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Escape The Ghost Town 2: passing levels 1-6

Escape The Ghost Town 2, the passage of which we are considering today, is not much different from its predecessor. You have to overcome ten not the most difficult levels of searching for objects and their application.

The first three levels

You wake up in the coffin. In the game Escape The Ghost Town 2 passage will not take much time. Turn on the flashlight. Pick up a steel rod, a cobblestone and a beam. Use all the items on the lid. Rotating the dials, correlate the Roman and Arabic numerals. This will open the grate.

Choose from the road and from the cup of the angel by the shard. Take the knife and scrap from the tombstone. And remove the flashlight from the shard. Insert the three glass pieces into the grave. Take the key. Knife the angel's cup with a knife. Go to the crypt. Having solved the problem, get the binoculars. With its help, consider the flashlight. Insert the splinter into the gate and select the color scheme.

Near the house take the pruner. On the pedestal - scrap, on the ladder - a screwdriver. Pull the steps with crowbar and grab the chips. Spread them on a pedestal so that they light up. Open the drawer. After taking the items, go to the barn. Repair the saw and take the gloves. With the remaining objects, disassemble the blockage in front of the house. In general, in Escape Ghost Town 2, the passage of the third level is not more difficult than the others. You will quickly cope with the tasks.

Levels 4-6

As you can see, in Escape The Ghost Town 2 passing levels is fairly simple. Pick up the next screwdriver and part of the pruner. Open the clock and set the dial. Take the plate. Repair the pruner lying on the suitcase. With it, cut the bushes in the pot. Take one more plate and key. Open the suitcase and grab the scrap. Open the floor and pick up the last plate. They should be used to lock on the door.

Inside, take the dial off the cupboard. Install it on the phone and take the keys from the piano and the pieces of the mosaic. Collect the spots on the door. Playing a mini-game to find items, you get a nozzle on the screwdriver. Go back to the cabinet and put it where you need it. Repair the piano and get another screwdriver. At the grill on the second floor take the mites. With tools open the box near the phone and take away the blue light bulb. Screw it into the flashlight on the piano. Shine on the bars and solve a simple puzzle. The code is 42083.

Take the brooch from the basket. Pick up a wooden handle and a handle near the chair. Repair the hammer on the dresser. Break the glass in the photo and take the screw. Use three items to fix the handle on the chest of drawers. Take the crowbar. Put out the appropriate pictures - grain, fire, medicine, automaton. With a crowbar, tear off the piece of wood on the floor and lift the carpet.

Use a wrench to unscrew the bolt on the chair. Move it. Behind the door take the ladder. Play a mini-game under the ceiling and climb to the attic. On this we finish the description of the first six levels of Escape The Ghost Town 2. Passage of puzzles now for you should not be something supernatural.

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