News and Society, Journalism
English News Cities of Mariupol
For the current society, not knowing English can be a big problem. It is English - the language spoken by the whole world. When you come to another country, you have to communicate, therefore, either speak the native language of citizens, or in English. Be sure that even somewhere in a small settlement there is at least one person who knows English. The problem of lack of elementary knowledge of the language, at least once, but played a cruel joke with you. And how to explain the fact that many do not know the language? The main reason is simply the lack of need for study. The fact that a person does not work with English already becomes the main reason for his reluctance to learn.
Nevertheless, the society dictates its own rules, and if you want to expand the horizons, then again and again you will face this problem. In any city in Ukraine, this problem is handled differently. For example, in the city of Mariupol, which is located in the Donetsk region, there is a port. That is, sailors simply need the knowledge of spoken and technical English. Secondly, the city has metallurgical plants that cooperate with foreign companies. That is, the city already needs a percentage of citizens with knowledge of English. The news of Mariupol has repeatedly announced that the demand for specialists with a good knowledge of foreign is growing in the city. At the same time in the city with several universities there are departments that produce such specialists. Former students strive to leave the city, where they get ridiculous money for such work, they go either abroad or to large cities of Ukraine. The main problem of personnel leakage is low wages for translation or teaching work. But there are good news of the city of Mariupol - there are several private schools in the city where everyone can reach the level of the language that he needs. Private schools are quite effective in learning the language, especially since there are few people in groups and all teachers are qualified specialists.
Also in the news of Mariupol, it was said that the opening of a conversation club with native English speakers is coming. No doubt, in order to learn the language, you should need to speak it, while not being able to speak Russian. Still, I would like more Ukrainians to know the language, but for this, the school needed a good motivation. But all the same, conversational practice is useful to everyone, so it's better to find time for the club. And all who are going to communicate with native speakers want to wish good practice and pleasant impressions!
In fact, knowledge of English at a high level has innumerable advantages, but I would like to mention two especially. The first - regardless of the scope of the enterprise, at the highest level, those who know English take the most serious posts with a great desire. Obviously, such a manager for the enterprise will be much more useful. Another bonus of English is unlimited access to knowledge. Since English has obviously become a world language, it is in this language that the largest number of materials and articles on any topic.
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