HealthDiseases and Conditions

Facial nerve: timely treatment of pathology

If we consider that the facial nerve performs a number of important tasks in the body concerning the motor function of the face, then its inflammation can lead to a noticeable asymmetry in the face. It is important here to clarify immediately that such an anomaly is easily treated exclusively at an early stage of diagnosis, a later treatment or its complete absence is fraught with irreversible violations of facial symmetry. Why is this happening?

First of all, it should be clarified that the facial nerve starts from the central nervous system, leaves the area of the skull and gives five main branches with a large number of processes that cover almost the entire face. In addition, this nerve ending has a motor character, that is, it distributes the impulses of the muscles, providing a "live" facial expression and numerous reflexes. What is the cause of inflammation of the facial nerve, the symptoms of which are difficult to overlook? In medicine, such a pathological process was called neuritis, the reasons for which are great, but still conditionally singled out the following: face edema, hypothermia, traumas of various nature, as well as chemical effects directly on the facial nerve.

Before talking about this disease, it is necessary to clarify that the primary form of neuritis of the facial nerve, which is exclusively catarrhal, and secondary, which is a consequence of an existing disease, is singled out. In the latter case, we mean a herpetic infection, "mumps" and otitis. Also, it is not necessary to exclude the trauma of the facial nerve, directly related to the violation of blood circulation.

If we talk about the external signs of a similar anomaly, the clinical picture depends entirely on the stage of progression of the pathology. A characteristic symptom is the apparent paralysis of facial muscles, which predominates on one side of the face, which is accompanied by pain in the ear. But often such pain can occur a couple of days earlier, as if warning about the impending exacerbation, and the strength of the pain syndrome also depends on the area of the lesion. If the facial nerve is inflamed in the core zone, the patient observes only visual paralysis of the facial muscles, and if the pathology touches the spine of the facial nerve in the brain bridge, the paralysis is supplemented by weakness of the external muscle of the eye. If the facial nerve becomes aggravated in the area of separation from the brainstem, the patient may complain of deafness, and if inflammation is diagnosed in the bone canal of the temporal bone pyramid, dry eye mucosa, as well as a violation of taste and salivation may be observed. Either way, the patient can only inform the specialist about the existing anomalies, the doctor, in turn, must put the correct diagnosis and choose alternative treatment.

After the diagnosis of "Inflammation of the facial nerve", treatment should be immediate and completely dependent on the stage and form of the disease. If the facial nerve was chilled, it is necessary to get rid of swelling of tissues as soon as possible and stop the inflammatory process. For this, the specialist recommends non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vasodilators and diuretics. If there is a difficulty of facial expression, which is also accompanied by pain, additional glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed. After the inflammatory process has been stopped, it is necessary to renew the function of the facial nerve with the help of special medications and to strengthen the immunity weakened during illness. But it is important to remember that productive treatment is not limited solely to drug therapy, it is also advisable to perform a set of physiotherapeutic procedures, to start facilitating the removal of inflammation and edema, and after restoring the basic function of the nerve.

This pathology is not fatal, however, and it should not be launched, since such a negligent attitude can result in irreversible changes in the face for the rest of life.

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