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Tannins in tea

Tannins are high molecular compounds, derivatives of polyatomic phenols. The components have the ability to precipitate proteins and alkaloids, are endowed with astringent effect.

Tannins are called so because of their properties. They are able to "tan" the skin, make it water resistant. Previously, the oak bark was used for this . The process, in connection with this, began to be called "tanning," and the substances themselves - tannic. Components are low in toxicity.

It should be noted that tannin (tannic acid) was first obtained in 1797. In pure form, it was produced in 1815.

Tannins are widely used as binders, bactericides for diseases of the digestive system. In addition, components are used for inflammatory diseases of the mouth (as rinses), ulcers and other lesions.

The anti-inflammatory activity of tannins is related to their ability to interact with proteins. As a result, a protective film is formed on the mucous membranes, preventing further spread of the inflammation. Effective tannins in local application as hemostatic agents.

Tannins are present in enough tea in tea. Some components, as already mentioned above, have hemostatic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. (Spit welding, for example, is often used for eye diseases). Individual polyphenols (catechins) have properties of P-vitamin. They help improve digestion, strengthen the walls of vessels of different caliber, reducing their permeability. It is worth noting that green tea is a complete set of catechins . In black, these polyphenols are much smaller.

Tannins actively interact with acidic medium and iron. So, for example, when brewing tea in an iron container, you get brown and muddy tea leaves. The acidic medium brightens the tea (this effect can be seen by adding a lemon to it). The more tannins in tea, the more astringent and astringent will be its taste. It is possible to soften its taste by adding milk.

Best of all, tannins dissolve in hot water (so tea is also boiled in boiling water). Cooled tea leaves often become turbid - this is one of the properties of polyphenols. If this does not happen, then this indicates an insufficient amount of tannins in the raw materials. Pomutnevshuyu tea leaves can be heated - then it will again become transparent.

In medicine, the properties of tannins are actively used. It is known that tea polyphenols, for example, are powerful antioxidants. In this regard, they are often used for poisoning. It is due to their properties to form safe compounds with various harmful proteins, acids, alkaloids, metals and then remove them from the body.

In nature, many plants contain tannins. Most of these compounds are in dicots. Tannins are rich in algae, fungi, ferns, mosses. Present tannins and in pine, willow, beech.

Sumy tannins - a representative of the family Sumahovyh - also contains polyphenolic compounds. It should be noted that young shoots and leaves collected before the formation of green fruits represent the greatest value. Decoction of raw materials is prescribed for vomiting, nausea, hemoptysis. Infusions are widely used for inflammation in the mouth, larynx, throat, nose. In addition, tannin from sumac is used for burn diseases, wounds as an astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. The effectiveness of decoctions, tinctures in the initial phase of diabetes mellitus is established.

At the same time powdered dry sumac fruit in the Caucasus is used as an acute seasoning for meat and dishes from it.

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