Health, Preparations
"Herbion syrup of primrose"
In folk medicine are widely used all parts of the plant spring primrose (has other names: primula officinalis or medicinal primrose). Leaves and flowers are harvested during the flowering of primroses, and its roots are excavated in the fall. From flowers, primrose make infusions (are a soothing remedy for overexcitation and insomnia) and decoctions (used for neuralgia, migraine, gout, colds, cough and insomnia). Leaves are used for the preparation of infusion, which is taken with gout, as well as with diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Tincture and decoction of the root is a diuretic, helps to soften the sputum and expectorate. Decoction of the primrose root is applied externally with inflammation of the larynx and throat for rinsing. From the roots are also made the medicine "Herbion syrup primrose". The ATX code for this drug is R05CA10.
Syrup spring primrose has a brown color and a specific smell, may slightly opalescent. It is produced in bottles of dark glass with a capacity of 150 ml. Vials are packed in 1 pc. Together with a dosage spoon (volume 5 ml) into a cardboard box. Five milliliters of the medicinal product "Herbion syrup of primrose" contains 1.03 g of the liquid extract of the spring primrose roots, 620 μg of levomenthol and 2.06 g of the liquid extract of thyme grass. Auxiliary substances are: sucrose and methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218). To prepare extracts, use purified water.
"Herbion syrup of primrose" is a preparation of plant origin. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Due to the unique properties of the primrose root, it effectively dilutes sputum, it then easily leaves. The syrup is prescribed in complex therapy as an expectorant, if in cases of diseases - bronchitis, tracheitis and tracheobronchitis - sputum is difficult to separate. It is also effective in dry cough accompanying acute respiratory diseases. At appointment take into account possible or probable by-effects: allergic reactions, a diarrhoeia, a nausea, vomiting. In the case of an overdose of the drug, the same disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are possible.
Medication "Herbion syrup primrose" can not be prescribed simultaneously with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, as this makes it difficult to dilute, as well as with antitussive drugs that make it difficult to cough. Syrup can not be administered to people with diabetes, congenital intolerance to fructose, bronchial asthma, malabsorption syndrome (insufficient absorption in the small intestine) of glucose or galactose, with congenital insufficiency of sucrose or isomaltose. And also the drug is not recommended for children under 2 years old or for children who have undergone acute obstructive laryngitis. A prerequisite for prescribing the primrose syrup is the absence of increased sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Nursing syrup and pregnant women should not be used.
Children older than 2 years and adults are appointed, if there is evidence and no contraindications, "Herbion syrup primrose." The instruction sets the dosage of the drug, the frequency and duration of the course of treatment. Despite the fact that this medicine is dispensed in pharmacies without prescriptions, all precautions should be followed and medical advice must be obtained. Adults take after meals three to four times a day for 15 ml of syrup, children after 14 years are appointed with the same frequency, but only 10 ml at a time. Three times a day after a meal, the drug takes children from 2 to 5 years - 2.5 ml each, and from 5 to 14 years - 5 ml of the drug. The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. At the end of the third week, only after consultation with the doctor and at his appointment can take "Herbion syrup primrose". Testimonials, like the instructions, talk about the need to drink medicine with a lot of warm water.
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