
Anapa - Krasnodar: what is the best way to get from one city to another?

The route of Anapa - Krasnodar can be overcome in several ways. The fastest is, of course, to use your own car. The most common is to buy a ticket for a shuttle bus. And less popular is to go by train. You should consider each of them and find out which is the most acceptable, both in price and in time spent on the path.

The faster the better

This opinion is shared by most travelers. Actually, Anapa-Krasnodar is not such a long route. Between cities only 160 kilometers, and this is really a trifle, given that they are in the same land. At an average speed of 80 km / h the distance can be overcome in just two hours.

It can not be said that this is a particularly profitable way to travel. But it all depends on how much gasoline a car needs for a hundred and what kind of fuel is fueled by the owner of his iron friend. Let's say that if 100 liters of the car takes 8 liters of gasoline, then approximately 13. If the fuel is cheap (30 rubles each), then the trip will take 390 rubles. In the event that the car spends 11 liters per hundred, it will be necessary to refuel at 18. At a price of 35 rubles per liter, the entire route will take 630 rubles. So everything depends on the car and the price of gasoline. Although some, to save money, take fellow travelers, who fill the car with a machine.

Along the way

On the highway Anapa - Krasnodar to travel conveniently - everywhere there are signs. However, there are a lot of them, as, strictly speaking, and the settlements that will have to travel along the road. Among them: the farm Tarusin, the village of Natukhayevskaya, the village of Verkhnebakansky, Zhemchuzhny and many other items. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the map before you go, it will be useful. First, the driver will feel more confident at the wheel, and secondly, to be once again aware of the details concerning the upcoming route, will never hurt.

Map location

If the decision is made to overcome the Anapa-Krasnodar route on your car, then it is worth preparing for this small trip. Many decide for this download a map. This is really convenient - by the way, there are even special applications with which the system itself automatically routes the route. It is most convenient for the driver, as the program selects ways that require minimal time. This map is very comfortable to navigate, because the route in the direction of Anapa - Krasnodar is separated by a separate line. The system also offers information on the traffic and fuel stations along the way. This information will not be superfluous either.

It is worth remembering that the movement along that route that was laid and thought out in advance is a guaranteed way to rid yourself of the possible problems that so often arise in an unfamiliar place. Do not forget the details.

Shuttle Buses

Well, there is another way to overcome the route Krasnodar - Anapa. Bus - it is the most popular and least expensive. The ticket for it costs about 270 rubles. There are regular flights - the very first one leaves Anapa at five in the morning, and the latest - at 19:00. Buses leave every hour.

In this way, most people and overcomes the route Krasnodar - Anapa. The distance between these cities by bus can be reached in 3.5 hours. This is slower than on your own car, but you need to remember that the driver of the fixed-route bus also stops in some localities where other passengers are waiting. In addition, the bus has another advantage, which is important to many - this is its price.

Railway transport

And finally a few words about another method of overcoming the route Anapa-Krasnodar. The train does not follow it, but still there is a railway message too. The few get on the trains. The problem is that they do not walk as regularly as regular buses. And they travel much longer. By train, you can get from Krasnodar to the resort town in 4.5 hours. This is an order of magnitude longer than on a car or even a bus. In addition, this is a very disadvantageous option. If the ticket for a shuttle bus costs less than 300 rubles, then the minimum price for a train ride is approximately 540 rubles. And this is a reserved seat! Everyone knows that these tickets are bought up instantly, only the compartment remains. Especially since there are no direct trains, by the time you arrive in Anapa, you will not be able to sit down exactly on the place-place. The coupe ticket costs about 1400 rubles. So there are very few advantages here - except that you can lie on the couch.

In general, there are several ways to overcome a given distance. The most convenient and profitable is, of course, a trip on a public bus. Needless to say, even some car owners (that is, those who can travel independently) decide to buy a ticket. Many people do think this option is more beneficial. And do not worry about the route.

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