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Hemostatic drugs with menstruation or folk remedies?

To begin with it is necessary to understand: what is menstruation and for what the women were so guilty before nature. First of all, menstruation is a natural cleansing of the uterine cavity. Epithelium is updated and the child will be more comfortable to develop in such an environment. But it happens that the allocation of blood exceeds the norm and this happens at any age - from the beginning of menstruation and after their termination (with menopause). And the main question in such situations: which haemostatic drugs with monthly can be used.

In order to make the right choice, you need to know clearly: what caused uterine bleeding. Most often, these hormonal failures that occur in the ovaries. After all, they are responsible for the condition and the number of female hormones. That is why the uterine hemostatic drugs, basically, contain some basic hormones. Naturally, it is impossible to correctly determine the required composition without examination.

Uterine bleeding can cause some diseases: polycystic ovary, fibroids or fibroids of the uterus , etc. In these cases, it is important not only to determine the necessary haemostatic drugs for menstruation, but also to fight the underlying disease. After all, stopping blood once - this does not mean to prevent repeated cases.

If bleeding has occurred for other reasons and with a hormonal condition do not have a connection, it is appropriate to use uterine hemostatic drugs that narrow the blood vessels and increase the level of blood clotting. Such medications can be used on a one-off basis, but not systematically. They can harm a person's health by changing the parameters for which they are acting for a very long time.

But there are cases when hemostatic drugs with a month are contraindicated due to the presence of allergic reactions to components or any other intolerance. Then they resort to folk medicine. Naturally, hormones in this way do not balance, and narrow the blood vessels is quite real. Excellent for these purposes, a decoction of the bark of the viburnum, infusions and decoctions of nettle, tinctures and teas from calendula, etc. But it is still worth recalling that it is better not to engage in self-treatment, but in time to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Hemostatic medications are presented in pharmacies in the case of menstruating, but the following can be noted among them: Dicinon, Tranexan, Vikasol, etc. Only a specialist can determine whether it is worth taking these medications, at what dosage and what time.

It is worth noting that with uncontrolled intake of drugs that increase blood coagulation and narrow blood vessels, there may be a blockage of veins. Also, such medications are contraindicated for those who already suffer from thrombosis or atherosclerosis.

With hormonal preparations in general it is necessary to be cautious. This is fraught with unpredictable consequences and a complete metabolic disorder. As a consequence, the state of health, mental state worsens, the work of some organs is disrupted. That is why before taking hormonal hemostatic drugs it is so important to undergo examination and determine which hormones are missing and which ones are in abundance. This can be done by an endocrinologist. Often, their cabinets are called menstruation regulation rooms. The main thing in the normalization of cycles and the amount of blood given out is a clear definition of the cause. Only in this case it is possible to prevent anemia in time.

Anemia is a disease that is often referred to as anemia. It consists of a small number of red blood cells, which are extremely necessary for all human organs for normal functioning. A large loss of blood (for women during menstruation more than 80 ml) is fraught with the appearance of anemia. First signs: loss of consciousness, loss of strength, inability to concentrate, drying out and discoloration of lips, headaches, etc.

I wish you to be healthy and in case of diseases find qualified and helpful doctors!

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