News and Society, Culture
How to become a volunteer at the Winter Olympics in Sochi
Before the start of the Olympics there is not much time left. Construction work is finished, the city is being decorated. Athletes are being intensively trained. Artists create special programs. Thousands of fans in different countries are planning their trip to Sochi. And someone is thinking about how to become a volunteer to make their own feasible contribution to this historic event.
How to become a volunteer in Sochi 2014? Anyone can offer their services. People who are engaged in sports and have achieved certain successes in some of its species can count on working directly at the competition site.
Before becoming a volunteer, the applicant must decide in which area he can be most useful. And there are a lot of such directions of work. This includes transportation services (volunteers with driving licenses are required), and medicine, and holding ceremonies, working with the press, interaction with the International Olympic Committee, accreditation, arranging meetings and seeing-offs of guests and participants, food services and many other activities .
Those who wish to participate in the Olympiad as a volunteer must have many necessary personal qualities: to be benevolent and sincere, communicative, be able to arrange themselves, be ready to resolve conflict situations. Health and strength should be enough for the work that a person has chosen for himself. It should be noted that in explanations on how to become a volunteer, there are no restrictions for disabled people. People with physical limitations can choose for themselves the kind of activity that they can do. It does not matter which religious denomination a volunteer belongs to, what are his political preferences, sexual orientation.
There are a number of requirements for those who face the question of how to become a volunteer in Sochi. Of course, this is an excellent knowledge of the language of the host country of the Olympics. The applicant must be immaculately literate, have a good command of written and oral speech. In addition to Russian, you must be fluent in English. If a potential volunteer knows other languages, then he will have advantages in competitive selection.
The age range is wide: Russian citizens (or foreigners who meet the requirements) from eighteen to eighty years old can become volunteers.
Speaking about how to become a volunteer, it should be noted that the competitive selection will be held in stages. He begins with the study of questionnaires filled with applicants. Then the English test is conducted online. At the next stage - a personal interview - it is important to show all your qualities that will be required in the performance of immediate duties. If there are any disputable issues, additional testing is possible.
If all tests are passed safely, the volunteer receives a special booklet in which participation in the Games will be confirmed. All selected lucky beggars will be given a place to stay and food.
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