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Modern means of destruction. Chemical factors. Affecting factors of different genesis

Modern means of mass destruction used in armed conflicts can be divided into three types: chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. All of them represent a huge danger for the lives of not only the military, but also the civilian population.

Chemical weapon

For the first time, the damaging factors of chemical substances made themselves known in 1915, when poisonous compounds were used by the German army in the area of the Belgian city of Ypres. From one this attack 6 thousand people were killed, and 15 thousand more seriously suffered. Since then, this type of weapon has been constantly improved. Traditionally, it consists of poisonous substances and their means of delivery to the target.

The basis of chemical weapons is toxic toxic compounds. They infect humans and animals, infect the terrain, air, water and the rest of the environment. As delivery vehicles, mines and rockets, land mines, drafts, grenades are used.

Chemical factors (damaging factors) are the properties of poisonous substances that have a negative impact on the enemy. Such weapons are used not only to destroy the enemy, but also to reduce his combat capability. Thus, it can be used as an auxiliary tool to help accomplish the task. Secondary damaging factors of chemical weapons are the further consequences of its use. Such phenomena include contamination of the environment, food reserves, weapons, clothing, etc.

Consequences of use

Poisoning substances have different physiological effects. The damaging factor of chemical weapons can cause nerve-paralysis in the body. Such properties are possessed by zoman, sarin, etc. Their chemical factors (damaging factors) harm the human body and thereby cause paralysis, muscle cramps and death. Such consequences are the result of a disorder of the nervous system.

Chemical factors (damaging factors) of lumizite and mustard have a blistering effect. These substances also suffer from digestion, respiratory organs and eyes. The affected skin, after several hours of interaction with these poisonous substances, usually turns red, and later on it bubbles and ulcers appear.

Chlorcyan and hydrocyanic acid possess somewhat different properties . They enter the body through the respiratory organs or through the stomach together with poisoned food and water. These substances cause severe dyspnea, convulsions, paralysis and a constant sense of fear. The chemical factors (damaging factors) of some other reagents can also cause hallucinations, impaired coordination and mental disorders.


Weapons of this type are also used for the destruction of crops (primarily cereals). This is done in order to deprive the enemy of food supplies. Thus, not only the food base is undermined, but also the military and economic potential of the enemy. Such chemical weapons and its damaging factors became world famous after being used by the American army during the Vietnam War.

Gradually formed a whole group of poisons - phytotoxins. Among them, herbicides, used for the destruction of herbaceous vegetation, vegetables and cereals, are particularly prominent. The consequences of their use resemble the damaging factors of a chemical accident. The most famous herbicide is the agent orange. The first to test it was the British in Malaya, then the Americans in Vietnam. The name became a reference to the characteristic orange color of the barrels, in which poisonous reagents were transported. Today phytotoxins are an important weapon of ecological warfare.

Protection against chemical attack

Most often, modern chemical weapons are rockets that burst right in the air. A characteristic sign of such an attack is a dark, scattered, rapidly settling cloud of colored or white color. So the poisonous substances enter the air, and from there - into the rest of the environment. Their drops are clearly visible on asphalt, leaves and walls. Another sign of the presence of toxic substances - the mass death of birds, the wilting of greenery and flowers.

The extreme toxicity of modern chemical weapons is the norm. Therefore, both the civilian population and the military should react to the danger of infection promptly and in harmony. In this case, there is always something to be afraid of: any chemical weapons destruction factor can cause serious illness and death.

In case of an alarm, a gas mask is worn. If we are talking about substances that have an effect on the skin, then it is also necessary to wear a special suit for protection. However, the most reliable shelter is the shelter. Before entering it, people need to remove their outer clothing and used means of their protection. In a properly equipped shelter, there is a tambour for this purpose. It is an additional precautionary measure - so you can be completely sure that poisonous substances do not enter the room.

Just like the damaging factors of a chemical accident, the dangers associated with the use of chemical weapons are waiting for a person at every step. Some shelters (for example, cellars) do not guarantee 100% safety. Such places can help out if drip and liquid chemical agents are used, but they can not protect against gases, vapors and aerosols in the air. Therefore, in certain cases, people use gas masks, even when they are in a shelter.

Each chemical attack factor affects a person only if he is in the source of infection. Leaving a dangerous zone can be extremely difficult. Chemical weapons and its damaging factors are massive. Gases, aerosols and spray substances can cover huge areas. In such conditions, for the evacuation of civilians, as a rule, qualitative preparation and remarkable organization on the part of the state is required.

Biological weapons

The basis of biological (or bacteriological) weapons are biological agents. They are selected specifically for military purposes. Under the influence of the damaging factors of this weapon, people, animals and plants become ill with severe illnesses. Biological agents necessary for bacteriological attacks are pathogenic microorganisms. They are pathogenic, that is, they cause infectious diseases. Another damaging factor is the products of vital activity. Getting into the human body, they cause severe poisoning due to their high toxicity.

In some details, the damaging factors of chemical and bacteriological weapons have some similarities. For example, it is clearly visible in the case of crops. Both chemical and biological weapons are used to destroy enemy crops. For this, not only bacteria can be used, but also insects - the most dangerous pests for cereals and vegetables.


Disease-creating microorganisms used in biological weapons, according to their characteristics, are divided into several types. These pathogens of infectious diseases have different structure, sizes and other properties. The most common are bacteria. The common damaging factors of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are fully correlated with the danger emanating from these creatures. The main purpose of their use is to destroy or weaken the enemy.

Bacteria are plant-based. Most of them are extremely vulnerable to high temperatures, sunlight, disinfectants and sharp fluctuations in humidity. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria can be the causative agents of such deadly diseases as anthrax, tetanus, botulism, plague, cholera, melioidosis, sap, etc. In addition, these microorganisms feel great at temperatures below zero. Bacteria intended for biological weapons are grown under artificial conditions. For their mass production technologies are used that are used in the production of medicines, vitamins and antibiotics.

Viruses, rickettsia and mushrooms

Another type of biological weapons is viruses. These dangerous microorganisms can exist and only breed within the living cell of others. They parasitize on the body of their host. Viruses are resistant to changes in temperature. They are the causative agents of more than 70 diseases, including yellow fever, smallpox, etc. Thus, the damaging factors of chemical and biological weapons are equally dangerous - they can cause serious disruption of the functioning of the organism and death of the victim.

Intermediate position between viruses and bacteria occupy rickettsia. They cause diseases such as spotty fever, typhus, etc. It is interesting that in the natural environment rickettsia is transmitted by arthropods. The damaging factors of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons differ in that they are deeply contrary to nature. Rockets, shells, bombs, warheads - all this is created in order to perform unnatural in scale destruction.

Another type of biological weapon is mushrooms. Like bacteria, they are of vegetable origin. These organisms form spores that are resistant to drying and freezing.

Actions during a biological attack

The effectiveness of bacteriological weapons lies in the fact that after the formation of the focus of the disease, the pathogens continue to spread at the expense of all new patients. Thus, it is enough just to start an epidemic, and its further development is only a matter of time. Of course, in the case of biological attacks, there are a number of measures necessary to prevent the death of all new people. Bacteriological weapons have several vulnerabilities, which differ and chemical weapons. Protection from the damaging factors, however, can be effective only if the characteristics of the enemy's attack are precisely known - the type of microorganisms and their weaknesses.

In war, bacteria can spread not only through shells, but also with the help of rodents and insects - the main carriers of dangerous pathogens of deadly diseases. In the case of ammunition with biological agents, a characteristic fog cloud or powdery substances appear at the point of their rupture.

To protect against bacteriological weapons, gas masks and respirators are used first. They are relatively small, practical and reliable. Also, wear protective equipment intended for the skin. According to the rules of civil defense, people must leave the streets and stay inside with closed windows and doors. The main thing is not to let the bacterial agent get on the skin, clothes or the respiratory system.

Immunity of the population to certain types of diseases can be achieved through deliberate prophylaxis: vaccination, the use of sera, etc. An important part of protection against bacteriological weapons in any case remains adherence to the rules of hygiene and sanitary requirements related to water supply and nutrition of people. Preparation of food should be carried out only in places isolated from the source of infection. The dishes should not only be washed with special solutions, but also, for the sake of confidence, subjected to boiling treatment. In the case of an epidemic, it is more important than ever to stop the spread of panic. The energy of each person should be aimed at preventing the negative consequences of the enemy using a dangerous weapon.

Finally, quarantine is mandatory. It is absolutely necessary in the case of the spread of especially serious diseases: cholera, plague, etc. Quarantine is necessary for the perfect isolation of the focus of the disease from the surrounding population. Special protection is established on the borders of this special zone and the post of commandant is established. Patrols are carried out, movement is controlled, delinquents of the regime are delayed. Particularly careful protection is needed in hospitals, infectious isolation facilities and at checkpoints.

People who are trapped inside the quarantine zone are prohibited from leaving its borders, as well as taking out their animals and personal belongings. Crossing of control points is allowed only by the chief of civil defense. The transit crossing through the zone of defeat is tightly controlled . In fact, it is forbidden. Exceptions can only be made for rail transport. In isolated areas, regular disinfection is carried out. Quarantine is removed only after the causative agent completely dies.

Nuclear weapon

Nuclear weapons appeared in the middle of the XX century, during the Second World War. By its properties and power it is the most deadly. A modern military arsenal allows the use of nuclear weapons in the air, over water, under water, on land and underground. The explosion from it can instantly destroy people and disable technology, destroy buildings and entire cities.

The first consequence of using a nuclear warhead is a shock wave. This is the most powerful damaging factor of such weapons. The shock wave with a giant speed spreads in all directions. If there is a person in the epicenter of the explosion, he will remain without any chance of salvation. The only protection against nuclear weapons are special shelters and shelters.

The explosion is a source of light radiation consisting of infrared and ultraviolet rays. It acts for 15 seconds and during this time causes severe skin burns, as well as damage to unprotected eyes. Protect from light radiation is possible in the premises or with the help of special clothing made of non-combustible material.

Radioactive contamination

Penetrating radiation is a much longer and longer-term deterrent to nuclear weapons. It is a stream of neutrons and gamma rays penetrating into the environment 12 seconds after the explosion. Radiation affects all living organisms. In humans and animals, it causes radiation sickness - a terrible disease that ends with the destruction of the body from within and death.

The cloud of a nuclear explosion is a source of radioactive contamination. The zone of its spread can stretch for hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. When radioactive substances enter the open areas of the body, local skin lesions appear. Hazardous compounds can also enter the body. To protect from infection, special shelters and personal protective equipment are used.

When interacting with the environment, radiation emanating from the explosion zone creates a powerful electromagnetic pulse. It damages the cable and wire lines, and also damages the equipment, including signaling, communication and control systems. The damaging factors of nuclear and chemical weapons are particularly dangerous for life. That is why the use of such munitions is limited or prohibited by various international conventions and agreements.

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