Food and drinkDessert

Gem from oranges: a recipe and ways of making dessert

Gem is a dessert, which, in fact, is a mixture of jam and jelly. It is prepared not in the usual way, which allows people to constantly use for food any berries and fruits, even those that have too harsh taste (citrus). One of the variants of this unique product is jam from oranges. The recipe for its preparation has many varieties. For example, you can consider some of them.

Classic Edition

The easiest way to prepare such a dessert is by using the minimum number of ingredients. If this is an ordinary jam of oranges, the recipe provides for the following set of products:

For 1 kilogram of fresh fruit half a liter of water and 1.5 kilograms of granulated sugar.

The method of preparation is quite simple:

  1. First of all, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed, and then clean them from the dense peel and remove all the seeds.
  2. The remaining pulp in the form of lobules cut into small pieces.
  3. In a separate container boil water.
  4. Cover it with sugar and heat until it dissolves completely. For
  5. In the resulting syrup, transfer pieces of citrus and continue to boil for at least an hour and a half, waiting for the full thickening of the mixture. During cooking, the products must be constantly stirred to prevent them from burning.
  6. Put the finished composition in sterilized jars.
  7. Tightly close them with metal covers, and after that turn each of them upside down and leave in such a position, covered with a blanket, until it cools completely.

It turns out a wonderful jam of oranges. The recipe is good because it does not require any complicated manipulations with the products. Everything is very simple and understandable.

Wasteless production

Many citrus lovers do not even suspect that the crusts that remain after eating juicy lobules can also be used for food. After a special treatment of these "wastes", an original jam of orange is obtained. The recipe is absolutely not complicated. To work, you need the main products in the following ratio:

For 250 grams of orange peels a glass of water, 400 grams of sugar and a little cinnamon.

The cooking process consists of certain stages:

  1. First, the crusts must be folded into a pot of water and, slowly heating, bring it to the boiling point. Then you need to drain all the liquid. This method will save the product from excessive bitterness. The procedure will be better repeated at least 3 times.
  2. Soften the peel, grind, using a meat grinder for this.
  3. Separate in a basin of sugar and water to prepare a normal syrup.
  4. Add pieces of rind, cinnamon and cook for 3 hours with constant stirring.

The finished product can be folded into a jar and stored in a refrigerator. Its pleasant taste with light bitterness will be a perfect addition to morning toasts.

The original recipe

Very often, for the preparation of desserts, citrus fruits are used in combination with various berries and fruits. Take, for example, jam from gooseberry with orange. Recipes for cooking such dishes are very different. The most interesting variant, which in common parlance is called a "live" product. He got his name because all the work passes without boiling the ingredients, that is, in raw form. For preparation it is required:

On 900 grams of gooseberries 3 large oranges and 1.2 kg of sugar.

The whole procedure is as follows:

  1. First, the berries need to be sorted out by removing their tails and dried leaves. Fruits do not have to be solid. Even overripe berries with the exception of rotten ones will do.
  2. Oranges should be freed from peel and almost all white films. Must remain only "fillet" (as expressed by the cook).
  3. Prepared food is transferred to the bowl of the blender and turned into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Stir the mixture into a saucepan. Fill it with sugar and leave at least 8-9 hours in this position.

At the end of time, you get an excellent jam from gooseberry with orange. Recipes these are good in that they do not require cooking, which means they save the precious time of the hostess. Ready jam can be laid out in a smaller container and stored in a cool place. To prevent the product from percolating, it is better to cork well.

Aromatic mixture

It turns out not less tasty, if you make apricot jam with orange. The recipe for this product is as simple as all the previous ones. For its preparation it is necessary to have:

5 kilograms of fresh apricots 2 ½ kilograms of sugar and a couple of large oranges.

The method is fairly simple and includes the following main stages:

  1. First, ripe apricots must be washed, and then remove all the bones from them. It is better to do this with your hands.
  2. Then the remaining pulp should be passed through a meat grinder. Get a delicate aromatic puree.
  3. Oranges also need to be cleaned. After this, the peel should be removed using a grater, and the flesh to send to a meat grinder.
  4. Collect all the prepared products in a spacious container.
  5. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, and then pour a kilogram of sugar. The mass should be left in such a composition for another five minutes. During the whole time of cooking it must be constantly stirred and remember to remove the foam.
  6. Remove the container from the cooker and set aside until completely cooled.
  7. Repeat the procedure with heating again, pouring out the remaining sugar.
  8. The third time to repeat the five-minute cooking, after which the finished product can be laid out on the banks.

It turns out a delicate and very fragrant apricot jam with orange. The recipe requires little time and is extremely simple in execution.

Billets for future use

Throughout the world, housewives in the autumn and summer try to make blanks, so that during the rest of the year they do not have to worry about how to please their household members. As a perfect addition to tea, you can offer a recipe for jam from oranges. For the winter it is prepared as a reminder of warm sunny days. In this case, not quite the usual composition of products is used:

A half kilogram of fresh oranges, 20 grams of "Zhelmix" (a special preservative) and 900 grams of sugar

Work, as usual, begins with the preparation of products:

  1. Oranges need to be washed and removed from them with a grater of zest.
  2. After this, using a food processor, squeeze the juice from the prepared fruit. At any level of ripeness, it should be about 700 to 800 milliliters.
  3. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and add the zest to it.
  4. "ZHELIX" mixed with two tablespoons of sugar and add to the prepared mixture.
  5. Pour the pan with food on the stove and slowly bring its contents to a boil over medium heat.
  6. Pour out the remaining sugar and repeat the heating.
  7. Reduce the size of the flame and cook the mass for no more than 4 minutes.
  8. Then the mixture must be filtered using a fine sieve

After that, it can be broken down into cans, rolled up and, turning upside down, left to cool. Special storage conditions for such a product are not required. It is enough to put jars in the refrigerator or cellar.

Citrus paradise

The most popular, probably, is jam from lemons, oranges. The recipe perfectly emphasizes the individuality of the aroma of each citrus, creating from them a wonderful mixture. The set of ingredients is extremely simple:

8 oranges need 2 lemons and 3 kg of sugar.

This method is also not very complicated:

  1. Fruits must first be washed.
  2. After that, they should be cut alternately into thin, neat slices.
  3. From the resulting blanks, you need to remove all the seeds, and the remaining products as much as possible to grind.
  4. Prepared mass pour three liters of water and leave for a day to soak.
  5. The next day, the process must continue. Mix the mixture on a fire and cook for two hours, until the pieces of crusts are softer.
  6. Pour the contents into a basin, add sugar and cook until the mixture thickens.

This is the easiest way to prepare dessert from citrus fruit. True, it takes a lot of time. As a result, the ready-made jam acquires an original taste, in which distinct notes of each citrus are clearly traced.

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