
Diastema is ... Aesthetic dentistry

Diastema is considered one of the most controversial dental anomalies. By this term it is customary to understand slots of different widths separating the upper incisors. Some believe that this feature gives a piquant image, while others seek to fix it. Diastema is not a verdict. Timely detection of the problem and proper treatment allow you to give teeth as close as possible to the ideal shape.

Features of dental abnormality

Approximately every sixth inhabitant of the planet has a diastema. In some, it is more pronounced, in others it is weaker. The width of the interdental space can vary within 1-6 mm. Also, it is not always formed on the upper jaw. It can be in the lower dentition.

One of the initial symptoms of the development of a diastema is considered dyslagia - problems with pronunciation. Violation of diction is usually manifested in the form of lisp and whistling, which can not be corrected even by the speech therapist. If you have problems with diction, you should immediately seek advice from the orthodontist. With age, the interdental gap may increase. Then it will take a lot of time and effort to solve the problem.

Many people who have a diastema often perceive it as a highlight. They do not rush to go to the center of aesthetic dentistry and get rid of the tooth gap, if its width is only 1-2 mm. Orthodontists are more determined. Doctors recommend removing the shattering not only because of the issues of aesthetics. Such a defect increases several times the likelihood of development of periodontitis and other dental diseases.

The main causes

It is not uncommon for cases when the interdental scherbina passes from one generation to another. Indeed, if one of the parents has a similar defect, the probability of its occurrence in the child is quite high. However, the appearance of a diastema is not always due to heredity. In addition to genetic predisposition, aesthetic dentistry distinguishes a number of other reasons for the appearance of a characteristic schephine:

  1. Low-growing bridle. This is the most common cause of the appearance of the interdental gap. If the bridle is located close to the edge of the gum, over time it begins to interfere with the correct formation of the occlusion.
  2. Pernicious habits. Diastema often occurs in people who love seeds. A similar defect can also form in children due to prolonged sucking of a dummy.
  3. Too early or late replacement of dairy cutters by root.
  4. Disturbance of the swallowing function. Nature has such a conditioned reflex, in which the tongue rests against the upper sky during swallowing. At 5-7% of people it works differently. Because of the special structure of the jaw, the tongue begins to rest against the front teeth, where eventually a scherbina forms.

Some reasons for the development of diastema can not be prevented, but can only be corrected in time. Therefore, the state of the oral cavity should be treated with special attention from a small age.

What are diastemes?

Depending on the degree of formation of the occlusion, the following types of interdental spaces are distinguished:

  • False diastema. This is the most common form of pathology, which predominantly occurs in children. The crevice between the teeth is not an anomaly. It closes itself after the process of forming the occlusion.
  • A true diastema. The development of the defect is observed at the age of 13-15 years, when the milk teeth are replaced by indigenous teeth. Only the dentist can correct it.

In order to get a positive result of treatment, it is necessary to correctly classify the defect.

Methods of diagnosis

The problem of correcting the width of the interdental space is aesthetic dentistry. It has long gained popularity in European countries, and today it is becoming more and more in demand among us. We can say that this direction of dentistry conducts plastic operations on the teeth. The competence of physicians in this area includes the solution of the following problems: correction of occlusion, closure of the diastema, restoration and bleaching of the enamel. In the work of specialists only the latest achievements of science are used, based on modern developments of scientists.

It should be noted that any form of diastema can be corrected. Treatment of the defect begins after the diagnosis of pathology. Visual inspection allows to assume the type and degree of deviation, to get an idea of the required manipulations. After this, the patient is assigned a targeted radiography. With the help of this diagnostic method, the doctor can examine the location of the roots and identify the retinas.

Removing the jaws is another way to detect the diastema, determine its type and stage of development. This method of diagnosis also allows you to assess the position of teeth and bridles in the oral cavity, incline incisors. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects the most effective way to eliminate pathology: therapeutic, orthodontic, orthopedic or surgical. Each treatment option is described in more detail below.

Aesthetic Art Restoration

Diastema is a complex dental defect, which is easier to eliminate in adolescence. One of the most popular methods of correction is considered therapeutic. In a short time with his help, a smile can return a missing attraction. Restoration is performed only on the molars, and in its technology resembles a standard sealing.

At the initial stage, the doctor examines the oral cavity. In case of detection of carious teeth, their treatment is carried out. Then the dentist proceeds directly to the correction of the defect. He builds up tissue on the front incisors, forming between them an artificial septum. After the next layer the surface of the teeth is necessarily ground and dried under a special lamp. The procedure of restoration is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. With her help, you can remove the diastema in just one session.

Installation of veneers or crowns

Any center of aesthetic dentistry today offers correction of the interdental gap with the help of veneers or crowns. What is the difference between these systems?

Veneers are the finest plates made of ceramics. To mask the diastema, they are glued to a special glue on the front of the tooth. Before the installation, the surface of the incisors is thoroughly polished, fluorinated and processed with a gel. The color of materials is selected individually.

Ceramic plates have several advantages. They do not cause allergic reactions, are characterized by high strength, do not stain from food. Among the main disadvantages can be identified only relatively high cost. In addition, veneers are not placed on children's milk teeth.

If the financial issue is acute, and the removal of the diastema is simply necessary, you can resort to the help of crowns. This is an inexpensive option of masking the interdental scherbinka. The crown is made of cermets. Outwardly it resembles a cap. The crown covers the tooth completely from the outer and inner sides. Before its installation, the dentist carefully sharpens the incisors, so that the "cap" is snug against the bone tissue.

Use of bracket systems

Orthodontic treatment of teeth is another way to correct an anomaly, such as a diastema. Braces are recommended for children who have recently changed their milk cutters to permanent ones. The metal structure is attached to the outer and inner sides of the jaw. The duration of treatment can vary from 6 months to 2 years.

Adults get rid of shchebinka with the help of a bracket system is much more difficult. The jaw is already fully formed, so it's hard to correct. The duration of treatment can be up to 3 years. After removing the metal structure, there is a risk of backward divergence of the teeth.

Surgical intervention

A low-growing bridle is one of the common reasons why a diastema appears. Treatment in this case implies the conduct of an operation. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia using a laser. Recovery takes place very quickly, and additional manipulation is not required. The result of the intervention does not appear immediately, but over time the schepin disappears.

Preventive measures

Diastema is a rather unpleasant defect in the oral cavity, which can be prevented. To prevent the appearance of the interdental gap, you must regularly go to the dentist, get rid of addictions. This is especially true for young children, because at a young age it is much easier to correct such violations.

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