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How to cure pancreatitis forever: what do specialists say

The pancreas is vulnerable and prone to various diseases. One of these ailments is pancreatitis. It occurs with inflammation of the pancreas. Often the inflammatory process can be caused by malnutrition. And it's no accident. After all, the pancreas participates in the process of digestion, and any violation in the diet can lead to the development of this disease. Also, the causes of inflammation include:

  • Tumor.
  • The appearance of a cyst.
  • Education of stones.

These neoplasms block the gland ducts, which breaks its working capacity. Such disruptions in work cause pancreatitis. In severe cases, this can lead to the death of the patient. Such a sad outcome is possible because, due to such obstacles, the digestive juice can not leave the gland into the small intestine. There is a congestion of enzymes and juice, which adversely affects the iron. As a result, the pancreas begins to digest itself. Is it possible to cure pancreatitis forever and how? This will be discussed in the article.

Prevent more easily than cure

How to cure pancreatitis forever? That there were no such questions, it is necessary to care of the health. It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. It is worth sticking to the main points:

  1. Varied food. A rich diet will help to save from such a disease and provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  2. Avoid eating fatty, fried and spicy foods. Of course, giving up anything roasted is difficult. And do not forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to eat spicy food. Just should not be abused, and then the pancreas will say "Thank you".
  3. No fast food. Already in the whole world it is proved - the use of fast food threatens obesity, the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, heart problems, etc.
  4. We try to avoid overeating. It is better to eat a little and often, than abundantly and rarely.
  5. We try not to be nervous and avoid stressful situations. Any disturbing incident affects the entire human body. Internal organs take on an emotional blow, because of which the pancreas can also inflame.
  6. Restricting the use of alcohol.

People who undergo therapeutic therapy and use antibiotics or hormonal drugs should constantly monitor their health. The intake of such potent drugs can leave a trace on any of the internal organs.

Pancreatitis and its variants

Pancreatitis can occur in two forms:

  • Sharp.
  • Chronic.

Each of the species requires special attention and contains a number of features. Consider acute pancreatitis. It arises quickly and unexpectedly. The course of the disease and painful feelings depend on the ability of the body to respond to internal stimuli. In addition, an important role will play here and the ability of immunity to suppress inflammatory processes.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis differs from chronic. The outcome of the disease will depend on many factors. The acute form is easier to treat, and there is a huge chance to get rid of it for good. Chronic requires longer therapy, and subsequent prevention will be much stricter than if there is an acute form.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis

The disease does not flow without a trace, but contains a number of symptomatic phenomena. These are:

  1. Acute pain in the pancreas. Painful symptoms can be given in the back, sometimes the whole abdomen hurts.
  2. Possible vomiting, nausea and lack of appetite.
  3. Blood pressure is low.
  4. Respiratory failure.
  5. Tachycardia.

If the patient observes most of the symptoms described above - you can not delay visiting a doctor. Timely therapy will help to heal and forget about the pain.

Chronic form

If the disease has taken a chronic form, it means that with the slightest pathogen the disease will manifest itself. In the absence of stimuli, he will be in a state of remission. This pancreatitis causes a lot of negative changes in the internal organ. Sometimes, as a consequence, iron is completely destroyed, and the process of inflammation comes to the point of no return.

Usually the chronic form takes the ailment, when the symptoms of this disease last more than six months. Pain sensations are the same as in acute leakage. Of course, there are a number of features that distinguish this form:

  • White scurf on the tongue.
  • Body weight decreases.
  • Skin loses its tone and elasticity.
  • The corners of the mouth are covered with small cracks.
  • There may be a subcutaneous hemorrhage on the sides and in the navel.

Principles of treatment

How to cure pancreatitis forever? Before starting treatment, one should not only know its principles, but observe them.

  • Principle 1. Therapy should be regular.
  • Principle 2. If acute pancreatitis has caught off guard, the first thing to do is take the appropriate medication to prevent the formation of congestion.
  • Principle 3. Adhere to the prescribed diet and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

If these simple recommendations are followed, the treatment will have a good result and productivity.

Can treatment help to get rid of pancreatitis forever?

Is it possible to cure pancreatitis forever? Experts say that getting rid of pancreatitis is difficult, but possible. We need to figure out how to do this. Of course, getting rid of acute pancreatitis permanently is easier than dealing with chronic pancreatitis. It is worth remembering that the disease, in a state of remission, is very difficult to treat. And this process requires tremendous strength and patience. Therefore, let us dwell on the most important points to find out whether chronic pancreatitis can be cured forever.

On a note! If you manage to translate a chronic disease into a state of remission, then with precautionary measures about pancreatitis you can forget. It's simple! We get rid of the provocateurs of the disease - we get rid of it ourselves.

How to treat a chronic form?

How to cure chronic pancreatitis forever? Treatment takes place in stages, with observance of all the recommendations of the doctor and under his supervision. For starters, we exclude factors that can provoke an ailment.

  1. We get rid of diseases that can affect the pancreas. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to those ailments that cause overlapping of the outflow ducts of this organ.
  2. We help to work iron with the help of enzyme preparations. This move will help in the restoration of pancreas.
  3. When pain occurs, we take painkillers. The pain will cause spasms and worsen the outflow from this organ, and this is not good at all.

Then we take the medications prescribed by the doctor, and we are under his supervision. We regularly take tests and make ultrasound of the pancreas. We help to restore the body with the help of traditional medicine.

We treat the acute form

In order to avoid chronic pancreatitis, at the slightest acute pain in the pancreas should consult a doctor. With timely treatment, he will appoint the right treatment and prescribe medications. The patient can and itself affect the course of the inflammatory process. It is possible to alleviate pain symptoms and the disease as a whole, if you follow three simple rules:

  1. Cold. Sick place can not be warmed! But the cold compress is perfect for fighting inflammation.
  2. Empty stomach. When the disease worsens, it's better to stay hungry for a while, and then go on a strict diet. This will help ease the pancreas and remove some of the load.
  3. State of rest. Observance of bed rest is another helper in the fight against the disease.

Treatment requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. The latter provide:

  • Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the biliary tract and sphincter, which, in turn, provides cleansing of the ducts of the gland from bile.
  • Reduction of pain syndrome.
  • The pressure in the stomach and duodenum decreases.

Intravenous therapy may be included in the treatment. This is when the patient is infused with infusion solutions. This measure of action helps to get rid of the vomiting that is present during the inflammatory process. Also can be administered and drugs with a diuretic effect. They help to cleanse the body of toxins. And of course, drug treatment includes the use of a number of potent antibiotics.

Surgical intervention is already an extreme measure in the treatment. It is possible only with such indications as the occurrence of abscesses, peritonitis, bleeding, pancreatic necrosis.

How to cure chronic pancreatitis forever with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is very popular among the population. It is worth remembering that when an acute pancreatitis occurs, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. Treatment with the help of traditional medicine is possible only in conjunction with medication. Otherwise, the effectiveness of such therapy will be zero. Or she will help for a short period of time, but the disease will come back again. So can not folk medicine be powerless? Of course not! Mother Nature has created a whole storehouse of plants with useful properties. Therefore, the reception of such funds will help the body to regain its strength and get rid of the disease.

So, how to cure pancreatitis forever with folk remedies? Among all national recipes the most popular are:

  • Treatment of blueberry leaves and flowers. Collecting a blueberry is better in August, when the bushes are saturated with solar energy and absorbed the whole set of vitamins. Fill a glass of steep boiling water leaves. We proceed from the ratio 1 st. Spoon collection per 1 cup (200 ml). Leave for 1 hour, so that the drink is infused. Then for 40 days we use this infusion daily three times.
  • Barberry bark. From it we prepare a decoction. To do this, 1 tbsp. L. Bark pour boiling water (200 ml). Accepted for 1 tbsp. Spoon before eating.
  • To ease painful spasms, you can use 2-3 times a day tincture of calendula. The dosage for one reception is 1 teaspoon.
  • Lemon therapy. For such treatment, 1 kg of these fruits, 300 g of parsley, 300 g of garlic (its green shoots) will be needed. All ingredients are ground in a blender or meat grinder and use the resulting mixture for 1 teaspoon before eating. Do not take more than three times a day.
  • Useful and sauerkraut. Useful as she herself, and her juice. The enzymes that make up this vegetable are contained in many medicinal preparations that are used in the treatment of pancreatitis.

How else can chronic chronic pancreatitis be cured by folk remedies? Also in the treasury of folk remedies are all kinds of herbal preparations. They have different properties: from spasmolytic to bile excreting. Here are the most popular of them:

  • Goose foot root and marigold flowers. Such a collection helps in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. For the preparation of the infusion it is necessary to mix these ingredients in equal proportions and pour them with boiling water. After one hour of infusion, you can take 100 ml per day.
  • Flowers of marigold, sandy immortelle and motherwort. Fill with boiling water (1 L) three teaspoons of this collection, after 1 hour filter and then take 100 ml before meals three times a day. You can take such a collection for a month and a half.
  • Tincture of herbs on vodka. For the present, the mullein, the herb of the yellow immortelle and chicory are used. Each ingredient is 1 tbsp. L. Fill the collection of 500 ml of vodka. We give 3 days to brew. Tare with infusion should be protected from sunlight, which will need to put it in a dark place. The received tincture should be taken before meals. Permissible dosage: 10 drops per 100 ml of water.

Does pancreatitis go away forever?

According to medical statistics, pancreatitis responds well to treatment if the following conditions are met:

  1. Compliance with all prescriptions of the attending physician.
  2. People at risk are regularly screened.
  3. Address to the doctor with the disease occurs in a timely manner.
  4. Treatment with medications in conjunction with folk remedies.

You can get rid of pancreatitis. According to the reviews of former patients, the disease does not return if the treatment was carried out correctly. Unfortunately, in the chronic form of such a disease, treatment takes a long time. A considerable period of time will be required for the restoration of the organism. However, you can also get rid of the chronic form. Therapy with the reception of medications, backed by traditional medicine, will help to forget about this disease. Now you know how to cure pancreatitis forever. Be healthy!

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