LawState and Law

Freedom in the activities of people. The concept of "freedom" and activities

Realization of the economic interests of citizens is possible only if there is freedom in the activities of people. This is a prerequisite. However, since the topic is detailed, it is necessary to talk about it, touching on some important nuances.

About concepts

Freedom in the activities of people is, in simple terms, the breadth of economic behavior. It manifests itself in the process of choosing the forms of ownership, as well as the sphere of application of their knowledge, abilities and capabilities. It is also reflected in the ways of income distribution, in the choice of profession, in how exactly people consume material goods.

The constituent parts of economic freedom are the right to create communities (and dissolve, if necessary), private property and entrepreneurial initiative. If all this is really observed (in fact, and not in words), then in society there is a high level of productivity and a minimum number of people in need. As the needs are maximized.

It is also important to note that economic freedom enables people to organize production and distribute profits independently. That is, without the intervention of the authorities, which are usually interested in this. In other words, economic freedom in people's activities is a real democracy.

Private business

Attention should be paid to the notion of business law. Now many organize their business. And these people, in conditions of freedom, have the opportunity to engage in any kind of economic activity. They can join trade unions, choose and change their place of work, participate in strikes, offer any number of services and goods. The only restriction is the law of the state. And still the norms of market competition. There are some restrictions imposed on the business. The activities that the entrepreneur plans to carry out should not be harmful to the environment and to consumers.


This concept contains business law, so it should be noted with separate attention.

Competition is the economic rivalry that various companies lead for the right to receive most of a certain type of resources. There are two of its types. Perfect and imperfect competition.

The first occurs most often. Because perfect competition implies the realization by several manufacturers of such a product, which is quite a standard. Bread, milk, grain, coal - anything. And this "standard" imposes on producers the duty to sell their product at a fixed price. No more, no less. Here, by the way, is an example of the restriction of freedom.

But imperfect competition implies the realization by the manufacturer of a unique product or service. Many consumers - and the "seller" is one. Or a few, but still not enough. Here, certain forms of freedom of economic activity are manifested. After all, the manufacturer has full control over the prices being set. His product is unique, and buyers will buy it even at an inflated price.

Other provisions

The concept of "freedom" of human activity concerns directly. And it is closely, inextricably linked with the word "choice". Well, here are the provisions, based on all this, we can distinguish:

  • An entrepreneur who is the owner of material resources has the right to use them, whatever.
  • Also, he can freely hire workers for employment by some kind of labor.
  • People have the right to engage in activities that they like and benefit from.
  • Everyone can pursue personal interest, carrying out work, but not at the expense of others.

Many other things can be listed. But they all show that every person in the market economy pursues personal interest. Which forms the behavior of all people who realize their free choice - whether it is an ordinary worker or a businessman. And in all cases involving the production of services and goods, the desire to benefit is reflected in the satisfaction of public interest.

Turning to the Constitution

In the main legislative document of the country there is a chapter (under the number "2"), devoted to the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. In it much is registered. And the provisions concerning such a topic as freedom in the activities of people - too.

Article 30, for example, says that all people have the right to association. Everyone can freely create a professional union, which is called upon to protect the interests of citizens. And freedom of activity of associations of a public character is guaranteed.

Article 37 deals directly with activities. Labor is free. The practical activity of a person, his direction and character is chosen by himself. Everyone can dispose of his abilities as he pleases, choosing his own profession and sphere of work independently.

Article 43 refers to educational activities. Everyone has the right to learn. Pre-school, general and secondary vocational education is accessible and free of charge. Higher - also, but you can get it on a competitive basis.


They, too, should be noted with attention. The topic is interesting, because even the notorious educational (it - cognitive) activity is divided into the following categories:

  • Ordinary (exchange of experience between people) /
  • Scientific (education, study of patterns, provisions) /
  • Artistic (relates to creativity) /
  • Religious (the object of study is the person himself).

However, this is for example. There are also spiritual activities, professional, economic, informational, mental, labor. The latter is divided into five categories:

  • Human nature. In the course of this activity, the person interacts with microorganisms, animals and plants (for example, cynologists).
  • Man-man. This category includes professions related to the interaction of people. For example, psychologists.
  • Man-technician. Here, there is an interaction of mechanisms and man (engineering, automotive, etc.).
  • Human-sign systems. Professions involving interaction with artificial and natural languages, codes, schemes, etc. (for example, programmers).
  • Man is an artistic image. That is, creativity - choreography, music, acting skills, etc.

The choice is free. Absolutely anyone can be the activities of man and society. Everyone is free to choose.


Such a theme as freedom of economic activity should also be noted with attention. Only the definition itself is understood everywhere in different ways. But in Russia economic activity is any kind of entrepreneurship, which is associated with the production of goods acting in the form of goods.

Of course, people who do business are free in their choice. But not really. Because their main goal is to make a profit. And to earn, you need to define a niche. A person would like to release his newspaper - but in our time this is by no means the most expeditious way of conveying information. Is it more profitable to organize an online edition? So there is freedom, but very conditional.

Because the entrepreneur needs to answer three main questions: what to produce? How exactly? And for whom? Answers to these questions will be able to identify a specific consumer. Which, in turn, will want to receive the goods and use it - that is, to use the produced good.


Still, freedom is not unlimited. This is a very complex concept in principle. Especially in this case. Because there is a definite relationship between the understanding of freedom as a social and philosophical category - and an economic term. What is it expressed in? The fact that the more value is given to the free choice of an individual member of modern society - the more important is economic freedom in this state. This leads to a different conclusion. Namely: every intervention of the government in the course of economic development is a restriction of freedom. Which, in addition, increases dependence. Real economic freedom can only be achieved through political compromise.

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