Spiritual developmentChristianity

What is humility and patience? The power of humility. Example of humility

What is humility? Not everyone can unequivocally answer this question. Despite this, many consider humility to be the main virtue of a true Christian. It is this quality that the Lord primarily values in man.

Some may have the impression that humility leads to poverty, oppression, depression, poverty, disease. They humbly suffer their present situation and hope for a better life in the Kingdom of God. In fact, all this is far from being humility. The Lord does not give us difficulties at all, not to be reconciled with them, but to overcome them. Dethronement, stupid submission, oppression and depression are more likely signs of falsehood.

And yet, what is humility?

Biblical humility. Example of humility

The biblical encyclopedia says that humility is the complete opposite of pride. This virtue is considered one of the most important in Christianity. The humility of man is that he relies on the Lord's mercy in everything and clearly understands that without Him he can not achieve anything. A humble person never puts himself above others, accepts with joy and gratitude only what the Lord bestows on him, does not require more than he is supposed to. The scriptures prescribe this virtue to all true followers of Christ. Jesus showed the highest degree of humility, completely submitting. For the sake of all mankind, He endured terrible suffering, humiliation and acquisition. He was crucified, but after resurrection, He did not even have the slightest resentment against those who did it, because He realized that all this was God's work. In other words, the Christian humility of a person is manifested in his complete dependence on the Lord and in a realistic view of his own essence. As a result of this comes a true understanding that you should not think highly of yourself.

What is the essence of humility?

What is humility? This question is constantly asked by spiritual leaders. They, in turn, give different understandings of this definition, but the essence of all is the same. Some argue that humility lies in the fact that a person immediately forgets about the good deeds that he created. In other words, he does not ascribe to himself the result. Others say that a humble person considers himself to be the last sinner. Some say that humility is a mental recognition of one's powerlessness. But these are far from complete definitions of the concept of "humility". More accurately, we can say that this is a blessed state of mind, a real gift of the Lord. Some sources refer to humility as the Divine Apparel in which the human soul was clothed. Humility is the mysterious power of grace. There is one more definition of humility, which says that this is joyful, but at the same time sad self-abasement of the soul before the Lord, other people. It is expressed by inner prayer and contemplation of one's sins, total obedience to the Lord and diligent service to other people.

Humility in life gives a person joy, happiness and inspires confidence in Divine support.

What is the dependence on the Lord?

Two components in a person's life give an understanding of the concept of "humility." The first is the dependence on God. What is it manifested in? The Scriptures give an example when the Lord calls a rich man a "madman." Legend has it that once there was a rich man who had a large supply of grain and other good. He sought to further expand his opportunities for greater accumulation, in order to subsequently only enjoy his wealth. But the Lord called him "madman," because he chained his soul into the slavery of his wealth. The Lord told him, what will he do with this accumulated, if today he will lose his soul? A bad fate awaits those who save the goods for their enjoyment, and not for the Lord. The present situation of rich people is such that they want to enjoy their riches undividedly, believing that they have achieved everything themselves, and that the Lord has nothing to do with it. These are real madmen. No wealth can save a person from difficulties, suffering and disease. The inner world of such people is completely emptied, and they completely forgot about God.

The Biblical story

There is another story that teaches humility. One day the Lord invited a wealthy pious young man to distribute all his wealth to the poor and go with Him, in order to have real treasures in the Kingdom of Heaven. But the young man could not do this because of his attachment to the property. And then Christ said that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. His disciples were amazed at this answer. After all, they sincerely believed that the wealth of man is, on the contrary, God's blessing. But Jesus said the opposite. The fact is that material prosperity is really a sign of the Lord's approval. But one should not depend on one's wealth. This quality is the complete opposite of humility.

Truthfulness to oneself

The power of humility increases if a person adequately assesses himself and puts himself in the right position. In one of the verses of the Scriptures, the Lord encourages people not to think highly of themselves. It is necessary to think of yourself modestly, relying on the faith that God has given all people. In relation to others, one should not be lofty and one should not dream of oneself.

Most often a person looks at himself through the prism of his achievements, which automatically evokes a display of pride. Material measures, such as the amount of money, education, position are not the means by which a person should assess himself. All this does not say much about the spiritual situation. You should know that it is pride that deprives a person of all divine blessings.

The apostle Peter compares humility and a modest attitude towards himself with beautiful clothes. He also says that the Lord does not recognize the proud, but gives the humble with His grace. The Scriptures mention the word "humility", which emphasizes the modesty of thinking. Those who praise themselves and think that something is of themselves, without associating it with the Lord, are in the strongest error.

Accept everything as is

Humility is the progenitor of responsibility. The heart of a humble person accepts any situation and tries with all responsibility to solve it. A person who has humility is always aware of his Divine nature and remembers from where and why he came to this planet. The humility of the soul means the complete acceptance of the Lord in your heart and the realization of your mission, which consists in the continuous work on your qualities. Humility helps a person to sincerely serve the Lord and all living beings. A humble person sincerely believes that everything that happens in this world takes place according to the Divine will. This understanding helps a person to always keep peace and quiet in the soul.

In relation to other people, a humble person never evaluates, compares, denies or ignores the nature of another person. He accepts people as they are. Full acceptance is a conscious and considerate attitude to another. To take everything as is is necessary not with the mind, but with the soul. The mind constantly evaluates and analyzes, and the soul is the eye of the Lord Himself.

Humility and patience are very close to each other, but they all have different interpretations.

What is patience?

Throughout life, a person has to experience not only joyful experiences. In his life there are also difficulties, with which it is necessary first to reconcile. Not always these difficulties can be overcome in a short time. For this, patience is necessary. Humility and patience are the true virtues that God endows man with. Sometimes it is said that patience is necessary in order to contain negative. But it's not right. A patient person does not hold back anything, he simply takes everything calmly and even in the most difficult situations keeps his mind clear.

True patience was shown by Jesus Christ himself. Also, Christ the Savior is a real example of true humility. For the sake of the highest goal, He endured persecution and even crucifixion. Did he ever get angry, did he wish evil to anyone? No. So a man who follows the Lord's commandments must resent all difficulties in his life without resentment.

How is patience connected with humility?

What is humility and patience has been described above. Are these two concepts related to each other? There is an indissoluble bond between patience and humility. Their essence is one. Man is in peace and within him also feels peace and tranquility. This is not an external manifestation, but an inner manifestation. It happens that outwardly the person seems calm and contented, but inside him rage resentment, discontent and anger. In this case, there is no question of humility and patience. Rather, this is hypocrisy. A humble and patient person can not interfere with anything. Even the greatest difficulties such a person overcomes easily. As two bird wings, humility and patience are related. Without a humble state, it is impossible to endure difficulties.

Internal and external signs of humility

The best concept of "humility" is revealed in the writings of the Reverend Isaac the Syrian. It is not so easy to distinguish between the external and internal aspects of humility. As some follow from others. Everything begins with inner life, peace within. External actions are only a reflection of the internal state. Of course, today you can see a lot of hypocrisy. When outwardly a person seems calm, but inside he has a passion. This is not about humility here.

Internal signs of humility

  1. Meekness.
  2. Collection.
  3. Mercy.
  4. Chastity.
  5. Obedience.
  6. Patience.
  7. Fearlessness.
  8. Shyness.
  9. Awe.
  10. Inner peace.

The last point is considered the main sign of humility. Inner peace is expressed in the fact that a person is completely free from fear of worldly difficulties, but there is confidence in God's grace that will always protect him. A humble person does not know what fussiness, haste, embarrassment and confused thoughts are. Inside him there is always peace. And even if the sky falls to the ground, the humble person will not even be frightened.

An important sign of inner humility can be called the voice of a person's conscience, which tells him that the Lord and other people are not to blame for the failures and difficulties encountered in life's journey. When a person first makes claims to himself - this is true humility. To blame others for their failures or even worse for the Lord is the highest degree of ignorance and rigidity of the heart.

External signs of humility

  1. A truly humble person does not have an interest in various worldly comforts and entertainments.
  2. He is anxious to retire from the noisy, bustling place.
  3. A humble person is not interested in visiting places of large crowds, at meetings, rallies, concerts and other mass events.
  4. Solitude and silence are the main signs of humility. Such a person never enters into disputes and conflicts, does not throw superfluous words and does not enter into meaningless conversations.
  5. Has no external wealth and great property.
  6. Real humility is manifested in the fact that a person never talks about him and does not show off his position. His wisdom he hides from the whole world.
  7. Simple speech, sublime thinking.
  8. He does not notice the shortcomings of other people, but he always sees the dignity of each.
  9. I'm not inclined to listen to what his soul does not like.
  10. Resigned resentment and humiliation without resentment.

A humble person does not compare himself to anyone, but he considers everyone better than himself.

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