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Figs from cough: a recipe with milk. Tasty and effective medicine

Feeling frightening signs of a cold, do not immediately flee to the pharmacy for expensive medications. Folk remedies are often much more effective than the most modern drugs. And with a cold in the first place it is worth remembering about the figs from a cough. The recipe with milk not only will quickly relieve you of unpleasant symptoms, but also will please the taste receptors of the tongue.

Useful berry

In former times the fig was known in our region under the name figs or figs. And about his miraculous qualities the people were perfectly aware. Especially popular was the figs from cough: a recipe with milk is tested on many generations of our ancestors. However, the fig was used not only for these purposes. It is able to normalize the work of all parts of the intestine, along with the stomach. Fig is very recommended to the kidneys, as it is a mild and effective diuretic.

Although the most commonly used figs are cough, a recipe with milk will also be useful for the cores. Smokva contains a considerable amount of potassium, which gives the vessels a high elasticity; For the same reason should not forget about her and hypertensive patients. Simultaneously, the fruit contains an enzyme called ficin, which reduces the ability of the blood to clot. This helps to resolve the already formed blood clots and prevents the appearance of new ones. So figs can be an excellent preventive and curative remedy for thromboses. A person who regularly consumes figs is practically insured against heart attacks and strokes.

Steamed figs with milk from cough: recipe

The reviews of traditional healers allow us to conclude that there are several ways to make a tasty and effective remedy. First, we offer a technology in which, it is believed, the loss of useful properties and components is minimal. To prepare the drug, 4-5 figs are steamed in a glass of boiled milk. To accelerate the process, the fruits are recommended to be crushed. When the berries are completely softened, they are rubbed with the liquid base to the maximum possible uniformity. You need to drink medicine warm, half a glass, two to four times a day.

Boiled fruits

There is a faster way to prepare figs with milk from a cough. The recipe suggests taking two or three fresh figs on a glass of liquid. Milk is poured normal temperature, not chilled and not warmed. The dish with the components is put on the stove; How the milk will boil, you need to remove the foam from it. Of course, this stage is unprincipled, but most children turn their noses at the sight of foam and refuse to be treated even with goodies. In addition, the foam settles on the berries and gives them an unpleasant sliminess. Cook the medicine before you get a brownish color. For the treatment between meals, milk is drunk, and the berry is eaten. Approaches to the drug should be at least two. If you do not stop taking it and after recovery, then within two weeks the drink will significantly strengthen immunity.

We are treated with dried fruit

More often than not fresh figs to buy it is inconvenient enough. Usually they are on sale either in dried or dried. By the above methods, it is not possible to draw all the useful substances out of the fruit, and the medicine is too "weak". Therefore, it will have to be prepared in three stages.

  1. Take a glass of cold milk, it is laid 2-3 figs. Defending should last no less than half an hour.
  2. The bowl is placed on a very slow fire; Its contents are slowly brought to a boil that lasts no longer than a minute.
  3. The medicine is removed from the plate, the container is covered (you can wrap it up to cool more slowly), and the drug is infused for about a third of an hour.

If you were preparing this way milk and figs against cough, treatment can be conducted in two ways. The first figs are kneaded together with milk. So the remedy is more effective, but the taste is sugary, which not everyone will like. The second method is to drain and take only milk. The effectiveness, judging by the reviews, is somewhat lower, but for the non-lovers of sweet taste is more acceptable.

With lactose intolerance

Allergy to dairy products is not so rare. In this case, it is often accompanied by reactions and medications. Therefore, such allergy sufferers aspire to the maximum from all sores to use folk remedies. For example, use the figs from a cough. The recipe with milk, of course, can not be applied. However, you should not despair: this wonderful fruit will help without the dairy component. Figs (pieces of eight medium berries) are cut into smaller pieces and filled with a glass of pure water. The dummy with the workpiece is placed on a quiet fire. After boiling, the future medicine is cooked for about twenty minutes, until the fruits begin to creep. At that moment another glass of water is poured in, and as much sugar is poured in. The drug is cooked until the sugar dissolves completely, and the contents of the pot do not resemble thick syrup. In the end, the broth is savored with fresh grated ginger (near the spoon) and juice of half a lemon. The treatment consists in taking the syrup in the volume of a dessert spoon three times a day.

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