
"Hygrotropin": reviews, application features and efficiency

Is the drug "Higgentropine" effective? Reviews about it will be presented at the very end of the article. Also, you will learn how to use this tool, what properties it has, and what it is shown for.

Basic information

With regard to the growth hormone Hygetropin, or somatropic hormone, it is a drug designed to increase growth in adolescents and children, as well as people under 21-25 years of age. The main effect of this tool is to accelerate the growth of a person due to the increase in his limbs, or rather, tubular bones.

Somatotropin is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary, consisting of 191 amino acids, and also having a wide spectrum of action. This element is able to exert strong anti-catabolic and anabolic effects, increase protein synthesis, prevent the destruction of muscle mass and burn fats. It also increases the number of muscle cells, promotes hyperplasia and increases bone mass.

Features of the drug

Growth HYGHETROPIN, reviewed further, is an analog of endogenous growth hormone (recombinant, that is, produced by our own organism) with a formula identical to human somatotropin. It was obtained in the laboratory using genetic engineering.

This process is very expensive and complex, since growth hormone is synthesized by specific E. coli bacteria, but its chain contains an additional residue-methionine, which should be cleaved to obtain the required sequence of amino acids. That is why the drug Hygetropin ("Hygentropine", a hormone) has a high cost. The main reason for the high cost of production of this product lies in its purification.

Historical data

What preceded the creation of the drug "Higgentropin"? Experts say that somatotropin was discovered in 1920. In this case, it was first extracted from the pituitary body of animals in 1944. And already in 1956, scientists extracted human hormone from corpses.

After a couple of years, the world received the first results of exogenous treatment of children suffering from a lack of growth. The therapy was so effective that every year this drug was gaining increasing popularity among people with small stature and dwarfs. However, soon this method showed negative effects, which consisted in the transfer of various viruses from the dead. As a result, it was decided to abandon the use of somatotropin.

Several decades passed before science took a huge step in the development of medicine. In 1980, a new technology, called genetic engineering , was introduced . It was she who allowed specialists to synthesize growth hormone from bacteria. So there was a drug "Hygrotropin", reviews about which are only positive.

Basic properties of the drug

What properties are inherent in the Hygetropin preparation? Experts say that this tool contributes to the following effects:

  • Prevents catabolism or the so-called destruction of muscle tissue;
  • Helps to restore to organs atrophied with age;
  • Promotes the collection of muscle mass (dry), including due to hyperplasia;

  • Well stimulates fat burning processes;
  • Accelerates and improves the healing process of various injuries;
  • Increases the bone mass of a person;
  • Is an additional source of energy (a large amount of glucose is formed during the cleavage of fatty acids);
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Has rejuvenating properties (well smoothes wrinkles, promotes the strength of nails, improves hair color, and also eliminates their excessive fragility);
  • Helps in restoring visual acuity;
  • Promotes the growth of a person (up to 25 years);
  • Improves memory and mood;
  • Has no side effects.

It should be specially noted that all of the above features of the hormone are due not only to its mechanism of action. The main role of the stimulating effect of this drug is determined by insulin-like growth factor, formed in the liver during the treatment of somatotropin.

Hygentropine in sports

This drug is very popular among athletes. This is due to its ability to burn subcutaneous fat, and also to increase the growth of connective tissue and dry muscle mass. Also, this drug reduces the likelihood of injury due to the strengthening of bone-connective tissues, including tendons and cartilage.

The great advantage of "Higrotropin" is that it does not have a detrimental effect on the potency of men and does not require post-course treatment.

Methods of application

How should I use the "Higrotropin" medication? Feedback on the admission of this tool states that first of all it is necessary to determine the main purpose of its application.

For healing of various injuries

Somatotropin is often used in sports such as tennis, football and athletics, where damage to the Achilles tendon is very frequent. Also, its use is advisable with a strong load on the joint-ligament apparatus.

To heal injuries, "Hygentropine" should be used in an amount of 5-10 units per day, and to strengthen the ligaments - 4-6 units per day.

To prevent age-related changes

To solve the problems associated with age-related changes, experts recommend using this drug at a dose of 5 units per day.

For burning fat

To achieve a fat burning effect, the agent should be used in an amount of 5-10 units per day. Increasing its dose contributes directly to the proportional result. At the same time, it should be noted that the fat burning process will go faster if you follow the diet and exercise while applying the medication.

For a set of muscle mass

For these purposes, the dosage should be several times greater than in other cases. Some professional athletes are required to use about 25-30 units per day. As for fans, they should adhere to the minimum dose - 10-15 units per day.

An important factor is the age of a person. For favorable effects, adults require low dosages of growth hormone. There is also some dependence on sex. Women need 1.5 times more somatotropin to achieve the effect than men.

The average course of application of growth hormone lasts about 2-3 months, after which the break must necessarily follow.

The process of solution preparation and place for injection

How to properly prepare a solution of "Higrothropin"? The experts say that for this purpose it is necessary to use usual sterile or bactericidal water.

Taking a 2-ml syringe, it needs to draw water for injections (right up to the top mark), and then squeeze it into a bottle with a growth hormone, after removing the plastic lid from it.

Do not shake or rinse the solution, you should wait until the contents of the tank completely dissolve.

The best place to introduce the drug in question is the fat fold on the abdomen. Having typed substance in an insulin syringe, its needle should be stuck into the skin at an angle of 40-55 degrees and slowly squeezed out.

High-cycle preparation: reviews

For women and men, this drug is indicated for the same reasons.

There are a lot of positive reviews about this product. Consumers note that after the use of "Higrotropin" their strengths have increased significantly. Also, against the background of using this drug in most people, the condition of ligaments and joints improved, the amount of subcutaneous fat decreased, and muscle mass increased.

As for negative reviews about the "Higgentropine", they practically do not occur.

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