HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hemorrhoidal stroke: causes and consequences

According to the international classification of ailments, there are two main types of strokes. These include hemorrhoidal and ischemic. Each of these pathologies is a complex and dangerous violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

The first type of stroke is associated with blockage of blood vessels and the cessation of blood circulation in full or in part. Hemorrhagic (hemorrhoidal) stroke can be characterized as intracranial bleeding. This type of brain damage in accordance with the ICD is assigned code 10.

What is a hemorrhoidal (hemorrhagic) stroke?

As a rule, a hemorrhoidal stroke, the consequences of which directly depend on the initial causes of the disease, is due to pathological changes in the structure of blood vessels. Atrophic and necrotic phenomena caused by the brain damage that has already happened, in turn, determine the further clinical picture. To understand what processes and how the hemorrhoidal stroke occurs, what it is and what types of the disease exist, it is necessary to understand in more detail.

Classify hemorrhagic stroke is taken on the nature of occurrence. There are four types of brain lesions:

  • A parenchymal insult of the hemorrhagic type is the most complex type of disease. Damage to the vessels caused by the parenchyma mainly causes intense, hard-to-stop bleeding.
  • Subcortical stroke of the hemorrhagic type - happens as a result of prolonged hypertension or chronic increases in blood pressure. The most common place of hemorrhage is the contact between the temporal and parietal lobes.
  • Subarachnoid stroke of hemorrhagic type - occurs due to rupture of vascular aneurysms. The etiology of the disease is associated with arterial bleeding, where the blood fills the cavity between the soft and arachnoid medulla. The main cases of this type of stroke are craniocerebral trauma. In particular, in a newborn, a subarachnoid stroke can be caused during prolonged maternal labor and trauma to the head.
  • Arachnoidal stroke of the hemorrhagic type is similar to the previous type of hemorrhage. It is distinguished only by the cause of hemorrhage. As a rule, such a hemorrhoidal stroke is provoked by rupture of benign cystic tumors.

The direction of the course of pharmacological in-patient treatment gives the attribution of the disease to one of the above-mentioned species. Having diagnosed a hemorrhoidal stroke, the forecast will not be made immediately by any doctor. Regardless of the type of brain damage, the symptoms and course of the disease have significant similarities. With the help of a step-by-step survey, it is possible to establish the degree of effectiveness of drugs and the rationality of conducting a surgical operation.

Types of hemorrhagic-type strokes due to

The following classification of hemorrhagic hemorrhage is defined as the variety of the disease for reasons of its development. Since the chances of recovery are directly related to the etiology that caused the hemorrhoidal stroke, the causes of brain damage are of great importance both in the course of emergency treatment and in the process of long-term rehabilitation. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Caused by trauma - in this case, the area affected by brain cells is predetermined by the location of the injury, its volume, and also the degree of damage.
  2. Caused by a sudden jump in blood pressure - there is a rupture of the vascular cavity (this can be capillaries, veins and larger arteries). Chronic and prolonged hypertension contributes to the gradual thinning of the vascular walls. With increased permeability and another increase in pressure, a hemorrhoidal stroke occurs, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.
  3. Caused by vascular aneurysms - pathology often occurs as a result of loss of elasticity of arterial walls, which in itself is a consequence of developing aneurysm.
  4. Caused by blockage of veins - the main or main veins due to blockage affect the intensity of the flow of blood.
  5. Drug-induced medications - as a rule, a hemorrhoidal stroke occurs due to improperly initiated drug therapy with an overdose of narcotic drugs or a severe degree of intoxication. Uncorrected medical practices can lead to the development of a stroke.

It is also worth noting that the risk of re-attack has the greatest probability within the first two weeks after the first stroke. The first year after the transferred disease there is a chance of a repeat hemorrhage. To prevent recurrence, the patient is prescribed a lifelong course of medications.

Symptomatic of cerebral hemorrhage

Considering a hemorrhoidal stroke, what it is, it is necessary to stop and on its main symptoms. Present a picture of brain tissue damage can be, by collecting a consistent chain of certain phenomena.

The first thing that happens is the rupture of the tissues of the vessels that could not stand the increased pressure on their walls. Suddenly the bleeding that opens suddenly fills the neighboring brain cavities. At this point, a hemorrhoidal stroke (photo attached for clarity) is felt by a person as an acute attack of a headache.

Almost immediately, edema of the meninges begins. The swelling of the brain stem is a consequence of the inhibition of the functions of nerve tissues. Extensive bleeding often leads to the development of hydrocephalus or occlusive hydrocephalus. Head size increases, intracranial hematoma builds up, which prevents normalization of circulating processes of spinal activity. At this stage, a hemorrhoidal stroke is extremely dangerous. Coma (who survived after such complications, face a lot of difficulties) - a common phenomenon associated with the unfavorable course of the disease.

In addition, the formation of a hematoma affecting the cerebral department ends up for the patient with a disability in almost 90% of cases. Speech dysfunction and respiratory failure are virtually indestructible.

Atrophy and dying of the brain tissue with timely provision of medical care, namely, surgical intervention, play a huge role. With small bleedings, the chances of a full recovery are present, all the lost functions of the brain can be restored. However, with massive hemorrhages, irreparable necrotic processes can occur. The tissues of the brain cease to function, and then death occurs. Lethal outcome is possible in a few hours after the attack, if damaged areas of the cortex, controlling the processes of breathing and the work of the cardiovascular system.

Extensive bleeding does not leave a chance of recovery in the absence of emergency trepanation of the skull.

How to recognize a stroke?

Since it is impossible to visually determine hemorrhagic stroke, patients' description of their own state of health during active development of the disease allows doctors to establish a preliminary diagnosis and a preliminary degree of injury. In addition, long before the examination within the walls of a specialized medical institution, doctors have the opportunity to provide qualified assistance, which helps to reduce the intensity of complications.

Any person should be aware of the symptoms associated with the disease. A hemorrhoidal stroke, which manifests itself in an appropriate manner, can be recognized and helped in a timely manner by yourself or a close patient. To characteristic attacks of brain damage carry:

  • A burning sensation and suddenly growing pain;
  • Severe nausea, urge to vomit;
  • The eyes become supersensitive to bright light;
  • Changes in the conscious state: the patient can recover in the near future;
  • With extensive hemorrhage, a coma may occur;
  • Failure of the motor functions of the limbs, partially or completely, epileptic seizures.

If there is a neuro-hemorrhoidal stroke (the so-called cerebral hemorrhage, provoked by psychoemotional overstrain), epileptic seizures can be the main and only symptoms indicative of the disease.

How to help the victim of a stroke?

The slightest suspicion of hemorrhage should immediately trigger appropriate actions in others. It is on them that the subsequent rate of rehabilitation of the patient depends. First of all, you need to call an ambulance, but before her arrival, you must perform a number of actions that prevent the development of complications.

First, the victim must be laid in a horizontal position and raise his head 30 degrees. This is extremely important in order to ensure the outflow of blood from the brain.

Secondly, the head of the patient should be turned to one side. Having thus eased the breathing of the victim, it is easy to control the onset of vomiting (it is dangerous for the masses to enter the respiratory organs). It is also important to give the patient the opportunity to breathe fresh air.

Thirdly, for self-transportation, the victim must be transported in the most immobile state, by monitoring body temperature and pressure level.

Medical diagnosis of the disease

It is almost impossible to detect hemorrhagic stroke during visual inspection. Despite the presence of characteristic symptoms, the adoption of urgent measures to save a patient occurs only after an instrumental examination, since this disease has a similarity in manifestation with epilepsy, the development of cancerous and benign brain formations. Entered in the admissions department of the hospital the patient is sent to:

  • Computed tomography (in the early stages of the disease CT is considered an indispensable diagnostic method, while MRI is a more informative way of research);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (used at all stages of hemorrhagic stroke treatment and has more informative information about the patient's condition, predictions of expected consequences, etc.).

The chances of recovery

Since elderly patients fall into the risk group, their recovery forecasts are very disappointing. Only in 25-40% of cases the treatment ends successfully, allowing to avoid a repeated attack and to achieve partial restoration of vital functions.

Efficiency of the body in people who have suffered a hemorrhoidal stroke (treatment sometimes does not bring results), at this age is reduced to almost zero, which leads to inevitable death. Forecasting the further course of recovery after illness in young people is much more likely in positive dynamics.

The consequences of stroke of the hemorrhoidal type

After hemorrhoidal stroke, the result of therapeutic measures is directly related to the severity of complications. Often the consequences of a stroke for a hemorrhagic type are revealed:

  • Pneumonia (caused, as a rule, by inactive lying position and disturbances of respiratory functions provoked by atrophy or necrosis of tissues);
  • Sepsis (if an infection gets into the circulatory system, a general damage to the body may occur, most often this process is observed in the presence of a massive hematoma);
  • Pressure ulcers on the body (skin after the attack undergo a lack of blood supply and become supple to any irritant);
  • Thrombosis (a decrease in the rhythm of the heart leads to the blood clots entering the bloodstream);
  • Coma (one of the most dangerous complications that hemorrhoidal stroke can bring, a coma can last from a couple of hours to several years, the patient's brain functions are not completely restored).

As already mentioned, the probability of recurrence of an attack in the near future after the first hemorrhage remains considerable. In addition, the second blow is often the last, as its intensity is higher. Cases of healing after a hemorrhoidal stroke that happened repeatedly are real miracles.

Any stroke, including hemorrhagic, can not be called an independently developing disease. Vascular thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system are the primary causes of hemorrhage in the brain cavity.

Briefly about the treatment of stroke in the hospital

Drug treatment of hemorrhagic stroke is the use of a complex of drugs, the primary mission of which is the prompt restoration of normal cerebral blood supply. The thing is that the absence for several minutes of oxygen, which is transported to the brain by a healthy person in a healthy person, is fraught with irreparable changes, necrosis and atrophy of tissues.

It is not so easy to find the right solution, because at first glance it may seem that everything is simple: it is necessary to increase the volumes of blood arriving at the cerebral membranes. However, this will only exacerbate the situation and complicate the patient's condition.

Among the drugs that contribute to the saturation of the affected tissues of the brain oxygen, doctors allocate "Actovegin." It acts locally, preventing the development of necrotic phenomena and enhancing metabolism.

An important role in the therapy of hemorrhagic stroke is played by neoprotectors and medicines of a wide spectrum of action. If the damage to the meninges is accompanied by heart disease and the risk of thrombosis, it is impossible to do without antiaggregants: this kind of medication is a natural barrier to blood clotting. To preparations of new generation in this area carry "Этамзилат".

After the course of the main therapy comes treatment in the recovery phase, where the main principle is the desire to maximize the rapid rehabilitation of the patient. Long-term treatment and recovery negatively affect the patient's condition, exerting a depressing effect on the psychoemotional level.

Rehabilitation period

Since patients need a long recovery after a hemorrhoidal stroke, how many days of the hospital will be needed at least for partial rehabilitation, is difficult to say. However, everyone has the opportunity to warn themselves and their loved ones in advance from severe illness without ignoring medical appointments, dieticians' recommendations and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Restorative programs are developed by doctors on an individual basis. Depending on the age of the patient, the strength of the body to resist the disease and its consequences depends on the timing of the first positive results. Unfortunately, rehabilitation measures are dragged on for years, so it's worth the patience and perseverance.

However, there are exceptions to each rule, and in the case of complex effective programs, the patient can recover within a relatively short time. In particular, with an uncommon hemorrhage and the use of combined treatment programs consisting of physiotherapy, acupuncture, physical training and massage courses, there were many cases in medical practice when patients returned to their former lives almost 100%.

Recently, the trend of doctors and specialists in the rehabilitation of patients has been the inclusion of modern gymnastic directions in a complex of rehabilitation activities. Especially actual breathing exercises, yoga, pilates.

Healthy food - a step to recovery

Changing the style of nutrition is the second and important step in the rehabilitation and elimination of the consequences that the patient suffered from a hemorrhoidal stroke. What this means, it becomes clear, based on the following list of products:

  • Meat of fatty varieties;
  • Smoked products;
  • Flour, sweet pastries, white bread.

Surely many people know that such components of the daily diet are detrimental to the state of the whole organism. Atherosclerosis - a disease of the blood vessels, in which atherosclerotic plaques are formed, which prevent normal blood flow - in most cases became a provoking factor of hemorrhagic hemorrhage.

In the case of healing, life after a stroke can not be an exact copy of the previous one. The patient will have to constantly limit himself, not allowing the use of alcohol, tobacco smoking. Stress and nervous experiences must be avoided in the first place. In addition, regular examinations and visits to the therapist should become a permanent component of health-promoting measures.

In order to avoid a recurrent stroke of hemorrhagic type, doctors prescribe to patients stimulating, firming medicines, vitamin complexes. One of the most common drugs is "Cardiomagnolo".

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