EducationSecondary education and schools

Fairy tale about nature

Ecological education is the formation in the child of a correct idea of nature, the phenomena occurring in it, and the opportunity to instill a careful attitude to living and inanimate nature.

Ecological education in kindergarten

At all times in kindergartens, special attention has been paid to the ecological education of children. Due to this pre-schoolers form a correct idea of nature, about how to handle it and protect it.

As you know, children of early age are trained in the game. That's why the ecological fairy tale became popular, which in a game form helps to tell children about the main phenomena of nature.

Forms of ecological education

Ecological fairy tales for preschool children are not the only method of development of upbringing. Also the following forms of work on environmental education are popular:

  1. Observation.
  2. Experiments.
  3. Thematic studies.
  4. Excursions to nature.
  5. Holidays.

Ecological tales for preschool children as a form of education

The ecological fairy tale is the most favorite among preschool children. Educators develop whole scenarios, and then, in their spare time and time moments, play performances with the children.

Very often in classes on fiction, educators give children the opportunity to take part in creating a fairy tale. For preschoolers, topics related to pets, forest dwellers, forests in winter, and much more will be familiar.

An ecological fairy tale about nature is an excellent opportunity to improve the preschooler's knowledge of the world around him, the rules of treating him in a joking manner. When they participate in the staging of the ecological fairy tale, the children develop speech, it becomes more expressive and emotional.

Fairy tale is ecological. What lies at its base

An ecological fairy tale contains in itself various phenomena of nature, the vital activity of plants and animals, differences in their behavior depending on the time of the year.

It is most correct to compose a fairy tale in the form of travel. The main characters are the animated phenomena of nature and animals. But animals in fairy tales always reveal their main character traits, for example a bear-rod, a bunny-poprygaychik.

Great success will be given to ecological fairy tales for children with mythical characters. It is in such dramatizations that the kids most like to take part. Magic characters always save nature from negative impact.

A Tale of Nature

Whatever lies at the basis, an ecological fairy tale about nature should always praise good. No wonder they say that it conquers evil. And all the tales, no doubt, confirm this.

The fairy-tale ecological allows the child to get the skills of speaking before the public. Shy children must also be attracted to these dramatizations. In general, it is necessary to involve as many pupils of the group as possible in order to develop their acting skills.

Ecological fairy tale about nature is understandable to everyone, does not take much time. In its content, it is aimed at senior preschoolers. It will be more correct to use it on various holidays, matinees or parental evenings.

An example of an ecological fairy tale for preschoolers

Scenario of the ecological fairy tale "How a man tamed a plant".

This happened a long time ago. In those days, people still did not know about the existence of indoor plants. In the spring he was pleased to observe the revival of plants after the winter, in the summer he admired the greenery of foliage and trees, and in the autumn he sometimes missed and was sad that the leaves were turning yellow and falling.

Of course, the green grass and trees pleased his eyes more than the faded autumn leaves. And he did not want to live without this beauty for six months a year. Then he decided that he would take the plant to his home and help him to survive the cold at home.

Then the man went to the tree and asked for one twig.

"Tree, lend me your twig so that she will rejoice me all winter with its beauty."

- Yes, of course, take it. But think, can you provide her with the necessary conditions for life.

"I can do everything," the man answered, took a twig and went to his house.

When he came home, he immediately wanted to plant a branch in a pot. Choosing the most beautiful, he fell asleep to the brim with the most useful land, dug a hole, planted a twig there and sat down to wait.

Time passed, but the twig did not bloom at all and did not grow. Every day it got worse.

Then the man again decided to go to the tree and ask why the twig withers, what he does wrong.

When a man approached, he immediately recognized.

"Well, man, how is my twig doing there?"

And he answered:

- Quite badly, the twig was completely bent to the ground. I came to ask you for advice and help, because I can not understand what my mistake is. After all, I took such a wonderful pot and the best land.

"Do you think why we have not faded so long?" Yes, because nature took care of us and asked the clouds, passing over us, to pour out rain, so that we grew and blossomed.

"Thank you, tree, great!"

And the man ran home.

At home, he poured a large decanter of water and poured a drooping twig. And then a miracle happened - right before our eyes, the branch straightened.

The man was very glad that he followed the advice of the tree and saved the twig.

But the time passed, and he began to notice that the twig again began to wither. Watering did not help. And then the man again decided to go to the tree for new advice.

Then it told the man about the main helpers of plants - earthworms. And the fact that it is necessary to loosen the earth to access oxygen to the roots of plants.

The man thanked and ran home.

Already at home he wiggled the ground at the roots with his wand. After a while the twig again blossomed and breathed new life.

The man was very happy.

It was autumn, the snow began to fall. One winter morning a man saw that again the branch had gone out. Nothing helped to revive her. And the man ran to the tree. But it had already fallen into winter hibernation and it was not possible to wake it up.

Then the man was very frightened for his twig. And he rushed home rather. He was afraid that she would die without the help of a tree. And then someone spoke to him.

"Hey man, you listen to me ..."

"Who's this talking to me?" - the person was frightened.

"You did not recognize me?" It's me, your twig. Do not be afraid, you know that all trees, like many animals, hibernate in winter.

"But you're so warm and cozy in the room, do not you like it?"

- I'm fine with you, but we grow only from the sun.

"Now I understand everything!" - Said the man, and moved a twig in the pot on the windowsill, where it warmed the sun's rays.

And the twig began to live on a man on a windowsill. It's winter outside, and a real green twig grows at the man's house.

Now he knows that you need to take proper care of the plants in order to make them happy all year round.

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