
First aid for poisoning

First aid for poisoning is a very important information, since at least once in a lifetime each person has encountered something similar. Poisoning is by no means a rarity, and the cause of this can be both poor-quality food, and toxic substances, salts, alcohol, etc. Depending on the symptoms, certain measures must be taken.

First aid for food poisoning . Most often such poisonings are observed in the summer period of time, when it is not always possible to store products under appropriate conditions. Once in the body, the toxins cause a series of reactions - it's vomiting, weakness, severe nausea or diarrhea.

If a person is tormented by severe nausea, then he needs to drink at least one and a half liters of clean, boiled, cool water at a time, and then try to induce vomiting.

In the event that the patient, on the contrary, constantly tears, then there is a risk of dehydration. In this case, you need to replenish the body's fluid reserves. With intensive vomiting, a person should drink at least three liters of fluid per day. Drink often, but in slow and small sips, not to provoke a new attack of vomiting.

With diarrhea, it is customary to take drugs that strengthen the stool. This is not true, since a person, thus, only interferes with his own body from releasing toxins. In this case, first aid for poisoning is reduced to taking activated charcoal and drinking a lot, since diarrhea occurs during diarrhea.

Poisoning by mushrooms: first aid . Cases of poisoning with mushrooms are also considered quite common. Fungal toxins can penetrate the body, as when poisonous fungi are absorbed, and when improperly prepared with respect to poisonous fungi. Symptoms, as a rule, are sharp and severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In the case of ingestion of highly toxic products (for example, pale toadstool), there is the appearance of nervous excitement and the presence of feces and vomit masses of blood. In such a situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance, since there is a risk of death.

When poisoning with fungi, a person must be taken to the hospital. As for first aid, first you need to wash your stomach. The patient should drink a large amount of water or milk, and then induce vomiting. In the event that several hours after the poisoning the patient still did not have a stool, it is recommended to give a mild laxative - so toxins are more likely to be excreted from the body.

It is worth noting that when poisoning with mushrooms, the symptoms do not appear immediately, but after 16 to 24 hours from ingestion.

First aid for alcohol poisoning . Alcohol poisoning is considered one of the most dangerous, because with too much intoxication, the patient may fall into the so-called alcoholic coma. If a person is ill, then it is necessary to rinse the stomach - give the victim to drink 1 to 2 liters of water, after which he should induce vomiting. If the victim is conscious, you should get him to drink 15 tablets of activated charcoal.

In the event that the patient has lost consciousness, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. The first aid for alcohol poisoning is reduced to monitoring a person. First, it is necessary to lay it and turn its head to the side so that the vomit leaves without difficulty and do not cause suffocation. Secondly, under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels expand, and intense heat loss begins. Therefore, a person must be sheltered to prevent hypothermia of the body.

Whatever the cause of the poisoning, a person needs to be shown to the doctor, since undesirable consequences are possible.

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