
Details about the dental gel 'Metrogil Denta'. Instructions for use

Most people believe that daily brushing of teeth permanently saves them from having to visit a dentist. In addition, now there are so many different toothpastes and other dental and oral care products that, if you believe advertising, and strengthen tooth enamel, and bleach, and prevent gum disease, and freshen breath, etc. Yes, all this is partly true, but still tooth powders and pastes are called, more likely, in order to more efficiently clean the teeth of the remnants of food and plaque, while strengthening enamel and other "special effects" are already additional properties of the remedy. In addition, brushing your teeth can not prevent the appearance, for example, of calculus or gum disease, when the wisdom tooth is cut. In addition, not all of nature has good and strong teeth. But it turns out that everyone goes to the dentist only when there really was a problem: the tooth was aching, the seal fell, etc.

Of course, you can put seals, remove stones and "reconstruct" teeth only by specialists, but you can reduce the risk of these or other dental diseases if you regularly take care of not only them, but also the gums. Otherwise periodontitis, gingivitis and notorious caries will be provided to you. But if it does happen, the dental gel "Metrogil Denta" can help you out. The instruction for its use says that it should be used for acute and chronic gingivitis, periodontitis, pulpitis, periodontitis (including those complicated by inflammation), alveolitis, periodontitis, cheilitis, aphthous stomatitis.

Treatment with this drug is not recommended for children under the age of six. If you have an individual intolerance of any component that is part of the drug Metrogil Denta, its use is also contraindicated. Very carefully this means should be taken by pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, and if you are going to use it during lactation, then it is better to temporarily stop breastfeeding. In any case, consult with your doctor. To side effects of the gel can include headache, some allergic reaction, accompanied by itching, skin rashes, urticaria, but in most cases this ointment is well tolerated.

On the rules for dosing the Metrogil Denta, the instruction tells the following: when gingivitis is applied twice a day to the gums and held for 30 minutes (you should refrain from drinking and eating at this time). To wash out gel it is not necessary. On average, the course of such therapy is from 7 to 10 days. At the periodontitis, in particular, after the dental deposits have been removed, the drug treats the periodontal pockets, and on the gum area, twice a day, the gel is applied. They also withstand 30 minutes, and the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days or more, depending on the severity of the disease. The same number of procedures and time for them is given for alveolitis and stomatitis.

But the instruction enclosed in the package of the drug "Metrogil Denta" does not mention that this gel can be used for inflammation and suppuration of the gum, when the wisdom tooth "breaks through". In some cases, these teeth grow quickly, imperceptibly and painlessly for a person, but there are often exceptions, up to the removal of the tooth surgically. Therefore, if pus has accumulated in the periodontal pocket , then to remove it, you do not need to run to the polyclinic and suffer pain from the injection and cleansing: just apply on this site application, i.e. Cotton swab with ointment, for 15-20 minutes, - the gel "pulls" pus. After 2-3 sessions, the gum will return to normal.

If, for some reason, this gel is not on sale, and you need to urgently anesthetize the tooth, ask for analogues of Metrogil Denta. They are most often identical in composition, but produced in other countries. Analogues include drugs "Dentagel", "Metrodent" and "MetroGeks." These drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. But, of course, the use of this or that ointment does not cancel the cleaning of teeth and visits to the dentist for prevention twice a year. Any drug should not be used thoughtlessly, it is better to know the opinion of a specialist about it. If you decide to use the "Metrogil Denta" gel, instructions for its use should be read before starting treatment.

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