely, inflammation develops.
At such symptoms it is necessary to address to the doctor as soon as possible. It should be noted that these pathologies are more likely to affect women, but the male sex is also immune from the development of such a disease.
If inflammation and infection are detected, the treatment should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk to earn irreparable complications.
Treatment of infections resulting from sexual contact, or inflammation of the urinary tract is corrected by antibiotics. The doctor can prescribe the following medicines: "Vilprofen", "Metronidazole", "Naxojin" and others.
When inflammation of the bladder is additionally recommended to use diuretics, for example: "Kidney tea." After carrying out antibacterial therapy, courses of reception of useful bacteria are appointed: tablets "Lineks", capsules "Acipol", preparation "Bactisubtil" and so on.
Diseases of the intestine
If you have a low back and abdominal pain (pulls the lower abdomen), then the cause may be improper operation of the intestine. When impaired perelstatiki there are constipation, which is the reason for the occurrence of such feelings.
Also, the inflammation of the appendix can be expressed by such symptoms, but in this case, temperature increase, nausea and weakness are associated.
Another reason why the stomach is drawn and aching can be an inflammatory process in the intestines due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into it. In addition to unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, a person can complain about a rapid stool with mucus or blood inclusions.
If you are pulling your lower back and lower abdomen because of constipation, then you need to take laxatives for treatment: syrup "Dufalac", tablets "Senade". It is also worth reviewing your diet and choosing the appropriate diet.
In the case of detection of an inflammation of the appendix, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, during which the doctor removes the pathologically inflamed process.
If you suspect an inflammation of the intestine, you should consult a doctor to get the right treatment. In most cases, the patient is assigned sorbents: "Smecta" powder, "Activated charcoal" tablets. Also recommend taking a course of antibacterial drugs: pills or injections of "Gentamicin", the drug "Doxycycline." After that, useful bacteria are used to restore the microflora: "Bifidumbakerin" preparation, "Lactobacterin" powder.
Tumor processes
Quite often pulls the lower back and the lower abdomen with various neoplasms.
In men, such symptoms can give a swelling of the prostate or testicles.
Women, however, are more concerned with tumors. They may have cysts on the ovaries of different origin. Also uterine fibroids of large size are manifested by such symptoms. Hormonal neoplasms, for example endometriosis, may also manifest as pain and heaviness in the lower abdominal cavity.
In some cases, the specialist can choose expectant management and monitor the growth of the tumor. However, if a woman complains of pain and discomfort, then correction is necessary.
When this type of pathology is detected, surgical treatment is most often used. During the operation, the doctor excludes the pathological formation within the healthy tissue.
A pregnant woman has a lower abdomen and lower backache: causes and treatment
Quite often, with such complaints to the specialist, future mothers turn. It should be noted that the method of treatment directly depends on the period of pregnancy.
If the wife is in the early stages of pregnancy, then the pain in the lower abdomen and the heaviness in the lower back can talk about the threat of interruption. In this case, an appropriate correction must be made.
Also in the first and second trimester, the expectant mother pulls the lower back and the lower abdomen, but such sensations quickly pass. This stretches the ligaments and increases the uterus. All these phenomena are absolutely normal and do not require medical intervention. However, do not forget to tell about your new feelings to the gynecologist at the next appointment.
When a woman's organism prepares for childbirth and the baby is already full, this condition is a variant of the norm and does not require any treatment.
If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the woman should be prescribed complete rest and bed rest. She is also prescribed prescription preserving drugs, for example: tablets "Dyufaston" or candles "Utrozhestan." In addition, there are prescribed sedatives: tablets "Valerian", drops "Shepherd".
If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back that bother you for a long time or have great strength, you should contact the doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist can correctly identify the cause of the unpleasant condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
Conduct medical correction in a timely manner and listen to the recommendations of a competent specialist. Keep track of your health and do not be ill!
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