
Drugs For Treatment of Sdvg

Recently, on hearing, the diagnosis of ADHD is a syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Not one year working with children of problem categories, met and hyperactive, and incapable of training, and pedagogically neglected children. Always interested in the experience of other regions, more experienced professionals.

The fact that teaching problems of hyperactive children are treated by medical means, I heard recently. Therefore, I decided to conduct a research search in the global network of " drugs for the treatment of ADHD ."

The first thing that caught my eye was the ambiguous attitude of specialists towards the medical treatment of ADHD.

Short reference.

ADHD, a syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, began to be actively studied by US specialists. At first , attention deficit and hyperactivity were not connected with each other. Further studies have shown that their symptoms and causes are very similar. In the nineties, the world practice recognized that the number of children diagnosed with ADHD is steadily growing. Medical research has established a difference in the functioning of the brain in children with ADHD. Since then, the medical solution to the problem of ADHD - stimulant drugs is widespread in the USA.

What medications are used to treat ADHD in the world?

Ritalin has been used extensively in the United States for a long time. Then came the Concert, Dexedrine, as well as the preparation of the new generation of Straterra. These drugs for the treatment of ADHD include active substances of the amphetamine series, that is, they are psychostimulants.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered methylphenidate (ritalin) in the list of psychotropic substances banned in the territory of the Russian Federation according to the "List of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in the Russian Federation" approved by the RF Government Decree.

Why are children who are difficult to learn, with increased activity, inattention, incapable of exercising their own control over behavior , are pumped up with drugs?

I drew attention to the article by Zalomikhina I.Yu. In the journal "Logopedist" (2007). Analyzing information on the problem of ADHD, the author identifies several causes leading to the onset of the syndrome.

Early organic CNS damage (pathology in pregnancy and childbirth, perinatal encephalopathy, residual encephalopathy, MMD) is associated with ADHD.

There are genetic hypotheses about the influence of hereditary risk factors on the emergence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Social influence plays an important role. Socio-psychological causes exacerbate existing residual and hereditary factors. These include family troubles, a low level of education in parents, pedagogical neglect. The problem arises in the case that a child having a slower rate of development of the nervous system does not receive support from the society in the sensitive periods of development and the gap between peers grows.

The question is obvious: Do all children need drugs to treat ADHD ?

An analysis of the opinions of various specialists shows that at the moment there is a dispute between the two points of view. The first one unequivocally classifies ADHD into a psychiatric illness, which can only be treated medically. And psychostimulating drugs for the treatment of ADHD do not eliminate the causes, but only relieve the symptoms.

The second point of view is based on a pedagogical approach to addressing attention deficit / hyperactivity problems.

There are studies that reasonably prove that the use of psychostimulants and antidepressants in childhood is the strongest risk factor in the formation of drug dependence.

What is easier for parents: to give a sedative pill or to work hard to help the child overcome the difficulties of behavior and learning? The answer arises by itself.

But ... Each child can be raised a step higher in development than it is today. Perhaps, patience, love, self-confidence of the mother, better treatment of a restless child?

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