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Ginkgo biloba nuts: useful properties, chemical composition and calorie content

Ginkgo biloba is considered a unique tree that has no close relatives. It is a living fossil, has long been cultivated and is used both as medicines and as food. Gingko nuts are large trees that reach about 30 m in height. The plant has powerful roots and well tolerates adverse weather conditions. Ginkgo biloba grows better on "semi-wild" soils and does not tolerate shade.


Gingko bilobate - a deciduous tree with a crown that is constantly growing. Short shoots are formed from the sinuses of leaves in the second year of growth. Interstitials are very short and regularly appear on branches. Leaves at the ends are collected in short shoots, they form reproductive structures.


The gingko tree has unique leaves. They are fan-shaped, and the veins never anastomose into the shape of the network. Two veins branch out several times. The length of the leaves is about 10 cm.


Ginkgo is a plant that is divided into male and female trees. The first produce cones of pollen with sporophylls. They have two microsporangia, which are arranged in a spiral. Female trees do not produce cones, ovules form at the end of the stem, and after pollination they are transformed into seeds up to 2 cm in length.

Where does the ginkgo biloba grow?

Over the years, the walnut was considered extinct in the wild, but it became known that it grows in the east of China. The tree can be found in deciduous forests or in places where there is a silty soil with good drainage and pH ranging from 5.0 to 5.5.

What is the use of the plant?

For medicinal purposes, the leaves of ginkgo biloba are used, which must be collected during the growing season. They contain phenylpropane derivatives and linalool esters. A unique ginkgolide is found in the roots.

The plant has specific substances that dilate the blood vessels and increase the elasticity of their walls. In addition, ginkgo effectively fights against inflammatory processes. Preparations based on this plant are indicated for arrhythmias, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and asthma.

Ginkgo nuts and their leaves have flavin glycosides in the composition, which have a strong antioxidant property. Thanks to the therapeutic effect that the plant has on the human body, it helps to reduce cholesterol, reduce swelling, normalize metabolic processes.

Preparations for the preparation of which use ginkgo biloba, normalize blood pressure and favorably affect thinking and memory, accelerate brain processes and supply tissues with oxygen.

Regular reception for a long time helps improve vision and hearing, helps to eliminate headaches and dizziness.

The drug is often prescribed for dangerous diseases, which are accompanied by a violation of blood circulation, for example, diabetes mellitus.

Tinctures from leaves

They are a preparation that has many useful properties. The spectrum of its action is quite wide, therefore it has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism.

Doctors believe that regular intake of medicines, which include nuts gingko or leaves of this plant, prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes. Positive dynamics, as a rule, is noted already in a week after the first use.

Preparation of tincture

To prepare the preparation at home, you need to fill the walnut leaves with 40% alcohol in a 1:10 ratio. After this, you need to let them brew for two weeks in a dark place, and then drain. Take 10 drops, which are bred in 100 grams of water. To be treated it is necessary not less than a month that there was a positive result. In a year it is necessary to drink three such courses. This scheme allows us to obtain a stable improvement in the state. If you regularly take gingko, the mind will be sharp.

Tincture is also used as an external remedy, for example, for rejuvenating the face and body.

Seeds of ginkgo biloba

The length of seeds rarely exceeds 3 centimeters, they have a fleshy shell. With their help, you can propagate the plant. For this, before planting it is necessary to remove fleshy pericarp and sow to a depth of about 5 centimeters. They need about a month to germinate. Ginkgo nuts are considered to be a fast growing plant, therefore in the first year the seedlings become higher by about 15 centimeters. They quickly form shoots and active shoots from stump to root.

The seedlings react negatively to the transplant, so some time after it can not grow.

Ginkgo teas

Based on this plant, a wonderful tea is produced, which is widely known for its curative value. If you combine roots and leaves, the effect multiplies. After regular reception of the drink for a month, immunity will increase significantly, memory will improve, mental reactions will worsen, and overall well-being will improve.

Tea restores blood circulation, provides a sufficient inflow to the brain, protects cells from free radicals and improves the work of all organs. Regular intake of this drink slows the aging of the body and the activation of platelets.

To make up for the strength and vigor, the morning coffee should be replaced with such tea.

Ginkgo Oil

It is considered an amazing restorative, which when applied externally strengthens the hair and makes the head of hair smooth and shiny. Used oil is also in the care of the face. It perfectly treats eczema, ulcers, wounds and other skin diseases.

Chemical composition and calorific value

The plant is considered incredibly useful, as its composition includes such components:

  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Ginkgolides A, B, C, J;
  • Bilobalide;
  • Proanthocyanidins;
  • Alkylphenols;
  • Simple phenolic acids;
  • 6-hydroxycinurenic acid;
  • 4-O-methylpyridoxine;
  • Polyprenols.

Unlike other nuts, the caloric content of these fruits is small, 0.1 kcal, so their use will not affect the slenderness of the figure.

How to eat nuts?

Nuts ginkgo biloba have a strange taste, so it is unlikely to eat them with handfuls. In addition, they have a peculiar flavor and a heavy aftertaste. But they can be used as an ingredient in cooking. They are used as a spice and give the dishes a piquant taste.


The use of this plant is undeniable, but still uncontrolled intake of drugs on its basis can be dangerous. It is not recommended to use it if hypersensitivity to its components is observed. Also, do not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Some people have seen side effects, such as headache, dizziness, dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions.

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