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Herpes on the neck: causes and methods of treatment

Herpes can occur in people of any gender and age at any moment of life, since this infectious disease occupies a leading position at the moment. It is quite easy to get it, since it will be enough to touch a person's body or an infected object. Also, herpetic infection on the neck can be transmitted by airborne droplets, which makes the disease even more common.

Of course, to panic with the first symptoms is not worth it. Herpes is not a health hazard, but in any case, it is not worth counting on the fact that the disease itself will pass, as some complications may form.

How to detect the disease in time?

For people who are first exposed to the herpes virus, you need to know the key symptoms of this ailment. It is worth noting that the rash occurs not immediately. In the place of the future rash there is a red tint, and at the same time itching and a slight burning sensation. Only after overcoming these symptoms there is an unpleasant rash of small pimples.

The affected place not only hurts, but looks very unpleasant. Because of this, many people with herpes experience not only physical pain, but also psychological discomfort.

Where does the herpes manifest?

In addition to the neck, a small rash can manifest itself in multiple places on the human body:

  • The upper part of the lip;
  • Feet and hands;
  • around eyes;
  • Genital organs;
  • head.

The key danger lies in the fact that the disease can occur anywhere and it is not always possible to detect it.

In most cases, people voluntarily become spreaders of the disease, as it will only be enough not to wash their hands.

It should be noted that the initial signs of herpes can not be redness and itching, but the usual symptoms accompanying diseases such as flu or cold. There will be a slight weakness, fever, drowsiness and others. The volume of the lymph nodes of the neck may increase.

If you find the first symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of cold sores

The herpes virus penetrates the human body as early as in the early years, and most often in childhood. Many were "familiar" with the varicella-zoster virus, the key causative agent of which is the herpes virus.

After infection, herpes immediately makes itself felt in the case of weakened immunity. If this illness for many years of life has never made itself felt, then this does not mean that the DNA of this virus in humans is not present, since it has not less than 90% of all people.

If the rash did not occur, then this indicates a strong human immune system. Causes that can activate the disease, a lot:

  • Periodic stressful situations.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Overwork.
  • Bad or improper diet.
  • Viral infections that weaken the immune system.
  • The defeat of internal organs.
  • Frequent water procedures.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Smoking.

As it was seen, there are a lot of causes of herpes, but so far the immunity of a person is quite strong, no viruses are threatening. At this time, medicine has not yet come up with a drug that can destroy the herpes virus. If the virus has already penetrated into the body, then it will remain forever in it at the end of the nerve endings.

Therefore, the only way by which you can avoid the manifestation of this disease is to strengthen your own health, exercise and attentive attitude towards your body. While the immune system is quite strong, most known viruses will not be scary.

How to cure herpes on the neck?

As it was said above, the herpes can pass and without any actions from the person. But in any case, you can not ignore this ailment and just wait for the spontaneous cure. It is necessary to help the body a little so that it can cope with the disease.

Consequences of herpes can be different. He can go himself in a week, and some may show some complication.

Treatment of herpes is a simple therapy consisting of medications that support immunity, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.

The treating specialist can prescribe an ointment from herpes on the neck with acyclovir, which stops the division of the cells of the virus and slightly speeds up the recovery. The sooner the treatment process was started, the sooner the disease would disappear. When choosing the best ointment for herpes, you need to stop at the options with acyclovir in the composition. This will help a speedy recovery.

Treatment of herpes on the neck goes a little longer than on the lips, but going to a specialist will help to speed up the recovery much.

Should I use folk medication?

It should be noted that there are many popular methods of treating herpes. But it is impossible to call these methods a panacea or the best way of treatment. It is best to combine traditional methods of treatment and medications for better effect.

In order not to be exposed to the constant manifestation of herpes, immunity should be strengthened, but if herpes still periodically makes itself felt, then it is necessary to store antiviral ointment from acyclovir, instructions for use and the price of which can be obtained from any doctor in the polyclinic. If you rub the cream into a place of redness, then the rash will not show up and the disease will quickly pass. The cost of this ointment is extremely small and starts at 130 rubles.

Complications of herpes

As already mentioned, if the herpes is not treated on the neck in time, in some cases complications of the disease occur.

Most often in 60% of cases, a complication called postherpetic neuralgia manifests itself. This is not the worst case, since the herpes virus causes many other, more harmful for the body diseases, which include:

  • mononucleosis;
  • Neuropathy;
  • Encephalopathy.

Also, a focal lesion of the brain appears a little less often. It is worth noting those cases when herpes led to the death of the patient. That is why it is very serious to treat this disease.


Herpes can occur in cases where the human immune system has been damaged by certain diseases. Also, alcohol and smoking can aggravate the immune system, so you should pay attention to your health and periodically exercise, but do not bring your body to exhaustion.

If the human immune system is strong enough, then most infectious diseases, including herpes, can not manifest themselves in active form.

But if the herpes already makes itself felt in the form of itching, pain or redness, then it is worth immediately using an ointment from acyclovir, instructions for use and the price of which can be found in the pharmacy. With its timely application, redness disappears, and the rash does not manifest.

You must always carefully treat all negative manifestations of the body and start treatment on time!

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