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Osot pink, or a field hogweed: description, photo, ways of fighting

One of the malicious weeds, hard to be eradicated, is sot pink. In the people he is still known as a thistle thorny, a field thong. This plant is found almost everywhere (in fields, near roads, in wastelands and in pasture areas), preferring fertile and nitrogen-enriched soils.

External Description

This perennial plant belongs to the family of astroids, it can reach a height of 120 cm. It is distinguished by a powerful root system consisting of the main stem root with numerous processes on it. The straight stalk is bare in the upper part, below there are branches covered with stiff leaves. They have an oblong shape, jagged edges and a bright green color. Lower cauline leaves, gradually tapering, form a winged petiole.

The flowering time is from June to October. Throughout the summer, the pink sosutum is covered with baskets of small ligulate flowers of pink or red-violet color. In the evening, as well as in cloudy weather, they are closed. In place of the flower, a fruit is subsequently formed, which is flattened from the sides and a curved seed. One plant can produce up to 6,500 shiny gray seeds. They have a furrowed surface and a falling crest, so they can easily be transported over long distances. Their germination can last for 20 years. Due to this excellent survival rate has a field buckthorn. Botanical description of it is in many respects similar to other varieties of osseous - garden, yellow. All of them are considered as malicious weeds, from which it is very difficult to get rid of.

Chemical composition

In the leaves of this plant are found vitamins, alkaloids. Although its chemical composition has been studied very little, it is known that it contains fatty oils, tannins, inulin, glycosides. This gives the pink sore pink anesthetic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Beneficial features

To prepare medicinal products use all parts of the plant. Preparations based on leaves and flowers of the sore improve hemopoiesis, activate mental and physical activity, strengthen immunity. With their help you can get rid of tonsillitis, various inflammatory processes, hemorrhoids and jaundice. Osot improves metabolism, reduces blood sugar, normalizes the menstrual cycle and restores the central nervous system. Means prepared from the roots of this plant, help with osteoarticular tuberculosis and fever. Prepare the grass during the flowering period, drying it in a dark ventilated room.

Where the sow grows

Osot pink (bodjak field) is found almost everywhere: in the garden, in the field, near roads, in the garden. This completely unpretentious plant is able to be populated on any soils, including dry and saline soils. But more prefer moistened black earth. Osot is common throughout the Eurasian continent: the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia and the Far East.

Living weed

All species of the sow-bird reproduce in a seed way, and vegetatively. These are the most difficult to eradicate weeds (photo and name can be found in this article). Numerous sow seeds have the ability to travel through the air for considerable distances. The root system penetrates so deeply into the soil that no drought is feared by the plant. In addition, the roots of the osseous have an amazing property - if they are damaged, they release many new shoots that rise in the form of shoots to the surface. Thus, digging a site does not remove this weed, but leads only to its greater distribution. The root of the sow is very fragile, so weeding only helps the weed to multiply.

How to fight?

There are several ways how to get rid of pink roses in the garden or on the cottage. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the specific case. The main thing is to act quickly. Once the spot is spotted pink, the control measures should be used immediately. When only the first shoots appeared, the root did not go deep into the ground and it can easily be pulled out of the earth. If the weed has already grown, the following methods are used:

  1. Use of herbicides. Chemicals are far from harmless option, and they should be applied carefully, except for getting on other plants. Spray only the ground portion of the weed and in accordance with the instruction to observe the specified dosages. The processed leaves quickly fade, and the herbicide penetrates the root system of the plant, destroying it. Today, various herbicides are available ("Lontrell-300", "Lornet", "Agron"), from which almost all weeds die (photo and name of the drugs should be familiar to each gardener).
  2. There is a more gentle remedy against sow - it's kerosene. They also spray the ground portion of the weed. At the same time, kerosene has the property of rapidly escaping, so other garden plants adjacent to the osseous do not suffer.
  3. Weeding. The method is quite laborious, since the procedure is carried out repeatedly from early spring and throughout the summer. Weeding, conducted every two weeks, allows us to completely deplete the weed. Osot remove along with the rhizome, then carefully weed, destroying all the remnants.
  4. Overwhelming. Produced on the same principle as weeding: the soil is dug in such a way that no ground remains in the ground.
  5. Cropping. When emergence occurs, with the formation of 1 to 4 leaves on the weed, the plant is removed by means of a flat cutter. Perform the procedure in such a way as not to damage the root system, otherwise it will lead to a rapid growth of new plants. If, nevertheless, a similar situation has arisen, young shoots are also pruned in the phase of the rosette. Gradually the rhizome will be depleted and will not be able to ensure the emergence of new plants.
  6. Mulching. This is one of the easiest ways to control weeds. Even if the sow is pink and pierces through the layer of mulch, it is torn off and placed in compost. It is important not to delay with the removal of weed to prevent its contamination.
  7. Use of plants-siderates. Lupine, nettle, pea, alfalfa, rye, etc., will do for this role. Having planted these plants closer to the fall and wait for them to germinate, the bed is covered with cardboard, leaving it in this form until spring. No weed in this greenhouse can not survive.

Application of sow

It is not always necessary to get rid of this plant. Due to its anesthetic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, it is prepared for preparation of infusions and broths that help with neuroses, headaches, improving metabolic processes, etc.

This plant is also used in cooking. From fresh young leaves prepare salads, and the dried greens are added to meat and fish dishes. In order to get rid of the bitterness characteristic of the sow, it is soaked in salted water for at least 30 minutes before consumption.

Osot - one of the best medonosov. Bees are very fond of this plant and can harvest up to 140 kg of honey from one hectare, overgrown with sowing field. It has a special aroma, has a beautiful light yellow, almost white color and is very pleasant to taste.

Due to the powerful rhizome penetrating deep into the earth, the sow is given such minerals that are absent in the upper layer. Using weed as a mulch, experienced gardeners enrich with it the soil on their site.


Apply sowing for treatment and in cooking should be cautious, since it has a number of contraindications (pregnancy, breast-feeding, individual intolerance, etc.). Before using it, you should always consult your doctor.

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