HealthDiseases and Conditions

Fibrosis - what is it? Fibrosis of the lungs. Treatment of fibrosis

Under the influence of negative factors, the proliferation of body tissues is often observed. The organs cease to function normally, and this affects the person's health. In various systems, the process of modifying connective tissue can occur, that is, fibrosis develops. What is it, and what treatments does modern medicine offer? The article will tell about it.

Fibroids in the organs

This negative process is characterized by the following features. First, the connective tissue proliferates and thickens in one or another organ. Secondly, its surface is covered with scars. Normal cells are replaced by the affected ones, as a result of which the body stops working normally. The danger is that over time it can completely cease to function. The most common are similar diseases of the liver, lungs, uterus (one of the causes of infertility). It is characteristic that the reverse process does not take place in connective tissue (which means that it will not return to normal state). Only competent treatment in this case will give an opportunity to live a full life.

Fibrosis - what is it? Causes

One of the most common causes that can cause changes in the tissues of an organ is an inflammatory process that is chronic. Such a disease can arise due to radiation, radiation, injuries, as well as in the presence of allergic reactions. However, depending on where fibrosis is found, there are specific causes. Idiopathic fibrosis is capable of provoking such factors as smoking, working with harmful substances, unfavorable ecological conditions. Another growth of lung tissue can occur because of pneumonia, tuberculosis. Cavernous fibrosis (densification of the tissues of the penis) causes inflammation in the cavernous bodies, as well as a prolonged (pathological) erection. Changes in the liver are the result of hepatitis, cirrhosis, hypertension, chronic inflammation.


Depending on which organ was affected, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Eye fibrosis. The structure of the retina and vitreous body changes. This condition is characterized by a significant deterioration in vision.
  2. Cavernous fibrosis. Develops in the penis. It can be apical, medial, pedicelike, total.
  3. Pulmonary type. In this case, tissues of the respiratory organs are affected. Single-sided, bilateral, idiopathic species are distinguished. Also this group includes fibrosis of the roots of the lungs and the radical type.
  4. Fibrosis of the liver (focal, zonal, bridge, periveneular and others).
  5. Fibrosis of mammary glands.
  6. Fibrosis of the uterus.

There is also a division of fibrosis according to the area and location of the affected area: focal (there are small places with changes), diffuse (neoplasms are diagnosed on a large plot). Cystic fibrosis affects the work of the glands of external secretion, the ducts are clogged, because of this secret secretion is difficult.

How the disease develops

How fibrosis manifests, what it is, the possible causes of the disease and the organs that it affects - all of these issues have been discussed above. But what is the mechanism of development of neoplasms? Fibrous lesions include active and passive septa. The first are formed in fibrogenesis and consist of a huge number of cells. Passive septa that are in connective tissue, contribute to the fact that the process of growth becomes irreversible. Fibers, which consist of active elements, are much better suited to reverse development. Pericytes move into the foci of inflammation, which turn into myofibroblastomas. They also produce an extracellular matrix. Reduction of inflammation restores normal functions of pericytes, which significantly affects the reversibility of this process.

Fibrosis of the respiratory system

The danger of such a lung disease lies in the fact that the breathing process is disrupted, since the elasticity of the affected tissues is much lower. The blood is worse oxygenated. The causes may be infectious diseases, and the effects of radiation, and the inhalation of harmful substances. The early stages of the disease, such as fibrosis of the roots of the lungs (as well as its other varieties), occur almost asymptomatically. There may be a slight shortness of breath, which in time accompanies not only physical exertion. Then there is a pain in the chest, there is a cough, bronchitis. A person can notice increased sweating. The skin and mucous membranes of the mouth are changing.

For diagnosis, use X-rays, MRI, computed tomography. In the treatment of special medicines, gymnastics for the respiratory system. Possible and surgical intervention (if the affected area is large). It is possible to treat fibrosis folk remedies. The action of various plant infusions is based on the improvement of blood circulation in the organs. They include such grasses as field horsetail, fennel, cumin fruits, spring horsetail .

Fibrosis of the uterus and mammary glands

Neoplasms of the uterus are increasingly diagnosed in fairly young women. Fibrosis of this organ can cause abundant discharge during critical days, and this, in turn, contributes to the development of anemia. Seals can block the fallopian tubes (infertility develops), provoke miscarriages and early childbirth. There are different ways of treatment: ultrasound, embolization of the uterine artery, surgical intervention.

Another important point is fibrosis of the mammary glands. This is a change in the connective tissue that arises from hormonal imbalance. Symptoms include chest heaviness, discomfort. It is also possible to determine seals by yourself. Treatment depends on which factor caused the disease. Apply hormonal therapy, and vitamin complexes. The doctor may advise you to exclude certain foods from the diet (coffee, chocolate). Surgical intervention is often used when there is a suspicion that the neoplasm may be malignant.

Treatment of other types of fibrosis

Treatment of liver fibrosis is quite specific. It is aimed mainly at eliminating the cause of the disease, as well as its consequences. At this time, experts are actively seeking a drug that will slow the growth of collagen in the liver. A special diet is prescribed. If there are swelling, then the amount of salt is limited. If there is cavernous fibrosis (what it is, we mentioned above), the technique of prosthetics is applied. But the proliferation of connective cells of the prostate lends itself to conservative therapy. Used drugs that relieve inflammation, as well as antibiotics.

Methods of prevention

To reduce the risk of such diseases, it is necessary to remember the following points. Alcohol and tobacco smoke are one of the catalysts that can provoke a disease such as fibrosis. It is timely to diagnose and conduct therapy for lung, liver, and genital system diseases. If the work involves interaction with toxic substances, all safety and security rules must be adhered to. Stress is also a factor that can influence the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid negative emotions and experiences.

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