HealthDiseases and Conditions

Ezofagitis: symptoms, treatment of a disease

Esophagitis is the inflammatory process of the esophageal mucosa. The main cause of the disease is gastroesophageal reflux, which damages the mucous membrane of the organ. In this case, the diagnosis is "reflux-esophagitis".

Various infectious diseases also affect the development of esophagitis, for example candida fungi, the herpes virus. Such microorganisms are common among immunocompromised patients.

Burns from chemicals, alkalis or acids, various solvents also provoke the disease. Thus, the "sick" disease is most often caused by children who accidentally drank liquids, or adults after attempting suicide. For fans of alcoholic beverages provocateur of the disease becomes ethyl alcohol.

The introduction of the probe into the stomach or radiation therapy is physical damage, sometimes capable of provoking the disease.

Esophagitis: symptoms, treatment

Associated signs of the disease - it's pain when swallowing and a burning sensation behind the chest. A person is hurt when he eats when leaning in the sides or forward. Sensations subside or completely disappear when the patient walks a little.

Belching with air, at times vomiting with blood or with mucus, heartburn is a disease of esophagitis. Symptoms, the treatment of which requires immediate therapy, can be supplemented by an increase in body temperature and even bleeding in the esophagus.

Simple forms of the disease involve conservative treatment. If long-term therapy does not bring a positive result, complications occur and a threat of transition to a malignant disease appears, a decision is made about surgical intervention.

Drug therapy consists of antacid drugs that reduce the secretion of the stomach. Drugs are taken to stimulate the motility of the digestive tract. Strong painful sensations are removed by pain medication, but it is not advisable to use anti-inflammatory drugs, they are capable of provoking irritation of the mucosa. Electrophoresis procedures with novocaine on the affected area are suitable.

Preparations with esophagitis

Drugs used for gastritis, such as "Motionium" or "Maalox" medications, will work well. Also the doctor can attribute such antacid preparations as "Gelusil" or "Talcid", which neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The drug "Relzer" is good, it is also an antacid and has components that reduce flatulence. But the main treatment will be proper nutrition.

Types of the disease

Acute esophagitis

The feeling of pain at the time of passage through the esophagus due to inflammation of the mucosa is acute esophagitis. Symptoms, the treatment of which will be to fight the inflammatory process, literally do not let the patient calmly eat. Quite often, other diseases of the stomach, especially the lower part of the esophagus, accompany this disease. The disease develops due to improper diet, chemical burns and substances, polyhypovitaminosis, extensive infections.

Chronic esophagitis

Distal esophagitis is characterized by chronic inflammation of the esophagus. It is formed on the background of acute, but it can also appear as a primary variant. Provocators become alcoholic beverages and very spicy food.

Pain in the epigastric region or behind the chest is a chronic esophagitis. Symptoms, the treatment of which will be discussed below, literally "poison" a person's life. In addition to them, gastritis or duodenitis is often found. The pain can provoke a simple meal, non-severe exercise: running, jumping or breathing exercises. Painful sensations can be troubling even when the patient is lying on his back, they "shoot" in the neck, in the back or in the heart. After exercising, a belch with food remains may appear. Possible heartburn, hiccups, vomiting, saliva secretion, difficulty breathing.

Treatment of esophagitis with folk remedies

It is common knowledge that the disease is treated with the juice of plantain, which should be taken with each food on a tablespoon. You can press it through the fabric.

With strong pains helps root marsh ayr: 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Insist a few hours and drink before eating half a cup twice a day. But you need to use warm.

Dandelion flowers put in a 3 liter jar and fill 1.5 kg of sugar with layers, cover directly in the jar until a syrup is obtained. One cup of liquid is taken half a cup of water and drunk daily (once a day).

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