Health, Preparations
Eye drops "Emoksi-Optik": instructions for use, reviews, analogs
Trauma and mechanical damage to the eyes does not always go unnoticed. Many pathologies are accompanied by painful sensations, visible cosmetic defects. Speeding up the healing process and returning a healthy appearance to the visual apparatus is helped by a drug such as "Emoxi-Optic" (eye drops). Instruction, feedback from consumers and doctors, as well as indications for the use of a medicament will be presented in this article.
Description of the preparation: composition and form of release
The drug goes on sale in glass bottles of 5 ml and bottles of plastic for 10 ml, equipped with a special nozzle-dispenser. It is a colorless liquid. The main active ingredient is methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (emoxipine). Also in the composition of the agent there are auxiliary substances: potassium phosphate, anhydrous sulfite, methyl cellulose, sodium benzoate and water for injection.
Eye drops "Emoksi-Optik" instruction describes as a complex drug, which has a therapeutic effect on the structure of the visual apparatus. The constituent components in its composition prevent the peroxide oxidation of membrane cell elements. In addition, their action is aimed at:
- Improvement of the vascular state (normalize nutrition and metabolic processes in tissues);
- Blocking the activity of free radicals;
- Protection of the retina from bright light;
- Acceleration of resorption of intraocular hemorrhages;
- Restoration of cell membranes after surgery.
The drug quickly penetrates into the tissue, where it gradually accumulates, and then processed.
Indications for use
Given the above therapeutic effects, the Eye Drops "Emoksi-Optik" instruction recommends the use of the following pathologies:
- Keratitis;
- Complicated myopia;
- Burns and inflammation of the cornea of various etiologies;
- Hemorrhage in the sclera or anterior chamber of the eye;
- Prolonged wearing of contact lenses.
However, the main indication for the use of a medicine is cataract. This is a pathological condition in which the transparency of the lens is broken. It is characterized by a complex development mechanism, with which Emoki-Optik eye drops are very effective.
Instructions for use
Analogues of the drug, like the original remedy, should be used according to the instructions. The medication is intended for use in the adult category of citizens. Its use in pediatrics is categorically contraindicated. To obtain a stable therapeutic effect, the drug is digested three times a day in a conjunctival sac. After this, it is necessary to blink, so that the medicine is evenly distributed over the surface of the eye. If you disregard these recommendations, you may see overdose symptoms. Usually they pass by themselves. No third-party medication or doctors are needed. The optimal period for the use of drops is from three days to one month. If necessary, the treatment is extended to six months.
Side effects
What side effects are possible with the use of such a drug as "Emoxi-Optic" (eye drops)? The instruction says that the preparation is well tolerated by patients. However, the occurrence of adverse reactions is not excluded. When there is a feeling of itching and burning in your eyes, you should stop therapy for a while. Similar symptoms are possible after instillation of the remedy, and they are associated with an incorrectly chosen treatment regimen. If after a decrease in dosage discomfort persists, the drug must be replaced with an analog medication. Another common side effect is the redness of the conjunctiva. This disorder passes independently and does not require the help of specialists.
Contraindications and useful recommendations
Eye drops "Emoksi-Optik" instruction does not recommend the use of hypersensitivity to components, as well as persons under 18 years. During pregnancy, the drug should be used only as prescribed by the doctor. If possible, it is better to refuse or replace it with an analog means.
If other medicines are prescribed together with Emoxi-Optic, the eye drops recommends the use of eye drops last. It is recommended that you wait a few minutes after installing the previous ophthalmic equipment. Eye drops are categorically forbidden to mix with other medicines.
Shelf life is two years. The manufacturer recommends a temperature regime of up to 25 degrees. Neglect of storage conditions negatively affects the therapeutic properties of the drug. The solution after opening the bottle should be used for one month.
Analogues of eye drops
What are the synonyms for Emoxi-Optik? Eye drops instructions for use suggest replacing the analog means, if the original medicine is poorly tolerated by the body. They have a similar mechanism of action, but different composition. Among the popular analogs of the medicine can be identified:
- "Taufon";
- "Hrustalin";
- "Quinaks";
- Vita-Yodourol.
Analogue means should be selected by the doctor taking into account the condition of the patient and his disease. It is not recommended to do this on your own.
Feedback from consumers and doctors
What do doctors say about the use of such a drug as "Emoksi-Optik" (eye drops)? Comments of doctors in most cases have a positive color. This drug is prescribed for elderly patients, as well as for young people. In the first case, eye drops are most often used after surgery. For young people, the drug is recommended for wearing lenses or working on a computer for a long time. Components that make up the drug rarely cause side effects.
Patients note that drops help in a short time to get rid of redness in the eyes, remove itching and irritation. An important advantage of the drug is its low price. The cost of the bottle can vary from 20 to 30 rubles. One bubble is usually enough for 2-3 weeks of treatment. Negative reviews are usually associated with discomfort in the eyes after instillation. However, unpleasant sensations take place in a few minutes. Substitution of medication with an analogue drug or third-party medical assistance is required in exceptional cases.
Once again we note that without the recommendations of a specialist, eye drops "Emoxi-Optic" should not be used. The instruction for the preparation describes in detail, under what diseases and disorders of the visual apparatus, medicament can be used. In addition, it contains information about possible side effects. Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, it is important to study the annotation in order not to harm your own health.
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