HealthHealthy Eating

Hips properties

Rosehip is a vitamin record holder among the plants of our country. In addition to this advantage in the properties of dogrose is its decorative, the possibility of its processing in a home environment, the ease of cultivation and reproduction. The curiosity of the fruits of this plant is that they are rich in ascorbic acid, carotenoids and p-active compounds. The amount of vitamin C in the rosehip exceeds its content in the black currant tenfold, and in apples - a hundred times. Having eaten during the day two or three fetuses of this unique plant, a person provides himself with a daily norm of ascorbic acid. And since the dog rose also contains vitamin P, iron and other biologically active substances, its therapeutic value increases many times. It is not for nothing that doctors consume dog rose with infectious diseases, violations of capillary circulation, anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis. The properties of dogrose as an immunostimulant are used for increased mental and physical exertion, overwork, intoxications, etc.

In addition to vitamins, rosehip is rich in organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, pectins, sugars, carotene and a host of other very valuable micronutrients. Without these components, which are the bricks on which our health is built, it is impossible to fully work the human body. In the dog rose you can find half of the periodic table, with the best part and useful.

Wonderful properties of dog rose are used in traditional and folk medicine. In the course are almost all parts of the plant: branches, roots, flowers, seeds, leaves, fruits. Fresh rose hips are good for preparing decoctions and infusions, vitamin syrups and juices, but also in a dried and marinated form they also do not lose their medicinal properties.

The seeds are squeezed out of oil, which heals skin and dental diseases, and the hips are a universal well of useful microelements and vitamins. The oil of this plant is truly a valuable tool for treating many ailments, because it is rich in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and tocopherols.

You will come across a mention of the fruit of the dog rose on the package of the drug Holosas, in whose composition they enter. This medicine treats cholecystitis, hepatitis and other liver diseases.

Root of dog rose is used in the treatment of dysentery, heart and genitourinary diseases, malaria. The roots of the plant are treated with cholelithiasis and worms are expelled.

The healing properties of dog rose found its application in dermatology. Oil plants, for example, treat eczema, wounds, pressure sores, trophic ulcers, dermatosis, radioactive skin lesions, burns and much more. Oil is effective in the treatment of peptic ulcer.

It is interesting that infusions and decoctions of plants can be taken for a long time without any damage to health. Bactericidal and choleretic properties of dogrose will be strengthened if you cook not a decoction, but an infusion of its fruits. It is prepared simply: 2 tablespoons of berries pour one glass of boiling water and then insist in a closed container (for example, a thermos). Every day 2-3 times before meals, take an infusion of half a glass or a glass. It is also recommended to drink it if the metabolism or thyroid function is disturbed.

The broth is prepared somewhat differently. For its preparation take 100 grams of fruit per liter of water. Dried berries should be crushed in a mortar, after which, removing hairs, pour water and boil for 5 minutes in a closed saucepan. Insists such a decoction for about three hours, then filtered through gauze and drunk a day three times a half glass. If you took whole fruits, then you will have to cook longer - boil for ten minutes, and then insist in a thermos for 3 hours. To make the broth tastier, add a spoonful of honey to it, and if it is not there, then sugar will do.

How useful is the broth of the dogrose? Yes, because it is a natural medicine that cleanses the body of various poisons and anticoagulants. This is a great tool for dealing with bleeding, nephritis, gingivitis, hemophilia, bowel and stomach diseases. This is a sure drug against beriberi and dysbiosis. Anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of dogrose have long been noticed by physicians who are attributed to patients suffering from various diseases, such as infusions and decoctions from the fruits of this wonderful plant, and syrup, oil, medicinal powder and tincture.

The list of diseases in which the help of dogrose to the human body is invaluable is simply endless.

Be friends with nature - and you will not be sick!

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