
Hare - what is it? Spelling, meaning, origin and examples

Some words can not be found in the dictionary, but they are still in progress. In the area of our special attention the question: what is hare? How the word is written, from where it went and when it entered the language.


Explanatory dictionary to us here, unfortunately, is not an assistant. We will use other sources. Either way, the word has the following meanings:

  • Enough;
  • Enough;
  • Enough;
  • Stop.

The word is meant to send a signal to the addressee that his words or actions are undesirable at the moment. Or it is a sign that certain information has been accepted and understood. For example, the father instructs the son, and the one says to him: "Okay, Dad, I understand, I want to read morality." It's not very polite, but sometimes it happens.

Also in the sources it is said that the correct variant of writing is the one used above, that is, through the letter "o" and the "e" at the end. But sometimes "hare" is a term that builders use in a speech. He supplements the known duet of professionalisms "maya", "vira", turning it into a trio, and is written already through "a". Therefore, in the word "hare", if there is a construction term, there is no error or misprint.

Here such, we will not be afraid of this word, adventures are waiting for anyone who wants to know the answer to the question, what is hare?


Yes, usually the question of the source goes ahead, but not today, and it is no accident. The fact is that there is no way to accurately understand where and how the expression (or word, as you like) came from.

It is known that they began to speak this way from the 80th of the 20th century in Russia. But it would be difficult for us, if there were no such verbal revolutions in the language, but they were all the same. Slang words are often found. In addition to the research object, there is also "kle", "otle", "up to svidé" (perhaps for the sake of informality it is worth writing the last one together? Let the reader decide, and we lack the courage to do such experiments).

Unlike the word that we are considering, its twins with the letter "e" on the end do not need to be commented. But perhaps, if someone did not understand, then "kle", "otle" - this is the highest score for anything. For example:

"How's the movie?"

- Cla!

Another thing is that these slang words are obsolete. And almost no one already does not say so. Unless those who used them once, that is people 30 or 40 years.

Language and the opposition of generations

Some may ask: "Can not we do without all these little words, they are not clear to a wide range?" This is the whole point. Young people (not only guys, but also girls) at the very beginning of life are thirsty for creativity. When there are no specific points of application, then the course is, first of all, the language. Young people, exposing the language of their ancestors to unprecedented transformations, are affirmed and dissociated from parents and older relatives.

The most surprising thing is that the question "What is hare?" Is of interest to either the older generation, who does not understand slang, or the younger one, who wants to be in the topic, but not in a trend, because now other words are considered fashionable, usually of English-speaking origin.

When so they say?

The field for using the expression is quite wide. For example, when a person pours a drink (not necessarily alcoholic, this is to ensure that the reader does not think about us knows what) and does not see the edges, he is shouted: "Hora, can not you see where you're going ?!"

When tedious lectures are read, then, of course, I want to use the word "hare", especially since the meaning is already known, but it is not always possible. For example, if the parent scolds, then it is appropriate to enter into a dispute, unless the ancestors adhere to the authoritarian method of upbringing, that is, which does not allow any disputes, objections and debates on any issue. When a person is instructed by a teacher or teacher, the punishable person is forced to remain silent.

Suppose, even a person learned what hare is, but he still can not use the word in an official atmosphere, this word is for a narrow circle. The reader must have already realized this.

Slang and Classic

The most interesting thing in the language is dynamics. And you can take one life as an example. When a person is young, he wants to as far as possible from the roots, parents and language of his ancestors, creating his own vocabulary. If this were just an invention, then the idea would not be confirmed by the practice of each new generation.

But then, when all the linguistic experiments are in the past, the soul requires knowledge of its culture, its language, and the hand reaches out to the writings of Leo Tolstoy and Pushkin (intentionally left aside FM Dostoyevsky, his language Can not be called magical). Of course, this is the case if an intensive school program on literature does not discourage the desire to read anything, except messages on social networks.

But in general, I must say that we have an era, perhaps the most writing of all that was before, for there appeared a means through which almost everyone can now speak. Naturally, those who are not connected to technology are not taken into account. But in the long term the World Wide Web will subordinate the whole world to itself, although on the other hand, probably, the countries that are not up-to-date in this sense will still remain.

Therefore, it is necessary to know well all the layers of language and slang (including the origin of the word "hare"), and ordinary everyday words. And most importantly - express thoughts consistently, beautifully and without errors, so as not to disgrace the memory of Russian classics, who adored the great and mighty.

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