Health, Diseases and Conditions
Scar Removal
Scars are the result of skin regeneration after damage. Scars and scars, especially those located on prominent areas of the skin, are perceived by some people as a cosmetic defect. Removal of scars is possible. To date, there are several effective procedures that will help restore the skin to its original appearance.
What are the scars?
A scar can form on the site of almost every skin damage. In most cases - this is the result of wounds, surgical incisions, inflammatory diseases. In modern medicine, there are several classifications. Nevertheless, it is common to distinguish two main types:
- Hypertrophic scars occur as a result of a strong proliferation of tissues at the site of injury. As a rule, they rise above the surface of the skin.
- Atrophic scars, on the contrary, arise when the formation of new tissues is insufficient.
From the variety of the scar directly depends and the optimal method for its elimination.
Scar Removal with Steroids
This is one of the safest methods. Injections of steroids are great for eliminating hypertrophic scars. The thing is that steroids slow down the activity of cells - fibroblasts, reducing the amount of collagen. Regular injections help to reduce the volume of scar tissue and make the scars less noticeable. To the merits of this method can be attributed and the minimum number of side effects.
Scar Removal with Mechanical Impact
Microdermabrasion is a rather popular procedure that is used not only to remove scars, but also to eliminate wrinkles, age spots and traces of acne. The essence of the method is mechanical grinding of the skin. During the procedure, a fine abrasive is used that removes the top layer of the skin. It should be noted that this method is suitable only for some types of scars and scars. The shortcomings include the existence of a rather long rehabilitation period. The results of the procedure can be judged only after a few weeks.
Scar Removal with Laser
Elimination of scar tissue with a laser beam is somewhat similar to the previous method. During the procedure, the physician removes excess tissues step by step using the equipment. As a result of this effect, the skin in place of the scar is smoothed and becomes elastic. Treatment, as a rule, lasts up to a year. For complete elimination of scar tissue, approximately 4 to 6 procedures will be required, the interval between which should be at least two months.
Laser scar removal is today considered one of the most effective methods, as it allows you to correct any defects.
"Cold treatment" is another way to get rid of ugly scars. The essence of the procedure is the effect on the problem zone with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of ultralow temperatures scar scar tissue softens and becomes more elastic. As a rule, cryotherapy is combined with other methods of treatment. It should be noted that this procedure is categorically contraindicated for the elimination of large keloid scars.
Scar Removal with Fillers
Such treatment is used only to eliminate atrophic scars. The essence of the method is the injection of special gels - fillers. Such biogels in most cases contain hyaluronic acid, collagen and other substances that fill the deficiency of the tissue, leveling the surface of the skin in place of the scar. By the way, this procedure is often used to eliminate traces of acne.
Surgical scar removal
Only in some cases resort to surgical treatment. During the operation, the scar is excised. It is also quite effective plastic surgery, during which the skin is transplanted to the place of the scar.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely get rid of scars and scars. There are categories of injuries that do not lend themselves to complete cure. However, scars can always be made less noticeable.
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