HealthDiseases and Conditions

Diarrhea on the head: the main types, symptoms and treatment

Cutaneous lichen ... Many are confused by even one name, not to mention the disease itself. First of all, these are characteristic changes in the skin, discomfort, sometimes itching, burning and, of course, stress! And if you get deprived on your head, everything becomes even more complicated. So, let's carefully study its symptoms, the causes of infection and ways of treatment.

There are three basic forms of lichen, which can affect the scalp.

1. Lishay flat red (Little-Lassuire syndrome) is a fairly rare inflammatory condition that leads to progressive hair loss. The patient develops characteristic smooth white spots without hair. In this area, there is no visible opening of the hair follicles. At the edges of the spot, reddening of the skin around each hair can be observed, which is easily pulled out. Over time, such areas merge, occupying an increasingly large area. This type of lichen affects usually young and adult women, men. It also develops on the mucous membranes and nails. The reasons for its occurrence are unknown. Symptoms are often absent, but there may be itching, pain, discomfort, burning. Flat red lichen - a disease slowly progressing, incurable. The goal of the treatment is to slow the progression of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. Hair loss will continue, albeit at a slower pace. For treatment, such drugs as Plakvenil, Prednisolone, Delagil (alternate every 2-4 months) are used. Cryotherapy, galvanization and electrophoresis are possible.

2. Ringworm on the head - a fungal infection that affects mainly preschool children (3-7 years), but can also occur in adults. Its manifestations may be itching, large hair loss, black dots (parts of broken hair on the scalp), yellow crusts (scab), or rough, thickened inflamed areas. Lymph nodes on the back of the neck can also be enlarged. Shingles on the head, the photo of which you see on the right, is contagious, so all members of the family should be tested. As therapy, "Griseofulvin" and "Terbinafine" medicines are used for 4-6 weeks.

3. Shingled asbestos-shaped lichen is another rare kind of fungus that causes itching of the scalp, as well as gluing the hair into bundles, and rarely - their falling out. This disease affects mainly children and adolescents, the cause of its occurrence is unknown. When treated with sulfurosalicylic ointment completely disappears.

In general, herpes on the head is a contagious disease transmitted from man and domestic animals. Spores of the fungus can also be found in the soil. Infection occurs through direct contact with an infected person (animal), passive transmission through contaminated objects (hairdressing tools, headgear, places in the cinema, combs, bedding and clothes) is also possible.

Therefore, to keep the scalp healthy, it is vital to keep it clean, to avoid contact with patients. Products with chemicals can dry and weaken it. It is recommended to use a natural shampoo that contains only organic and natural ingredients.

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