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How do you know your pedigree? How to compile the family tree of your family?

How can I know the pedigree? Everyone would like to know his family history. However, before you start looking, you need to get the most accurate idea of which documents will carry the greatest information value for us. And also how to structure the received knowledge so that the disparate facts are built first in the biography of a particular person, and then they unite into a holistic picture of the family tree, capable of telling you the history of your family.

Where to begin?

The search for a genealogy, however fascinating you may seem, is not only an opportunity to conduct fascinating investigations, touch the riddles of the past, but also a lot of routine work with the papers. That's why from the very beginning accustom yourself to the order. Clearly systematize all the data you find; The lack of orderliness at the root will ruin your work, negating all efforts.

Store the information found best in special folders with the time and location, as well as the source. We will talk about the most important documents a little later. For now, we need to focus on the preparatory work, which will help you save a lot of time and energy in the future. Try to ensure that documents relating to relatives from the father and mother are in different folders. And for information on each individual person, let him be given a separate envelope. If you are thinking about how to compile the family tree of your family, approaching this issue is as serious as possible.

How to work with documents?

To learn the basics of working with documents is for everyone who thinks about how to know the pedigree. It's best to start your work with references and other papers that contain key information about a person. These include mainly birth and death certificates, prisoners and divorced marriages, education certificates, certificates and military tickets. Having at least this information on your hands, you will be able to identify the key dates of a person's life, thus forming its framework. Pay special attention to the passport data: they open you the possibility of searching data in archives.

After you have collected all the necessary documents, make a brief inventory. Number the envelopes that you have. If you managed to find old, dilapidated photographs and documents, you do not need to restore them. However, if possible, specify all the necessary information on the back of the pencil (in particular, who is pictured in the picture and when it was made). To store documents is best in the expanded form; Paste them into albums is highly undesirable.

Information sources

One of the most extensive sources of information at all times was considered human memories. That is why one should not be surprised that by asking a family literally some questions about their relatives, you will learn about them as much curious information as would not provide the most extensive archive in the world. That's why it's quite logical to start searches, armed with a notebook and pen. And if possible also a dictaphone and a camera. This will allow you not only to collect as much information as possible based on the stories of your loved ones, but also to photograph many curious details - family relics, valuables, etc.

You can find the people you are interested in using the phone book of the city. A wide range of opportunities to search for modern people also provides a worldwide network of Internet (in particular, social networks). An effective way to find a person who is on the military record will also tell you his military ticket. It is enough only to apply to the military registration and enlistment office, having informed the personal data of the person and the city in which he has ever been on the register.

When scheduling an appointment, be sure to notify people about the purpose of your visit, and also warn that you will be taking photos or video. The list of questions is best prepared in advance. And it is very desirable to build them in such a way that it is impossible to answer them monosyllabically. Try to learn as much as possible not only about the ancestors themselves, but also about the house in which they lived, the family traditions that they adhered to. Can your loved ones remember the bright cases, one way or another related to your family? What failed events could somehow affect the course of its history? Pay special attention to the reaction of the interlocutor and then, whether he is willing to share with you the data.

Drawing up of individual cards

So, you already have the first data collected by you. You already understand how to know the lineage - your own or someone else's. Now it's time to organize information. A good way is to compile individual cards. What data should be included in them first?

Sign the card, indicating the name, first name, patronymic, as well as the year and place of birth of the person, the date of his death. For women, there must also be an indication of the maiden name. Then write in the card the data of his parents, godparents and other close relatives. For those who were born before 1917, also indicate the estate to which he belonged. Where did most of your relative's life go, did he change it and, if so, at what time and for what reason? What was his religion? What education did your close person receive and where did he study in different years of his life?

Taking care of how to know your family tree, also indicate the place of work of each of the people, the position and the title. If your relative participated in hostilities, had some awards, medals, orders and insignia, be sure to include this.

Try to find maximum information about the family situation of a person, as well as about his children.

Conceptual apparatus of genealogy

After all the cards have been formed, it's time to ask yourself how to make a family tree. In order to make it easier for you to navigate in this complicated process, master some new expressions for yourself.

The ascending genealogy begins with a certain person on the ascending line from father to grandfather. The descending, on the contrary, begins with the most distant ancestor, after which it sends the person to his descendants. Male genealogy refers exclusively to male representatives in a family, mixed - all its representatives regardless of gender.

Building a family tree

The genealogical tree is one of the most common ways of registering data on the pedigree. If you find out how to know the pedigree, your table will be quite easy to compile. Templates for tree design you can take ready or make yourself. To greatly simplify the task you can special programs to create such tables, which automatically systematize the data immediately after they are entered.

What is a pedigree painting?

Have you thought about how to compile the family tree of your family, and have already made up the family tree? For convenience, you can also briefly retell it verbally, including in the description a little information about each name included in it. A similar way of storing information will be called "pedigree painting".

Verification of results

Asked about how to know the family tree of his family, everyone was probably asking himself and how to check the reliability of the results. In order to verify the truth of the information found, apply the laws of genealogy to your tree. In each of the succeeding generations, the number of people must be doubled. The duration of every three generations must be one hundred years.

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