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Forced feminization of men

Today it is quite often possible to hear the expression "forced feminization of men". About this hundreds of articles have been written, not one dozen programs have been published, but, nevertheless, the question of what happens to the once "strong half" of mankind remains open.

What is meant by this concept, what are its causes? What are the prospects for our society? Let's try to understand. I want to say that everything that is written below is not a scientific article. This is more personal perception, based on public publications and supported by certain knowledge and experience. No more.

What is feminization?

Medicine identifies the syndrome of testicular feminization or feminization as such. This is a genetic disease that manifests itself in the physiological development of the male organism according to the female type. It has nothing to do with the subject of our narrative, but one can not fail to mention it, since many mistakenly believe that forced feminization is a manifestation of genetic disorders.

The term "forced feminization of men" as such does not exist. This is rather a stable semantic phrase, which implies an unnatural appearance in a man of signs more characteristic of women of the opposite sex. Coercion in this context does not speak of direct violence, resulting in a change in the physical body or behavioral habits. Psychology considers the manifestation of "femininity" as flaws or mistakes in the process of educating boys.

Talk about the manifestation of the effeminate behavior of men in the field of psycho-sexual subculture BDSM, homosexuality or transvestites within the framework of this article will not, because this is a topic for a separate conversation. Although, it is here that forced feminization acquires particularly vivid incarnations. My personal opinion is that all this is the culmination of the psychological characteristics of the personality, which have been formed for many years.

Reasons for behavior change

Why do men lose the features that should be present in them? Remember the usual phrases that the fathers told their sons when they dropped their hands in front of some problem: "Do not change, are you a man or not?", "Be strong, you're a guy!". Or even anecdotal "man said - he made a man," "men do not dance." Despite the categoricalness of the first or the frivolous nature of the second expressions, there is a certain rational grain in them.

Yes, psychologists will forgive me, who for certain will say that the prohibition to cry is an incorrect policy of education, that such categoricality does not allow the growing boy to be emotional enough and talk about what he feels. To some extent, they will be right, but you can not agree with the infallibility of this assumption. With the help of such phrases, which the child hears from the father or mother, under the condition of concrete actions, a male stereotype is formed, a reaction to this or that situation. The boy sees before his eyes a pattern that causes a process of bright "imprinting". On this foundation, the behavior of the future man is formed.

Modern society, unfortunately, does not provide an opportunity to get worthy examples for imitation. The reason for this, in my opinion, is the institution of the family that has practically ceased to exist. Girls and boys consider the process of the birth and upbringing of a child in an incomplete family natural, because they themselves grew in such. Young people do not take part in the upbringing of children, and young mothers do not consider it necessary at all. Mature women increasingly give birth to a child "for themselves" and educate him accordingly.

For clarity, I want to give an example that was heard in one of the lectures on family relations: "The boy was brought up by his mother and grandmother. None of them have relations with men. Attempts to build new women did not even try, "bringing down" their attention and care for the child. Until the youthful age the boy regularly heard that "all men are bad, but our" such "will not be," "from the peasants no use, only a woman can do everything", etc. Surely, each of us knows how eloquent a woman can be an eloquent and generous epithets. As a result, instead of a "real man", the ladies managed to nurture a young man who was ashamed and disgusted with belonging to the "wretched class". Naturally, in order to please his beloved mother and grandmother, he tried to be as different from men as possible. Attitude to the behavior of the "sweet boy", pleasant to everyone up to a certain age, in the senior classes has radically changed. Peers were cruelly teasing, and, at times, frankly mocked. And only the girls took such a nice young man to their company. Now he himself "realized" how right Mama was. "

The development of the further life of this man, I think, is quite predictable. In my opinion, such principles of upbringing are the forced feminization of boys.

In the desire to change a man for the "better", women involuntarily instill in their sons effeminate manners of behavior, perception of reality and themselves in this world. "Weak sex" is so desperate to become strong, that nature, striving for balance, has nothing else to do but to deprive this quality of men. Girls, growing up, see "feminine" boys and do not see them as fathers for their children. The new generation is again playing the script of "female education".

To give advice, assess the prospects for the development of society, which goes in this direction, is difficult. A large-scale work is needed to restore the value of the institution of the family, and this will take many years. To teach women to be weak and fragile again, to give up their positions, "conquered" with such difficulty, is not an easy task. It is equally difficult for men, accustomed to the fact that ladies are able to solve all their problems independently, learn to act decisively and take responsibility. Until the situation changes, in the world of "Great Mothers" there will be less and less places for strong men.

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