HealthDiseases and Conditions

Drug use: terrible consequences

It is very unpleasant, when someone from relatives or close people gets into a network of narcotic substances. Such a person becomes not only unfeeling in some of his manifestations, but at times rude and aggressive. There were cases when drug use led to terrible consequences: theft (even among close people), imprisonment, death. It is also terrible that the debts left by such a person lie on the shoulders of relatives and unsuspecting people.

A few years ago, drug addiction was considered a plague of the 21st century. And the real ways of treatment and getting rid of this ailment could not even be imagined. The rehabilitation courses conducted did not yield the necessary results, and the patient patient soon returned to his previous occupation.

At the present time, many different centers have been created, where sick people start their lives from the very beginning: they learn to conquer their destructive desires, turn to religion, put certain prohibitions on themselves.

People who have never used prohibited substances at first often find it difficult to identify signs of drug use from a friend (maybe a friend or even a relative). Here are a few external changes that occur after taking the doses.

Human movements are similar in appearance to those of alcoholic intoxication: steps are insecure, slightly unsteady. Often the tongue begins to spin, sometimes it becomes vague and completely reckless. There are various hallucinations, causing causeless laughter, sadness, thoughtfulness or aggressiveness. Also the skin color changes: either pallor or obvious redness of hands and face predominates. Over time, the addict can see a yellowish tint around the eyes.

The use of drugs leads to the fact that the hands become wadded, there is a lot of unnecessary movements. They, in turn, can be slow or, on the contrary, very fast. All the time the person strives to scratch and rub his own face with his hands.

The use of drugs causes a narrowing of the pupils and gives a glassy shade to the eyes. They cease to react to the light and become as if clouded.

From some drugs, like with alcohol, there is abundant dryness in the mouth. Therefore, a drug addict lick his lips very often.

But this does not mean that all these signs will be present simultaneously at the person. The manifestation of many of them depends on the drugs being taken, on the different volumes and time that passed after ingestion. It must be assumed that at first drug addicts secretly "indulge" such dangerous substances. Taking a dose, they sit out in the entrances, apartments, garages and other unpopulated places.

But this is only at the initial stage of the disease. Then addicts become perpetrated indifferently, who and what will think about them. The main problem for them is the lack of a constant dose and funds for which it can be purchased.

The consequences of using drugs can be completely different: from petty theft from their friends and relatives to huge loan amounts, which then remain hanging unpaid debt to the bank.

In the first place, the family of a sick person suffers. After all, she loses her husband, father or son. A lot of nervous breakdowns, up to heart attacks, can expect the elderly parents of an adult "child". And what does the wife with her little son or daughter have to do when the "father" drags everyone out of the house, leaving them without a penny of money?

With such circumstances it is hard to put up and fight, live and understand. Therefore, often the use of drugs leads to the disintegration of the family. As it was said before, there is a possibility to change such a life. However, not every dependent person agrees to depriving himself of a dubious "pleasure".

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