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Dmitriev-Lgovsky - a small town with a big history

, как его называют местные жители, никогда официально не носил это имя. Dmitriev-Lgovsky , as the locals call it, never officially wore that name. According to all documents in the Kursk region on the river Svapa is the city of Dmitriev. 2 , и живет там сегодня меньше 7 тысяч человек. The area it occupies is small, only 8 km 2 , and lives there today less than 7 thousand people. But these 7 thousand are very fond of their small and quiet town, take care of its past, keep the memory of their fellow countrymen and maintain traditions.

Today, the head of the city is a young leader. A group of enthusiasts has created an excellent website that helps local residents not only get the information they need, but also keep abreast of all the city news, discuss exciting moments, and get answers to questions. Undoubtedly, such a guide is the best guide for tourists who came here. очень активная молодежь, которая не позволяет стареть своему городу. In Dmitriev-Lgovsky very active youth, which does not allow to grow old city.

From the Prophetic Oleg to ...

The fortress on the right bank of the Swap was erected in the 9th century to protect the lands of the ancient Russian princedom, Oleg Oleg, who was known as the Prophet. Hence the history of the city begins.

The internecine wars of the Russian princes, the raids of the Polovtsians and other nomadic tribes, erased the settlement from the face of the earth, it was rebuilt again. Batu did not spare him, and Batu, who "walked with fire and sword" through the lands of Russia.

Only in the XVII century from the ruins a new settlement, named Dmitrievskoye, was raised, which by the decree of Catherine the Great at the end of the XVIII century was granted the status of the city and the name Dmitriev-on-Swap (to distinguish it from Dmitrovsky Orel province). Later, only Dmitriyev of the Lgov district remained.

The city grew and developed. The main income people received from livestock and agriculture. Plants were built to process their products: butter, flour, and croup. At the end of the XIX century, a railway was laid near the city, which together with the waterway gave a new impulse to the growth of production and trade. A women's gymnasium opened, and a hospital was built.

Soviet authority

If factories worked in the city, then there was a proletariat. . The revolutionary movement of 1905, which shook Russia, did not pass by Dmitriev-Lgovsky . The peasants smashed the mansions, took the bread, cut down the forest. The uprising was suppressed by the incoming troops.

In December 1917 the power of the Soviets came. In the first Soviet years, social life revived. Gradually, everything went into its own way: the enterprises worked, the bread was sown, the five-year plans were fulfilled and exceeded. In the city there were two cinemas, several schools, a pedagogical college.


немцы вошли 8 октября 1941 года. On October 8, 1941, the Germans entered the city of Dmitriev-Lgovsky in the Kursk region . The destruction of people and their houses began. All of them were shot to death, neither old nor small were spared.

Already four days after the occupation began, the Dmitriev detachment rose to fight the invaders, turning the city into the center of the partisan movement in the Kursk region. As they gathered experience, the guerrillas made more and more daring attacks, destroying the fascists in their rear, diverting the enemy's strength and technique from the front. The population of the occupied areas in every way helped the partisans, their fathers and grandfathers, husbands and brothers. The city was liberated in March 1943.

Many residents of a small town went to the front in the first days of the war and there defended their country. Fifteen Dmitriyevs became Heroes of the Soviet Union, two - full knights of the Order of Glory.

Modern city Dmitriev-Lgovsky

After the war, the destroyed city was completely restored, rather, it was rebuilt. In a modern, but still small and quiet town, there are several enterprises, including Dmitrievkonservy, the hospital, the House of Culture, the agricultural technical school, schools, kindergartens. The newspaper Dmitriyevsky Vestnik is published.

Tourists have a lot to see. In the city there are several monuments to the heroes of the front. Of course, there are monuments to the partisans, and the church of Dimitry of Thessalonica, in honor of which the city was named, and the museum of local lore named AF Vangengeim.

The famous compatriot of the Dmitrievites - AF Vangengeim

Anatoly Feodosievich lived from 1881 to 1937. He is known to us as a man who organized and headed the Weather Bureau of the USSR, which today is called Roshydromet. Soon after his birth, his father, Feodosy Petrovich - a national teacher and a well-known meteorologist, moved the family to an estate that was located in Dmitrievsky district of the Kursk province. There he equipped a weather station, where, together with his grown-up son, conducted observations and conducted experiments.

Anatoly graduated from the gymnasium and entered Moscow University, where he joined the Bolshevik Party. For participation in student unrest was expelled and imprisoned for six months, and then sent into exile to the estate to his father. Later, he will finish his studies both at the university and at the agricultural institute.

. The Revolution of 1917 took with all my heart and was appointed inspector of public education in Dmitriev-Lgov .

Two years later, he opened a museum organized by him, "homeland", which works and bears his name to this day.

In 1922, returning to his main activity, he moved to Petrograd, where he held high leadership positions. In 1934 he was arrested as an "enemy of the people", sent to Solovki. In 1937 he was shot and buried in the mass grave of Sandarmokh cemetery near Medvezhyegorsk.

Dmitriev-Lgovsky Kursk region of Russia keeps the memory of his countryman, giving his name to the local history museum founded by him.

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