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Economic use of the Ob river. Description and characteristics of the water flow

The characteristics of the Ob River, given in many books and reference books, make it possible to assert that the source of the watercourse is the place of the confluence of Katun and Biia, which is located in the Altai. Although some hydrologists, based on other data, argue that the water flow begins elsewhere. Its length is 3650 km. If we take into account also the Irtysh (the main tributary of the Ob), then together they are the longest river in the Russian Federation and almost the largest watercourse in Asia (second place). Their length is 5410 km. The mouth is the Kara Sea, at the confluence with which a long bay of 800 km is formed, called "Ob Bay".

a brief description of

The Ob has a couple of bends of the largest sizes, which are formed at the intersection of the Altai Territory. The river is rich in tributaries. They have a meandering channel, sandy stretches and fairly wide valleys. Due to the calm flow of both the tributaries and the current itself, the significance of this reservoir for the state reaches its maximum.

In order to increase the economic use of the Ob River, a dam was built, due to which the flow regime was completely disrupted.


The river Ob feeds on melting snow. Flood in the upper and middle parts of the watercourse begins in April, in the lower part - in May. Due to freeze-up, the water level in the stream increases. After the autopsy, it reaches a critical point and the river comes out of its banks. However, this does not last long.

In summer, often begins low water. In the upper reaches in July, flooding ends, in September - flood. In the remaining parts of the river, due to heavy rains, a high water level can hold out until the freeze-up begins.


At the very beginning of the watercourse the current of the Ob River is constantly changing: the flow then flows north, then it turns south. Due to the fact that it has different power, the nature of the network and the formation of the regime, it divides into three zones: upper, lower and middle.

In order to correctly determine the flow path, a map of the Ob River is needed. It flows through the Altai Territory, as well as its riverbed passes in the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions. Captures the Khanty-Mansiysk District, which flows through several cities. Further, the delta of the watercourse begins, which is located in the Yamal-Nenets district. By washing nearby settlements, the stream expands and flows into the Kara Sea.

The characteristics of the Ob river indicate that in fact it is part of the Katun, namely its continuation. This river is the main artery of the Altai Territory. It is navigable in some areas.

Economic use of the Ob River

In 1961 a dam of the Novosibirsk station was erected on a watercourse. Thanks to it, a reservoir was formed (popularly called the Ob Sea), which is now used for the needs of the population. During the erection of the dam, the villages and part of Berdsk, near the standing city, were subjected to flooding. Now on the created sea tourists and locals rest; On its banks built numerous sanatoria and recreation centers.

In the XIX century, the Ob-Yenisei Canal was formed, which, according to plan, was to unite the Yenisei and the Ob. However, at the moment it is of no importance and completely abandoned.

Ob and its bay Obskaya lip are rich in fish: 50 species live here. Due to the fact that the water stream has a high concentration of hazardous substances and little oxygen, some marine animals die. In addition, due to the pernicious use of the river by man, the reproduction of fish markedly decreased. However, this water flow still remains one of the best places for fishing.

The economic use of the Ob river causes its position. Due to the fact that it ishes a significant part of the Russian Federation, water is used in many areas.

Interesting Facts

On the water flow not so long ago, in 2008, there was a tornado. Since then, an atmospheric vortex is constantly occurring in the river area.

In one of the cities that lies on the banks of the Ob, the unique barn "Mastodon" was built in 1930. Its peculiarity lies in the method of construction: at erection, nails were not used at all. However, it was not possible to preserve this structure until now, it burned down in the early 90s.

The economic use of the Ob river increased after the construction of the metro bridge. This is a special indoor bridge that unites several ports. Its length reaches 2000 m, because of what it is the longest in the world. In winter, due to weather conditions, namely, strong temperature fluctuations, the metro bridge decreases somewhat in size, in summer it increases. In order for this to happen in normal mode, the supports are equipped with rollers, which allow the structure to swing.

The bottom of the watercourse is sandy almost over the entire area. Only sometimes you can stumble upon the ruts and the strand. A similar feature is typical for the Ob area between Barnaul and Biysk. At the time of high water, water reaches a high level and the right bank is submerged. The second period, in which there is a large-scale rise in the water level, falls in June, when glaciers and snow on the mountains are melting. Ice drift begins in November, and by the beginning of spring ice reaches 130 cm in thickness.

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