BeautySkin care

Fashionable in the summer - a wrap for losing weight

Every woman dreams about a slender and elegant figure, and with the onset of the summer period - a season of swimsuits and light flowing clothes - these dreams become even more intense, and sometimes even go into action. Shortly before the summer, many women go to decisive actions - go on a diet, go to gyms and fitness centers, and also resort to other methods, for example, apply a wrap for weight loss, which, among other things, has a wonderful health Effect on the skin.

If you apply the wrap correctly, you can quickly and without extra effort to lose weight, get slim and cleanse the skin. There are some substances that can be used in this procedure - a variety of creams, algae, ethereal and menthol oils, special clay, as well as special salts, medicinal and marine mud. In general, wraps can be of two types: with a cooling or heating effect. The first cause the body to spend its reserves to keep warm, as the procedure takes place with a significant drop in temperature, which helps burn excess calories and melt kilograms. Most often, the cooling wrap for slimming is carried out with menthol oil, vitamin and mineral complexes that act on the skin, smoothing it, actively decompose the fat deposits, and make the covers well hydrated and elastic. In addition, this procedure is remarkably relaxing, relieves stress and fatigue.

Wraps of the warming character act differently, raising the body temperature with the help of the "sauna effect". Thanks to this, the metabolism is accelerated several times, the blood flow in the tissues improves, which leads to the splitting of fatty deposits and the removal of excess fluids and excess kilograms of weight from the body. Many women choose a warming wrap for weight loss, among other things, also because it helps to get rid of a huge amount of toxins and slags, and also to defeat cellulite (an ugly "orange peel").

To conduct such pleasant procedures for losing weight and improving the body can be not only in the salon, but also at home. Of course, real professionals will be able to do everything much better, having a lot of additional devices and active components at hand, so, often, the results of visiting the salon are the best, but at home you can take good care of yourself. First, you should clean the skin with a scrub, removing the dead scales, then apply a special composition - cream, chocolate or butter or other substance (for example, a very useful coffee wrap), then wrapped in a wrap and wrapped well. It should be remembered that the time for wrapping for weight loss should not exceed 40-60 minutes, after which you need to take a shower and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. But do not forget that even the best wrap is not a panacea - a weight drop can very quickly return if the procedure is not supplemented by a reasonable restriction of nutrition and a set of exercise exercises.

One of the most popular and high-quality methods for losing weight today is the vinegar wrap. To conduct it, it is necessary to dilute in cold water vinegar 7% (per 1 liter 200 ml). In the resultant solution, a sheet is soaked, which then should be slightly squeezed and wrapped in it. From above, you must apply a film and carefully wrap up, achieving a "sauna effect." The procedure can last up to 2-3 hours, so you need to be patient, and especially it will come in handy in the first stage (about a quarter of an hour) when the body temperature starts to drop rapidly. After that, the process will be completely different - it will become so hot that you want to turn around instantly, but this should not be done, because it is at this moment that the body part with all the extra pounds, for which purpose the wrap is used for weight loss.

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