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Spray-paint "smooth leather": types, manufacturers and characteristics
Everyone has in his wardrobe things or shoes made of genuine leather. Girls like to brag of a fashionable leather handbag, gloves, a jacket. Men for solidity wear leather coats and shoes. These products are natural and durable, only after prolonged use wear out, burn out, flash, become rough. How to return such things to look, how to make the skin smooth, and the color saturated? It turns out that you can paint them at home, returning them their former beauty and restoring shine. In the store it is very easy to buy paint for smooth skin. It can be in the form of a spray or cream.
Features of Sprays
Aerosol paint for smooth skin allows it to spray very evenly over the surface of the products. To completely change the color of the products does not quite fit, but it perfectly resurrects the worn and lightened things from prolonged wearing. It is suitable for the restoration of shabby pants, bags, coats and other leather goods. Also with the help of these magic cans you can put in order the old leather furniture.
To use the aerosol paint "smooth skin", you just need to adhere to the following tips:
- For the free movement of metal balls inside the can, it is necessary to shake it well at the very beginning of the work.
- The leather product needs to be cleaned, degreased, in some cases sanded some areas with sandpaper.
- Do not start the staining without a trial application in an inconspicuous place.
- If the color of the paint is the same, you can start spraying (do this at a distance of 20 cm from the product by reciprocating movements).
- Do not touch the product, you need to leave it to dry (the time is indicated on the cylinder).
Cream "smooth skin"
In addition to aerosols, there are many cream paints for smooth skin. Reviews of them indicate that they are used more often for tinting shoes. Such products have protective and water-repellent properties. At one and the same time they can nourish, soften, clean, repaint and protect from moisture. Such cream carefully protects the skin from drying out, does not allow cracking of seams, removes stains from salt, traces of snow and rain. Such colors have a large color gamut.
What is necessary to paint with a creamy product? First you need to buy a special cleaner that will prepare the skin for staining. For this procedure, a special sponge is needed to apply the cream to the products. There are paints on the flacon which already has a special applicator built in, along which the paint comes gradually, and it does not need to be constantly blotted out. If there is no applicator on the flacon, then you need to buy a brush to mix and distribute the cream onto the sponge. Before you start, it's best to wear gloves to keep your hands clean. After staining, the cream should be given time to soak and dry.
Characteristics of paint Twist Fashion
Twist aerosol paint saturates smooth skin with a persistent color, achieves uniform coloring of surfaces, helps to protect against moisture, salt and snow. Thick paints are stained qualitatively, but this spray allows you to do it easily and quickly, and evenly, without divorce and stains. Twist does not contain ozone-depleting substances.
To clean the skin before painting, this company produces a foam cleaner that perfectly copes with all contaminants. Spray paint should be applied in several layers. Each application should be repeated no earlier than 5 minutes after the first coating. The approximate price of this aerosol is 150 rubles.
Paint Reducer Silver
Very popular with customers is the paint of the company Silver. It perfectly eliminates defects in leather products, restores their color and evenly shades. Most often it is used to eliminate the aesthetic shortcomings of leather shoes. Silver will help restore the old look, paint over the rubs, scratches. Here are the main advantages of this Turkish product:
- All the abrasions are perfectly eliminated;
- Persistent and uniform color;
- Suitable for smooth skin of any type;
- Has water-repellent properties, as well as protection against harmful effects of salt and dirt;
- Can be purchased not only in specialized stores, but also on the Internet.
Paint for smooth skin Salamander Leather
Salamander is famous for its products for the care of leather products. She is credited with special emollient properties. The shoes processed by her do not so wet, and the surface does not get dirty.
The Salamander paint perfectly updates the products, giving them a rich color. The most popular shades are black, all shades of brown. The approximate price for this product is from 180 to 250 rubles.
Salton Spray Paint
The strengthened formula of All-Day-Effect technology allows qualitatively update the skin color. Salton is designed to restore the color of clothing, shoes, leather accessories. For a long time after painting, the products remain well-groomed. This spray paint can also process membrane materials. The quality of this product is confirmed by a world-class certificate.
Salton's paint not only restores color, but also achieves excellent shine. This product is used very economically, since it is able to overlap the color from the first painting.
List of other well-known companies
Save a fashionable jacket, backpack or shoes you can use many colors for smooth skin. One such brand is Smart. She certainly will help restore things to your gloss. With its non-toxic innovative formula, you can achieve a juicy color.
An excellent means for coloring the skin is the domestic remedy Saphir ("Sapphire"). For the processing of the material before the painting is also sold universal balsam of the same company.
Excellent paint is produced by the Russian manufacturer "Dividik". High-quality painting with this product helps to renew and refresh the color. The advantage of this paint is that it is suitable for the Russian climate.
Many people know the high-quality paint for natural and artificial leather Kudo. She achieves a persistent color, and also allows the skin to breathe.
Features of painting shoes
Although this is unpleasant, but prolonged wearing leads to a loss of the original color of the smooth skin of the shoes. Before painting, shoes or boots should be thoroughly cleaned, make sure that no dust, dirt and grease stains remain. Sometimes a special preparation is already included in the shoe painting kit. Smooth skin should be properly wiped.
After cleaning the shoes, you need to allow time for drying. It is better not to use heating devices and direct sunlight for this purpose. The most optimal way of drying is the natural environment.
Now the choice is for the paints. Most often, the shoes are dyed with liquid water-based dyes or cream color reducers. Aerosols are not quite suitable for this purpose.
With the help of an applicator or a sponge, the paint is evenly applied to the surface of the skin and rubbed in circular motions. Do not apply too thick layer, it is better to cover twice with thin layers.
After the processed footwear dries, it needs to be rubbed with a cotton napkin or felt rag. Glossy shine of such shoes will please its owner.
Reviews of the main brands of aerosols
About the colors for smooth skin reviews consumers leave very much. They show that most of the buyers trust the trusted company Salamander. There have been cases that she beautifully painted not only the smooth shoes, but also slightly corrugated. After drying, this paint does not give an unpleasant smell. Products of many consumers after its use have acquired a juicy color and got rid of rubbing.
Many consumers are satisfied with the quality of Silver. After drying, it does not stick. Thanks to the beeswax entering into it, the paint perfectly protects against moisture. Excellent does not only with shoes, but, for example, with worn gloves. After staining, they remain elastic, protected from frost damage. Also, buyers praise the comfortable and soft applicator of this product, so that the paint does not pour and does not require a strong pressure on the sponge. The paint is distinguished by a convenient bottle and a mild odor. Using this tool will best answer the question of how to make the skin smooth.
The perfect rejuvenator of color are Salton cans. The appearance of products with this product will definitely acquire a second life. But many consumers recommend using it only for the reconstruction of shoes. There have been cases, that on other things the color fastness was lost. After using this paint, it is better to wipe the shoes with a sponge with wax to give shine.
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