HealthAlternative Medicine

Highlander pochechuyny

Highlander pochechuyny is an annual plant of the buckwheat family. It can reach up to one hundred and ten centimeters in height. To distinguish a plant it is possible on an erect, single and ramified stalk. Its leaves are wedge-shaped, narrowed at the base, often with a reddish patch. Flowers pink or white, small, with thick spiky cylindrical brushes.

The fruit is an ovoid or trihedral glossy black nutlet. The flowering period lasts from July to August, and the ripening of fruits is from July to October.

Highland pochechuyny is widespread in Central Asia, in the south of Siberia, in the Caucasus, on the European territory of the CIS. It grows mainly on the banks of meliorative channels, lakes and rivers, in fields, in vegetable gardens and gardens, in alder thickets.

About its healing properties mentioned Hippocrates and Galen. Pochechuynaya grass got its name from the old Russian word "pochechuy", which means "hemorrhoids".

This plant is harvested for therapeutic use. The best time for harvesting is the flowering period, and only the upper part needs to be cut off. It is necessary to leave several plants for every two to three meters of its thickets.

Optimal place for drying - outdoors, shaded. If possible, this procedure should be carried out with the help of special artificially heated devices, setting the temperature of heating the raw material to forty to fifty degrees Celsius. It is noted that with slow drying, the grass can blacken.

With proper storage, the mountaineer pochecuyny can be used for twenty-four months. He does not have a smell, the taste is bitter.

Decoction (or infusion) of this plant has a hemostatic effect, which is manifested in an increase in the degree of viscosity and the rate of coagulability of the blood. Also this healing agent produces a diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory effect. It is able to narrow the vessels, without affecting the level of blood pressure, as well as strengthen the work of the heart.

Highlander pochechuyny recommended for the treatment of chronic constipation (using the aerial part). Decoction of the plant will help get rid of hemorrhoids, and extract - from uterine bleeding.

Infusion is used for diuretic diseases of the kidneys, diarrhea, urolithiasis, colds and venereal diseases. In addition, the rinsing of the oral cavity by this means will strengthen the gum with scurvy. In fresh form the plant is used for applications with radiculitis, headache and gout.

Preparations based on the mountaineer pochechuynogo are used in the complex treatment of persons suffering from atonic constipation.

Method of application of medicinal plants and recommended doses

When using this twenty grams of raw materials should be placed in a container (best enameled), pour 200 milliliters of boiled hot water, cover with a lid and heat on a water bath for at least fifteen minutes, while stirring periodically the resulting mass. After this time, the medicinal product must be left to cool. After forty-five minutes, the mass is filtered, the volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to two hundred milliliters, using boiled water for this. Take this medication by one tablespoon three times a day before eating to eliminate atonic chronic constipation, uterine bleeding and hemorrhoids.

To prepare the broth, pour 10 grams (one tablespoon) of raw material with 300 ml of boiling water, put on fire for fifteen minutes, then insist for two hours and drain. Take one hundred milliliters of 3 r. in a day.

Herbal properties of herbs are invaluable. However, it should be remembered that some of them can harm agricultural animals. Thus, the seeds of the mountaineer of pochechuyny are poisonous for sheep and pigs.

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