Education, Secondary education and schools
How relevant is the school newspaper?
As soon as the child goes to primary school, he starts another life. Now she is no longer limited only by the family circle - he will have to master many new roles.
The life of the school is formed not only from lessons and assessments, homework and control. Studying, mastering the new material is certainly the most important part of school life, but perhaps even more significant is the socialization of the child.
Everyone knows that it is not academic success that determines the future fate of the former student, but such qualities as contactness, active life position, mastery of the skills of modern communication.
It would seem, whether it is necessary to apply any special pedagogical methods when life itself will put everything in its place. But the school newspaper and the tradition of its release is not new at all. It has long and reliably serves certain educational purposes. And these goals are several.
- The simplest and most obvious goal is to repeat and work on the material once again. And most often this is not a training material, and so to say "okolucuchenny." The school newspaper is rarely directly linked to the program in different subjects. More often they are devoted to what the child must learn from life itself. "Healthy way of life", "How we love our mothers (before March 8th)", "Victory in the Great War" - these are the topics.
- The very manufacture of the school wall newspaper improves the atmosphere in the team. Communication of children goes beyond assessment, success and failure. And often new features are found in classmates, who have long been known to everyone.
- The school newspaper and its edition take a long time. And it does not depend on the format in which it was published. Previously, a school newspaper was drawn by hand, the columns were marked with paint or felt-tip pens. Now with such homemade things done (it's good or bad - to decide for everyone), and any edition is created using a computer. In any case, the children responsible for the release, taking part in the design and filling of materials, will be busy for a long time and are separated from computer games.
Another 15 to 20 years ago, the issue of wall newspaper was the most common thing. At least several times a year from each class required some school newspaper, the headings of which were strictly defined, to decorate the room. Topics could be different. Someone dedicated issues to holidays, some did humorous publications, and some produced special subject newspapers: mathematical, literary, physical.
Now there is a different trend. In those schools where the school newspaper is being produced, the registration is done on a computer and the publication is not hung on the wall, but is printed as an ordinary newspaper.
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