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Family pedigree. An example of the design of a family tree

"It is important for a man to know his roots"

V. Peskov

If you treat the history of your family superficially and lightly, you can at some point be in an awkward situation and not be able to answer the simple question: "What kind of you will be?" Earlier, genealogical researches with special zeal involved representatives of the highest nobility. This was explained simply - the family tree (a sample of which could be provided to all comers) served as proof of their high origin.

People also easily stored information about their origin. Many peoples who have not yet torn themselves away from the great umbilical cord and preserve the traditions of their people (for example, the Buryats, Mongols, Kazakhs, etc.) are very sensitive to the preservation of information about the genealogy. It was considered shameful not to know your ancestry before the seventh tribe. All the information collected in the pedigree was and remains a source of pride. From a practical point of view, it protected people from unequal marriages and incest.

Recently, to restore the family tree has become fashionable. To help all comers come various computer programs and agencies. In this article we will share how to compile the family tree (sample number 1) on our own, without resorting to the help of professionals. Believe me, only at first this burden seems unbearable - the main thing is to start!

Step One: Collecting Information

At the first stage of creating a family tree, you have to become a meticulous journalist, greedy for any kind of information. Surnames, names and patronymics, dates of birth and death, place of residence, date of marriage, degree of kinship and so on, other, other. Do not dismiss information that you for some reason seems unnecessary now. Believe me, when the whole picture is collected, this puzzle will be missing.

Review your archival documents, ask relatives (especially old people). Work on information gathering can be delayed, especially if your relatives are scattered around the world. Do not neglect the epistolary genre, write letters, collect information in phone conversations, by Skype.

Step two: draw a draft

Already at the stage of collecting information for you, for convenience, it is necessary to outline what was heard and to do the schemes. The figure below shows the "skeleton" of the family tree, a sample of the approximate location of key figures. As you can see, the scheme is simple, women's personalities are indicated in round segments, men's are in square. Family pedigree (sample):

For a rough draft of the family tree, fine writing paper is also suitable , as you need, you simply glue the necessary working area.

It is very important to draw all the personalities that you learned about from the informants. Even those about whom you have almost no data. It's okay, leave an empty circle - the person was, and sooner or later you will find information about him.

Step Three: the tree design

How spread your family tree will be (sample number 3) depends on the amount of information collected. Three or four levels (and this is one century) can easily fit on the standard sheet of Whatman.

A start. To go deeper in earlier times, you will need to turn to archives and libraries. It will be superfluous to contact the namesake.

In this article, we have only superficially demonstrated how to compile the family tree (a sample in a schematic form is also presented). Your family tree can be also three-dimensional, it can be illustrated by the arms of births, portraits of all relatives - all in your power. Family pedigree (sample) is an example of your selfless work that descendants will appreciate.

The continuous intergenerational connection that exists since the beginning of time is the guarantor of the preservation of human memory.

Documentary evidence of this memory is the family tree family - an example of a tremulous attitude towards its roots.

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