Health, Diseases and Conditions
Diseases of internal organs. Diffusive liver changes
The liver is one of the main internal organs. It participates in the work of all systems, produces bile, enzymes and hormones, as well as disinfects toxins. When she stops performing her tasks, diffuse liver changes begin. These include: a change in size (a decrease or increase), a violation in the structure of tissues and hormonal metabolism, impaired circulation, biliary stagnation, and so on.
As practice shows, most often there is an increase in the liver (hepatomegaly). All diseases in which it is characteristic, conditionally divided into three main groups. The first include focal or diffuse changes in the liver and its vessels. As a rule, hepatomegaly accompanies hepatitis of various genesis, cirrhosis, steatosis, malignant or benign tumors, echinococcosis, nonparasitic cyst, and tuberculosis granulomatosis. It should be noted that with the manifestation of nonspecific reactive and chronic persistent hepatitis, moderate diffuse changes in the liver are observed. While viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer, echinococcosis and benign tumors can be accompanied by significant organ enlargements.
The second group of diseases, characterized by diffuse changes in the liver, include disturbances in accumulation and metabolism. So, hepatomegaly is considered one of the main symptoms of the manifestation of hereditary diseases based on the deficiency of enzyme systems or the disruption of glycogen biosynthesis.
The third group includes disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by inadequate circulation in the right ventricular type.
Diffuse liver changes are caused by a variety of causes. These include cirrhosis, drug poisoning, alcohol abuse, nervous overload, physical inactivity and so on. Structural changes in the tissues of the organ can be triggered by chronic and acute infections, intoxication of the body, a violation of the metabolic process. As a rule, these changes occur due to atherosclerosis of the vessels, acute or chronic hepatitis, and so on.
Symptoms of the diseases are manifested by the yellow coloring of the sclera, the tongue, the area around the eyes, constant aching pain in the right hypochondrium, often giving up to the area of the right shoulder.
Patients who have diffuse liver changes , treatment is prescribed depending on the group of the disease, as well as the symptoms of its manifestation.
Baseline background therapy is carried out with drugs that improve the work of hepatocytes. These include vitamins (B, C, E), lipoic acid and lipid, a five-percent solution of glucose, ATP, hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, silymarin, etc.).
Vitamins actively stimulate carbohydrate and protein metabolism, contribute to the improvement of the antitoxic and regenerative function of the liver.
ATP, riboxin, and phosphobion promote blood tissue supply and nucleic acid synthesis, reduce hypoxia, and participate in tissue regeneration.
The task of hepatoprotectors is to stabilize the cell membrane. These medications are not prescribed in the replication phase of the hepatitis virus agent.
In basic therapy, liver preparations (vitohepat, vigeratin, sirepar) are prescribed with normal aminotransferases, otherwise they can enhance the activity of the process.
To reduce inflammatory processes, antiviral drugs, glucocorticosteroids, drugs aimed at stimulating immune processes are used.
To reduce intrahepatic cholestasis appoint cholestyramine, bilignin, vasozan, etc. Their action is aimed at lowering cholesterol in the blood and the connection of bile acids in the intestine.
When manifesting the symptoms of encephalopathy prescribe drugs aimed at reducing the content of ammonia.
With chronic diffuse disorders, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.
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