
Designing and installation of boiler plants

Installation of boiler houses should be carried out according to norms and rules. Otherwise, there is no way to avoid problems. If the house is already built, and there is a need to attach a boiler room, it can be located in a separate room. In view of the fact that such an approach is capable of spoiling the architectural design of the main building, it is necessary to plan the availability of such premises before the beginning of the erection of the building.

If the boiler house can not be installed in the house, then there is another way out. As the most appropriate solution in this case is the boiler house, which is located in a separate building. The boiler can be located in a special room on the foundation and at some distance from the main building.


Installation of boiler houses must be carried out in accordance with the requirements and norms. Among them, one can single out the possibility of installing a boiler in the kitchen, while the permissible capacity of the thermal equipment should not exceed the figure of 60 kW. Boiler equipment can be located on any floor in a separate room. This may be a basement or basement, while it is necessary to observe the total capacity for heating and water supply systems within 150 kW. The equipment can be installed in a separate basement room, the ground floor or the basement, as well as in the room that is attached to the house, while the total capacity for the heating and water supply system should not exceed 350 kW.

When planning it is necessary to take into account that the height of the ceiling should not be less than 2.5 m. Design and installation of boiler houses assumes the provision of a room volume in the minimum limits equal to 15 m 3 , to this value it is necessary to add 0.2 m 3 per kW of equipment for Heating.

Installation in the kitchen

When planning it is necessary to take into account that the boiler, which is installed in the kitchen, can not function without ventilation. The room must have a window equipped with a window. In order to ensure the flow of oxygen, it is necessary to provide in the lower region of the door a grill or groove with a cross-section in the minimum limits equal to 0.025 m 2 .

The layout of the boiler house in the residential building

If the installation of the boiler is made in a residential house, then with a total capacity of equipment within 150 kW, it is necessary to follow certain rules. The room volume should be designed taking into account the convenience of servicing the units, however it can not be less than 15 m 3 . The room should be separated from adjacent rooms by walls with a fire resistance of 0.75 hours, whereas the flame propagation limit for the construction should be equivalent to zero.

It is also important to provide natural lighting, which should be calculated taking into account the glazing. Thus, 0,03 m 2 should fall on 1 m 3 of room volume, but if the room is small, this figure should not be less than 0.5 m 2 .

Ventilation and safety

Installation of boiler houses in a residential building assumes the presence of ventilation, it must be calculated by the volume of a three-time air exchange of the room within an hour. To give a ventilation hole a cross-section in the minimum limits equal to 150x200 mm is necessary. If there is none, then under the door you need to make a groove, the width of which should be equal to 2 cm or more.

When designing a room it is important to take into account that openings should be installed doors that open outward. In addition, the window must have a window, which is necessary for emergency ventilation. If the boiler house is stand alone, a sewage pipe must be brought to it, which is useful for removing emergency drains from the equipment. Also ensure that the condensate is drained from the chimney.

Planning of Explosive Boilers

If boiler heating is installed in gas rooms that are explosive, certain rules and requirements must be observed. They assume the need to carry the electrical equipment out of the room. For example, the luminaire should be placed in an explosion-proof hermetic vessel. Wiring must be hidden in metal pipes.

If the equipment operates on solid fuel that does not form dust, then the room is not considered explosive. Coal belongs to such fuel. But even in this case, the wiring should be hidden, as the most suitable option is the conclusion of it in metal pipes. As for lighting equipment, it is necessary to use screwed glass and steel mesh to protect against external damage.

Rules for installing a solid fuel boiler

If you decide to install boiler equipment on your own, then you need to know how to install a solid fuel boiler. Such equipment, operating on wood, is not considered explosive, and therefore the requirements for its installation are less. First of all, it is necessary to know that the installation of the boiler should be carried out in an easily accessible place, since periodically it is necessary to produce fuel. It is important to provide a distance to the walls, which should be 10 cm or more. Flammable surfaces of the room must necessarily be covered with a metal cloth, which has a thickness of 3 mm, while it is necessary to use a substrate of asbestos.

Installation of boiler equipment involves the protection of the floor with a metal sheet. It should be issued in front of the boiler at 60 cm. The surface of the floor in the room is preferable to make concrete, as an alternative solution it is possible to use non-combustible material that is laid on the base.

Be sure to make a special hole, which is useful for checking and cleaning the chimney. It should be placed 25 cm below the inlet. The chimney shaft must have the same cross-sectional area along the length. Do not make excessive number of knees and turns, the more of them, the worse.

Chimney and ventilation equipment

Installation of industrial boiler houses, as well as private ones, must be done, ensuring gas tightness of the internal chimney base. This is very important, and this work should be given special attention. To ensure this rule, the surface of the pipe should be covered with plaster. With a very small diameter, it is possible to install a pipe in the shaft, which is made on the basis of asbestos-cement, this will solve the problem quite effectively.

Even if the withdrawal of combustion products is organized correctly, the fuel deposit can be accompanied by the release of a certain amount of gases from the open furnace. These harmful substances can enter the room. But do not worry: if the room is sufficiently ventilated, the danger is minimized. If the influx of air is not organized, then the products of combustion will accumulate in the room, which will certainly cause a strong and dangerous poisoning. When installing gas boiler houses, it is necessary to install gas analyzers that will ensure the safety of your loved ones.

Features of installation of gas boilers

The most common are gas boilers. Such popularity is due to the ease of operation of such equipment, as well as the insignificant cost of this energy carrier. But it must be remembered that natural gas is explosive, and this forces the special services to impose strict requirements for the installation of equipment that operates on it. If private boilers are installed using a boiler that does not exceed 30 kW, then it is not necessary to equip a separate room. According to the rules, this unit can be installed in the kitchen. However, strict requirements are imposed on the premises in this case. Among them, one can single out the minimum area of the room, limited to 15 m 2 . If we talk about the ceilings, then their height should not be less than 2.2 meters.

The installation of boiler plants in this case must be accompanied by the provision of passageways between equipment, pieces of furniture, as well as walls, whose width should not be less than 0,7 m. It is necessary to make an air intake hole by placing it in the lower part of the door, and it can be moved to the wall Above the floor. To him a demand is expressed, expressed in ensuring a sufficient influx of air for combustion.

If the work involves the use of boilers hinged type, which are based on difficult or incombustible materials, they can be mounted on walls. But the floor equipment can not be installed on the floor, if it does not have a non-combustible substrate. On each side, such protection should protrude by 10 cm or more.


Installation of a boiler house in a private house can be made independently, but it is only necessary to follow all the rules and regulations that are regulated in the relevant documents and are controlled by special services.

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