HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dropsy testicles in boys - a dangerous disease

Hydrocele (edema of the testicle) is a disease characterized by the accumulation of fluid between two (parietal and visceral) shells of the testis, which leads to an increase in the organ. A dropsy of testicles in boys is quite common, like a congenital disease, and hydrocele is also recorded in sexually mature men (about 1%). The most sensitive to this disease are children up to the age of two.

Dropsy of testicles in infants is in most cases innate. Very often (approximately 80%) in neonatal boys the vaginal appendage of the peritoneum is open, not infrequently until the age of one and a half, it grows itself.

Hydrocele can occur in acute and chronic forms. Usually the development of the disease occurs painlessly, which is associated with a significant period of accumulation of fluid between the shells of the testis. These shells synthesize a special fluid that is needed to lubricate the inner surface of the scrotum. This fluid promotes free movement of the testis in the scrotum. Normally, there is a peculiar balance between synthesis and adsorption of this liquid. When these processes are violated, physiological dropsy of the testes develops. This type of disease occurs in more than 10% of newborn babies, this hydrocele passes by the first year of life. This is due to the increase in the adsorption properties of the testes. The shape and size of the hydrocele may be different and depend on the amount of fluid that has accumulated in the scrotum. There are cases when patients accumulated more than 3 liters of fluid, the scrotum at the same time resembled a soccer ball.

The causes of the disease can be trauma in the scrotum, orchitis, orchoepidymitis, as well as infectious (tuberculosis) and oncological diseases, varicocele, inguinal hernia, etc.

Dropsy testicles in boys - complications.

Significant dimensions of the hydrocele cause a violation of blood circulation in the testes. All this can cause the development of atrophic processes in the testes and lead to infertility over time.

A dropsy of the testicle in the baby is associated with the incomplete process of overgrowing the vaginal canal of the peritoneum. In some cases, the canal can be of such dimensions that intestinal loops may enter the scrotum, and an inguinal hernia is formed. Normally, dropsy in newborns does not require medical intervention. In premature infants, the hydrocele is most often recorded. The cause of hydrocele can be: a constant anxiety of the baby, incorrect physical exercises.

The dropsy of testicles in boys is diagnosed by examination and by palpation. When probing, an enlarged, dense scrotum is revealed. Hydrocele should be differentiated from hernia, cyst. For this, instrumental diagnostics (UI), diaphanoscopy, scrotal puncture or testis biopsy are often used.

Dropsy testicles in boys: treatment methods. In the early stages of the disease conservative methods of treatment are used, but most often resort to radical methods - surgical intervention. Conservative methods of treatment are aimed at eliminating the underlying cause. With a hydrocele with inflammatory reactions of the testis and its appendages, antibiotic therapy, rest and wearing of the suspension are prescribed. The puncture method removes liquid from the hydrocele cavity. But most often experts use all the same radical methods of treatment. Operations are usually performed under local anesthesia. The cost of a hydrocele operation depends on the complexity of the surgery, the size of the dropsy, the type of anesthesia, etc. Untimely access to specialists leads to atrophy and even necrosis of the testis, which leads to orchidectomy. Therefore, with this diagnosis, you should not delay the visit to specialists.

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