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Golden root, or radiola pink: useful properties for men, manual, reviews

Men's health is a complex and delicate subject. Medicines intended exclusively for the stronger sex tend to affect the reproductive system. And this is quite true, because even the ancient doctors called the prostate gland the second heart of a man.

What kind of herbs take care of men's health? Of course, this is zleuterococcus, parsnip, asparagus, rue, penny, salche and spurge Fisher, but the king among them is a pink radiolink. Useful properties for men of this plant are difficult to overestimate. It was to him that we dedicated our review. From the article you will learn how useful the rhodiola, or, as it is also called, the golden root. Medical properties and contraindications will be highlighted by individual items. In addition, we will teach you how to prepare tinctures and decoctions, and also tell you how to harvest a plant independently, if you can find it in nature.

Botanical characteristics

Rhodiola rosea - perennial, succulent, belongs to the genus Rhodiola, the family is fatty. The plant is widespread in areas with a cold and moderately cold climate. It is not difficult to learn the rhodiola. It grows with a low bush, up to 40 cm, leaves sessile, alternate, oblong, in the upper part - serrate-dentate, closer to the base - elliptical. Flowers can be observed in July-August. They are yellow and collected in multiflorous corymbose inflorescences. Seeds mature by the end of summer.

Rhizome is the part for which the most prized radio pink. Useful properties for men are due to the presence of more than 140 useful trace elements and compounds. This plant is most easily recognized by the powerful rhizome, located in the surface layer of the soil, a rhizome resembling a very tuberous potato. A lot of thin and long subordinate roots leave it, extending deep under the ground. The main root is covered with a cork layer, casting a gold pearl luster with a bronze-pink tinge. This property gave him the name "golden root". And the epithet "pink" refers to the aroma of freshly cut root and to the smell of water and alcohol infusions. It resembles a wild rose. On the taste, the root is slightly bitter, with a pronounced astringent effect. About how and when to dig out the radio pink, we will tell in more detail in the next section.

Rhodiola is successfully grown in Russia on household plots. It is well tolerated by frost and weak light, but needs a lot of moisture. For this reason, golden root plantations are often found in coastal areas of cold seas.

Procurement of plant raw materials

Properly dried raw materials are white and pink, but in no case brown. They prepare the roots at the end of vegetation, that is, at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, when the aboveground part of the plant has shriveled, but has not completely died out yet. Roots are taken out of the ground with pitchforks, shaking the earth, washing and cutting into pieces 4-5 cm in size. Drying is carried out in special electric drying cabinets or on a hot battery. If dried in the air, the root will continue to grow, oxidative reactions and useful substances for which the plant is valued so much will disappear (this is at best), or even completely transformed into harmful compounds. Usually, the procurers know about this and observe the drying technology, and the drugs sold in pharmacies are always properly assembled, dried and ready to use pink radiolink. Useful properties for men have copies not younger than three years of age. How many years the plant is determined by the number of shoots coming from the main root. The second sign, which determines the age of the rhodiola, is flowering. It is observed only in the third year.

From a piece of rhizome with a kidney it is easy to grow a new plant. It is unpretentious and without a transfer and loss of useful qualities in one place grows for decades. The lower part of the root dies, the build-up occurs in the upper half. For a good vegetation, it is necessary to water and periodically replant fresh earth. Every three years a part of the root with one or two kidneys is planted in a new place, and the old root is allowed to be processed into medicinal raw materials.

Healing properties

At the expressed erectile dysfunction to men the pink radio is very recommended. The Golden Root returns male power even when impotence has become an insurmountable obstacle to normal relationships. Rhodiola is a powerful tool not only for the treatment of impotence, but also for the prevention of cancers of male genital organs.

Do not try to replace the rhodiola with pink ginseng or other plant-energy stimulant. Very often, herbs with universal properties condense blood. It's good for women, but extremely dangerous for men - it threatens with the same erectile dysfunction.

Another unique property of the plant is getting rid of addiction to drugs. Tincture of a pink radiator helps to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction. It significantly reduces cravings for tobacco.

During the seasonal epidemics of colds, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea every day with 30 drops of alcoholic tincture of the golden root.

Radiola rose extract, in a small amount added to the drink, stimulates mental and physical activity better than coffee and other fashionable energy.

Distinctive features of the medicinal plant

The mass of nutrients is contained in the stems, flowers and leaves of the rhodiola - gallic, oxalic, succinic, malic, coffee, lemon, trans-p-hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonoids, coumarins, tannins and gissceptin. However, medicine most appreciates the root.

Radiola rosea, useful properties (for men this is especially important), which is well studied and tested in laboratory animals, depending on the place of growth, is somewhat different. Thus, Indian rhodiola contains less geraniol and myrthenol than the rhodiola grown in Bulgaria, but Indian is rich in phenylethyl alcohol. The Chinese can boast a lot of geraniol and octanol, but only in Bulgarian and Russian there is cinnamon alcohol.

To achieve a guaranteed result in the treatment of diseases of the male sexual sphere, the Siberian pink radiologist is recommended. Where does the golden root grow? Everywhere in the Altai, in the Republic of Tuva, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and in the Magadan Region. It occurs in North America, Ireland, Great Britain, the Alps, the Carpathians and the Pyrenees.

Chemical composition of the root

Golden root is considered a male plant is not accidental. Nature itself has filled it with components that have a direct effect on the male sexual sphere. In the old days it was noticed that the infusion of the golden root gives men endurance, increases their physical abilities and protects them from diseases.

The main health problems in modern men are associated with increased intellectual and stressful loads. The golden root is a natural antidepressant. Salidroside is a unique element contained in a golden root compared to other plants in the largest number. It has a neuroprotective effect, reduces and stops the loss of stem cells caused by oxidative processes, in other words, counteracts aging.

Tyrosol in combination with salidroside and rosavine exhibit an antiallergic effect, increase the resistance of the body, that is, enhance resistance and immunity to poisons, infections, contaminants, parasites and other destructive factors.

The adaptogenic effect of rhodiola is expressed in cardioprotective, nootropic, neuroleptic and neuroprotective, antioxidant and antidepressant actions. Rhodiola rosea contains rhodiolflavonoside and gossipetin, successfully destroying the cells of Staphylococcus aureus and cancer cells that destroy the prostate gland. Rosalid and silidroside of the golden root are active against the gonorrhea.

Alcohol tincture

Alcoholic tincture of Rhodiola with proper storage has practically unlimited shelf life. Proper storage is a refrigerator, a compartment for vegetables, where the temperature is maintained between +2 and +7 degrees, and the absence of prolonged natural light.

At 50 grams of root, half a liter of drinking alcohol or vodka is enough. The fresh or dry root of the pink radiator must be cut, placed in a bottle of dark glass and filled with vodka. To accelerate the transition of enzymes into an alcohol solution, heat is necessary, +20 ... +30 degrees. If these conditions are created, the tincture will be ready in two weeks. Then it must be filtered and you can drink it. The daily dose is three doses of 20 to 30 drops half an hour before meals and at least 4-5 hours before bedtime.

Golden root extract

Extract - a more concentrated version of alcohol tincture. It is made by weight in a 1: 1 ratio. It is infused the same way as the alcohol tincture, but is used in smaller amounts - 10 drops twice a day.

In drugstores alcoholic extracts and tinctures in which the pink radiogram are contained are sold. Instructions for their use are usually attached, if not, the pharmacist or pharmacist will always give qualified advice. All kinds of infusions with a golden root are sold without a prescription.

Water broth

If possible, it is better to purchase dry or fresh roots of Rhodiola. Of these, you can make not only a highly concentrated alcohol solution, but also a water infusion that you can drink instead of tea.

For broth one full teaspoon of the crushed root is poured with steep boiling water and soared in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, then wrapped in a warm hood and insists for three quarters of an hour. Drinking is supposed in the first half of the day for 1-2 glasses.

The question of how to drink a pink radish is far from idle. The properties of the root to tone up, stimulate the nervous system and accelerate intracellular metabolism can play a cruel joke on the patient if he begins taking rhodiola preparations at night when the body requires rest.

For greater benefit, drink from the golden root is better for eating with honey.

Combating venereal diseases, prostate adenoma, impotence

What do men fear until they are forty? They are afraid of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. At the same time, young men do not like to be treated and in all possible ways try to avoid going to polyclinics. The golden root is a natural healer, which must be in every home. He will prevent the onset of the disease, protect against stress, give strength.

Another misfortune of modern young men is the reluctance to spend energy on making herbal infusions. This, they say, for a long time. It is better to buy a ready-made drug or to strengthen health in a fitness center. However, not everyone can afford it, and there may not be time. A loving wife or mother will always find time and a place to support the health of an expensive man. To her son or her husband, she will make an alcoholic tincture and within two or three weeks will give each morning, before breakfast.

After forty men begin to fear tumors and impotence. And here the pink radio will come to their aid. Recipes of infusions, given in our article, are suitable for everyone. Individual, exceptional cases will be discussed below in the "Contraindications" section.

Forty-year-old men are more responsible than their young companions, they approach their health, and relations with women undergo certain changes to this age - men become more experienced lovers, but the forces for sexual intercourse are often lacking. Here, accumulated stress, chronic infections, moral and physical fatigue affect. A two-week course of rhodiola rosea is capable of regaining both strength and desire.


The responses of andrologists agree that preventing impotence with drugs containing a golden root is quite realistic. Alcohol tincture or tea is no less effective than chemotherapy. If impotence is psychogenic, the golden root, stimulating the nervous system and returning a normal and even state of mind, eliminates this problem. Rhodiola flavonoids make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, which increases the sensitivity of the skin. According to the reviews, the problem with erection disappears by itself.


Consider who can, and who can not recommend the golden root. Therapeutic properties and contraindications of rhodiola rosea should be considered in each case separately. Relatively healthy people need to drink it, but you need to keep the dosage and between the courses to take breaks of at least one month. We must not forget that rhodiola rosea contains salidroside, rosavin - compounds that affect the microbiological composition of the blood. For this reason, doctors advise you to beware of an overdose of the golden root, so as not to provoke a dysbiosis.

It is useful to drink Rhodiola once before a large mental or physical exertion, and also after the transferred stress.

This plant is not indicated for use by people with problems with the cardiovascular system, suffering from high blood pressure, as well as patients with certain forms of diabetes and glaucoma.

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