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Eugene Onegin: heroes and their characteristics

The novel "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of the central works of Russian classical literature. The main characters of "Eugene Onegin" embodied the characters of the people of the XIX century. But this work is extremely important now.

Summary of the novel

Eugene Onegin is the main character of the novel. The narrative begins with the fact that Onegin learns of the serious illness of his uncle, the owner of a huge fortune. Eugene goes to St. Petersburg, knowing in advance that he will be bored in the capital ...

The main character Eugene Onegin is a very freakish social life. Constant receptions, suppers and balls; Women who are trying to win his heart; Wine, cards and constant binges ... But in one morning Onegin realizes that this way of life does not suit him, that entertainment and the sybarite way of life are boring. He tries to read, write, philosophize, but nothing comes out ... Finally, losing the hope that life will play with new colors, the main character lets in the spleen.

Sale of the estate

Suddenly, the main character Eugene Onegin learns about the death of his father. He goes to the village, where the house and land are, which his father left him as a legacy. Upon arrival, he learns that Papa spent many years on money, which he always lent to someone. To somehow deal with his father's debts, Eugene decides to sell the estate, secretly hoping that the deadly uncle will leave him his estate in the inheritance.


Returning to St. Petersburg, the main character Eugene Onegin learns that his uncle died and left him all his money and land.

Arriving in the former estate of his uncle, Onegin decided that moving here would change his life. That's exactly what he does, having made the decision to move to the village.

Eugene Onegin, the protagonist of the novel, likes country life. Having been bored for a short time in the country, Onegin realizes that life here is as dreary as in the capital.

Seeing how hard it is for peasants to cope with financial difficulties, he renounces corvée and introduces a quitrent for the peasants. Because of such changes, neighbors are beginning to call Eugene a dangerous crank.

New friend

At this time, Onegin's neighbor returns to his native village, with whom the protagonist is still unfamiliar. Vladimir Lensky, who is only seventeen years old, lived in Germany for several years and decided to return to his native lands.

Onegin and Lensky are two opposite characters, but this does not prevent them from starting a conversation, they spend practically all their free time together. Expanding before each other more and more, Lensky tells a new friend about his childhood friend - Olga. Vladimir says how pure and beautiful is his love for her.

Olga has an older sister who does not look like her at all: Tatiana, unlike her immediate and cheerful sister, does not like noisy companies, preferring secular fun to peace and tranquility.

Sisters of Larina

The mother of the girls, while still very young, was married by force, according to the calculation of her parents. She was worried for a long time because of her departure from her native land, but as time went on, the girl became more and more accustomed to the new estate, and soon began to manage both the household and the will of her husband. The husband, Dmitry Larin, sincerely loved his wife and trusted her in everything. The young family lived simply, respecting the old traditions. The life of the couple was peaceful, until one day the owner of the estate died ...

One evening, Vladimir decided to visit Olga's family and invited the main character of our narrative, Eugene Onegin, with him. At first, Onegin doubted whether it was worth accepting the invitation - he no longer hoped for fun. However, Eugene decides to go to see Olga, about which Lensky told with such trepidation and admiration. Having stayed for a few hours and got acquainted with Olga and Tatiana, Onegin expresses his opinion about the sisters. He tells Lensky that Olga is the perfect charm, but as a companion of life he would choose Tatyana.

Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin": the protagonist

Since the novel is quite voluminous, it contains both main characters and minor ones. Pushkin chose those characters who were bright representatives of the Petersburg society of those years. Let's pay attention to the main characters of the work "Eugene Onegin".

What else can you say about them? The attitude of the author to the hero of the novel by Eugene Onegin is quite tremulous. He tenderly describes his image, forgives mistakes, poses in the face of difficult situations. The way Pushkin treats Eugene, not reproaching him in anything, suggests that the protagonist is the prototype of the author himself.

The image of Onegin

Throughout the novel you can see how the main character changes - Eugene Onegin.

He is a young man of twenty-six, born in Petersburg. Onegin leads a secular way of life, carefully monitors his appearance, dresses in the latest fashion. Onegin is a man with good manners, educated, with versatile knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the protagonist spends all his free time in noisy companies, he is lonely, suffering from melancholy and melancholy. Onegin can not find himself in anything, since he does not know what he wants from life in general.

For a long time torturing himself with uncertainty, Onegin tries to understand the depth of his feelings for the eldest of the Larins' sisters. When Tatiana understands how strong her love for Eugene, she is trying to create a relationship with him. But after he rejects her feelings, she retreats and begins to live her life.

Years later, when Onegin had already decided on his life priorities, he sees Tatyana and understands that he forsook her at that time in vain. Trying to get her back, he gets a sharp refusal from Tatiana, who by this time already married a military officer, a general, and a relative and friend of Eugene.

At this moment, Eugene understands how much he was mistaken in his youth, and, finding no place, again loses himself in the routine and gray days.

The image of Tatiana

Tatiana is a calm, reserved, educated girl. She is very different from her younger sister: she does not like noisy companies, she prefers to spend her free time reading, finding in this peace of mind.

Met Onegin, Tatyana realizes that she falls in love with him. Modesty does not prevent the heroine from taking the first step towards Evgeny, but he rejects it ... Girls of the XIX century did not take the first step, his refusal became a blow to the pride of the girl. However, this strong young woman got together with the spirit and began life anew, as if she had never had Onegin ...

Time passes, Tatiana marries a decent man, wealthy General N. However, her heart still belongs to Eugene ... When he comes to Tatiana, wanting to correct the mistake of his youth and offer her a hand and heart, she gives a refusal. Tatyana says she loves Onegin, but she is married to another man. For her, treason is not possible even for the unloved man.

On this Tatiana says goodbye to Onegin, wishing him happiness.

The image of Lensky

Vladimir is a rich young nobleman, an enviable groom. He is educated, handsome, educated, well-off. Despite the fact that many girls dream of marrying Vladimir, he does not even think about getting married.

Over the years he was in love with a girl who grew up with him in the village - in Olga. It was the younger of the Larins' sisters who for years were prophesied to be Vladimir's wife.

The image of Olga

Olga is the exact opposite of Tatyana. She is windy and frivolous. Too flirtatious, frisky, to the impossibility of cheerful Olga showed herself in the novel as a man who does not have any serious plans for the future.

It is because of this that there is a conflict between Onegin and Lensky, which flows into a duel, which cut short Lensky's life. Olga knew about Vladimir's love, but after his death, she did not long to be sad, and a few months later she married a handsome and rich young officer.

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