Spiritual development, Mystic
How to get water powers? Tips for a Beginner Magician
How to get water powers? This question is asked to their teachers by almost all beginning mages. And it's no accident, because such people should feel quite well the impact of four elements - fire, water, air and earth - and also correctly apply their energy during their rituals.
So, let's consider in more detail the question of how to obtain the magical powers of water.
General information about the elements
There is no doubt that water is life. After all, all the living things that are on our planet, it was born only thanks to it. Moreover, water is the most important part of the astral world. She protects such qualities of a person as devotion, spirituality, faith and faithfulness.
It should be specially noted that not in vain a lot of people are interested in how to get water. After all, the energy of this element is useful to enlist, if it is about maintaining the unions and strengthening friendly, as well as love relationships. Water (its power) gives us the flexibility of the mind, intelligence and the ability to compromise. Energy of this element will give you the opportunity to achieve success in those cases where the power is absolutely useless.
Ways how to get the power of water, using it
The path of mastering the power of water is thorny and long. And to begin with, experienced magicians recommend mastering a simple exercise that you need to perform daily. It consists in the following: it is necessary to learn to drink water in small sips, imagining that with each new portion your body receives incredible life-giving energy. After a few weeks of such practice, you will feel a noticeable ease and pacification.
Consider the second way how to get the water forces.
Contact with the elements
This practice is much easier to carry out if you live near any water body. After all, it is extremely important for a beginning magician to be in constant contact with water. What does it mean? Being close to the rapidly flowing river, sea or ocean, beating about the shore, absolutely any person is saturated with life-giving energy. That's why beginning mages are recommended to stay regularly near any water body. For a start, you can walk along the shore, freeing your head from any thoughts. Next, you need to sit facing the river, the sea or the ocean and watch the rapid flow, ebbs and tides. Imagine that your body and soul are some part of this turbulent flow. After this, you need to analyze yourself and find in yourself the qualities inherent in water.
Affirmations and Mantras
How to get the power of water, mermaids, moons and become more hardy? As you know, a mermaid is a mythical being that has the upper part of the human body, and the lower one - the fish. Despite the fact that many people consider this creation to be fictional, most magicians are sure that during the Atlantean times mermaids did exist. That's why, together with the energy of water, you can get the power of these mythical characters. To do this, you need to fill the tub with warm water, dip into it around the neck, close your eyes and utter any mantras. It is also recommended to thank aloud aloud the water for giving you strength and power, helping you conquer the uncompromising, performing the impossible and curing the incurable.
Lying in a warm bath, you should feel how every cell of your body literally absorbs the energy of water. The result will be achieved if you have a feeling of complete unification with the elements.
If you want to combine the energy of the water and the energy of the moon, then a few drops of the "moon elixir" should be added to it before taking a bath. For its preparation you will need a pure spring or holy baptismal water. By the way, the latter absorbs lunar fluids much better.
Taking a small amount of liquid, it should be poured into a glass transparent vessel, and then, without closing, leave for the night in the place where the moonlight gets well (for example, on the windowsill, in the yard, on the balcony, etc.).
With the onset of the morning (at dawn), the container with life-giving moisture should be tightly closed, wrapped in an opaque cloth and put in a dark place.
When taking a bath, the elixir should be added in a few drops and at the same time imagine that the combined energy of the water and the satellite of the earth becomes your personal strength and energy.
Interaction with the energy of water
We told how to get water. But to make sure that these practices are effective, let us consider one experience that shows how the energy of the body can interact with the energy of life-giving moisture. To do this, take an ordinary glass, fill it with water and put it directly in front of you. Then you need to put your finger in the bowl. After taking it out in a few seconds, you should pay attention to how quickly the liquid flows down. Next, you need to close your hands together and sit for a couple of minutes. In the end, you need to unclench your hands and grab them a filled glass on both sides. In this case, you should physically try to feel the energy of the water, and then put a finger into it again. After the practice, the liquid should flow much more slowly than the first time. This result of the experiment is easy to explain. The matter is that your power engineering has entered into interaction with energy of water, than has changed its structure.
In the process of studying energy and water, a novice magician will inevitably encounter her conductor, who is popularly called Vodian. It is considered that such a creature looks like this: his whole body is covered with a greenish-brown tint, which smells rather like rotten grass.
Every magician knows how to obtain the power of water management. However, not everyone could see the master of the seas and oceans. Although there are still some who have already met with Water Face to face. According to their stories, there is nothing terrible in this. The main thing is to establish contact with him. This is done in different ways. Someone brings a water sacrifice, someone thanks for the gift of strength and energy, and someone makes their rituals. But anyway, it is not recommended to quarrel with the master of the seas and oceans.
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