
Herpes simplex virus: how dangerous is it?

It's no secret that herpes infections are considered the most common in the world. Statistics state that the herpes simplex virus of the first type is present in the body of 90% of the people of the whole planet. And, despite the constant development of medicine, the question of treating herpes is still open.

Herpes simplex virus: how is it transmitted?

In fact, getting infected with such an infection is not so difficult. Herpes simplex virus is transmitted along with saliva. To catch such an infection can be during a kiss or close contact with a sick person. It can also be transmitted through the air (for example, during communication with a person), through sexual intercourse or during childbirth from the maternal organism to the child.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to get infected by contacting infected people if the virus is in their so-called "sleeping" state. Probability, of course, exists, but such cases are extremely rare. If the herpes virus is in a latent stage, the virus particles penetrate into the saliva and internal body fluids in very small quantities.

Herpes simplex virus and the mechanism of its development

Getting into the human body, viral particles quickly penetrate into the lymphatic system. The virus begins to reproduce new particles in the cells of the lymph nodes, as well as in the mucous membranes and internal organs. Infection spreads through the body along nerve fibers, and also along with blood and lymph.

Interestingly, the herpes simplex virus Igg leads to the formation of specific antibodies, the level of which increases significantly in the first five weeks after infection - it is during this period that the presence of a herpetic infection can be determined by a blood test.

It should be noted that antibodies do not provide a stable immunity to herpetic diseases. The herpes virus remains in the human body for life. For the most part, the infection is latent, without causing any external symptoms of the disease. The virus is activated when the human immune system is weakened . For example, many noticed that herpes on the lips appears, as a rule, with colds and fever.

Herpes simplex virus: what diseases does it cause?

Most often, herpes causes damage to the oral cavity. As a rule, in such cases, the infection affects only the lips and is accompanied by the appearance of a blistering rash on the skin or in the corners of the mouth. On the other hand, the virus can also cause damage to the mucous membrane - these are pharyngitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.

Quite often the herpes simplex virus affects the genitals. The main symptoms are fever, the appearance of rashes and itching on the external genitalia, discharge from the urethra and vagina, as well as enlarged lymph nodes, headache, weakness and general malaise.

In addition, a viral infection can cause diseases of almost any organ or organ system, especially in cases where the immune system is severely impaired. Often, cases of arthritis, eye diseases, as well as meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia and hepatitis, which are caused by the herpes virus.

Herpes simplex virus: treatment

As mentioned above, a complete cure is impossible. If the herpes virus has penetrated the body, it remains there for life. The main task of doctors is to eliminate the symptoms of herpes and increase the level of immune defense. For this purpose, immunomodulating agents are used. With skin rashes also prescribed special gels and ointments, which relieve itching and inflammation. After the course of treatment, the main signs, as a rule, disappear, and the virus turns into a latent form. Nevertheless, a person is not immune from repeated relapses.

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